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Blind sampling is a sampling scheme which works without any knowledge about the image except for the measurements it obtains. An adaptive blind sampling scheme makes use of that knowledge to wisely choose the next sample. In this work we... more
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      Image ProcessingSecond Order
We consider the task of sequential point sampling for three-dimensional structure reconstruction and focus on terrestrial topographic mapping using a laser range scanner. Both the sampling and the reconstruction rely on a stochastic model... more
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Blind sampling is a sampling scheme which uses no knowledge about the image except for the measurements it obtains. An adaptive blind sampling scheme makes use of that knowledge to wisely choose the next sample. In this work we consider... more
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Adaptive sampling schemes choose different sampling masks for different images. Blind adaptive sampling schemes use the measurements they obtain (without any additional or direct knowledge about the image) to wisely choose the next sample... more
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Among the many ways to model signals, a recent approach that draws considerable attention is sparse representation modeling. In this model, the signal is assumed to be generated as a random linear combination of a few atoms from a... more
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      Image ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingBayesian estimationSparse Signal Recovery
The scale of functional magnetic resonance image data is rapidly increasing as large multi-subject datasets are becoming widely available and high-resolution scanners are adopted. The inherent low-dimensionality of the information in this... more
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The sparse synthesis model for signals has become very popular in the last decade, leading to improved performance in many signal processing applications. This model assumes that a signal may be described as a linear combination of few... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringDigital Signal ProcessingBayesian estimationMap
In ultrasound, second harmonic imaging is usually preferred due to the higher clutter artifacts and speckle noise common in the fundamental frequency image. Typical approaches use either one or the other image, applying corresponding... more
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We consider the problem of estimating the inverse of a covariance matrix of a normal distribution, assuming that it is sparse. To this end, an $l_1$ regularized log-determinant optimization problem is solved. We present a multilevel... more
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The sparse inverse covariance estimation problem arises in many statistical applications in machine learning and signal processing. In this problem, the inverse of a covariance matrix of a multivariate normal distribution is estimated,... more
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Clutter is an artifact in cardiac ultrasound that obscures parts of the heart. A cluttered signal is seen as a superposition of tissue, clutter and noise components. In this work, we introduce two novel methods for reducing clutter by... more
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In ultrasound imaging, clutter artifacts degrade images and may cause inaccurate diagnosis. In this paper, we apply a method called Morphological Component Analysis (MCA) for sparse signal separation with the objective of reducing such... more
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    • Biomedical Imaging
The field of machine programming (MP), the automation of the development of software, is making notable research advances. This is, in part, due to the emergence of a wide range of novel techniques in machine learning. In this paper, we... more
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Recent work has shown that topological enhancements to recurrent neural networks (RNNs) can increase their expressiveness and representational capacity. Two popular enhancements are stacked RNNs, which increases the capacity for learning... more
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    • Computer Science
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The problem of automatic software generation is known as Machine Programming. In this work, we propose a framework based on genetic algorithms to solve this problem. Although genetic algorithms have been used successfully for many... more
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    • Computer Science
There is a growing interest in joint multi-subject fMRI analysis. The challenge of such analysis comes from inherent anatomical and functional variability across subjects. One approach to resolving this is a shared response factor model.... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceBiologyarXiv
Sequential information contains short- to long-range dependencies; however, learning long-timescale information has been a challenge for recurrent neural networks. Despite improvements in long short-term memory networks (LSTMs), the... more
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      Computer SciencearXiv
Natural language contains information at multiple timescales. To understand how the human brain represents this information, one approach is to build encoding models that predict fMRI responses to natural language using representations... more
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      Computer ScienceBiology