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All manipulations were carried out with the exclusion of oxygen and moisture using flamed Schlenk-type glassware and high vacuum (10-5 Torr) techniques. For storage of air-sensitive materials, a nitrogen-filled "Vacuum Atmospheres" or... more
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The synthesis of mixed (aryloxo)(imidazolin-2-iminato)titanium dichloride complexes is presented. Full characterization of the complexes, including solid-state X-ray diffraction analysis of four complexes, is reported. Their catalytic... more
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      BiochemistryBiophysicsChemistryInorganic Chemistry
It is shown that within any class of commuting one-body potentials a Hohenberg-Kohn type theorem is satisfied with respect to an appropriately defined density. The Hohenberg-Kohn theorem for local potentials follows as a special case.
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesBoolean Satisfiability
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original docum and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.
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      Applied MathematicsSymmetric groupMathematical and Computer ModellingNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
The superhamiltonian formalism is used to construct a totally symmetric superdensity for a system whose ground state corresponds to a multidimensional irreducible representation of the symmetry group of the Hamiltonian. A Hohenberg-Kohn... more
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Explicit expressions for the Temperley-Lieb-Martin algebras, i.e., the quotients of the Hecke algebra that admit only representations corresponding to Young diagrams with a given maximum number of columns (or rows), are obtained, making... more
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      Representation TheoryMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
The asymptotic form of bound-state wave functions is derived by analytic continuation of asymptotic scattering-state wave functions. The result is also rigorously derived by using an approach that is independent of scattering theory. One... more
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      BioinformaticsLife SciencesMultidisciplinaryBiomedical Research
The normal ordering formulae for powers of the boson number operatorn are extended to deformed bosons. It is found that for the "M-type" deformed bosons, which satisfy aa † − qa † a = 1, the extension involves a set of deformed Stirling... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesBoolean Satisfiability
X theory is presented for intranlolecular electronic encgy transfer in bichromophoric molecules. Expressions are given for the donor moiety fluorescence (phosphorescence) decay and for Its fluorescence (phosphorescence) quantum yield in... more
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      TechnologyPhysical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCESEnergy Transfer
An algorithm is formulated for the construction of many-particle permutational symmetry adapted functions in hyperspherical coordinates. A recursive procedure is proposed, introducing hyperspherical coefficients of fractional parentage... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesSymmetric groupWave Equation
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      TechnologyPhysical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
A novel recurrence relation for the Bell numbers was recently derived by Spivey, using a beautiful combinatorial argument. An algebraic derivation is proposed that allows straightforward q-deformation.
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    • Integer sequences
A conjecture concerning the construction of explicit expressions for the central characters of the symmetric group S, is presented. The expression for the central characters corresponding to a class with a given cycle structure (l)"(2)" .... more
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      Applied MathematicsSymmetric groupLinear EquationsDiscrete Applied Mathematics
The consecutive iillug oinl shells e~plunmg the pcnodlc rablc IS analyzed. based on aomlc spectra md chcm1c.d hcls.
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      TechnologyPhysical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
An algorithm for the construction of non-spurious harmonic oscillator wave functions with arbitrary permutational symmetry is formulated by adapting a procedure recently developed for building general single shell wave functions. The... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesQuantum Harmonic Oscillator
The Fermi and Coulomb holes of the 21S state of the helium isoelectronic sequence are investigated. Several interesting differences between the results obtained and those which might be expected on the basis of the corresponding 23S state... more
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A reformulation of the Hylleraas-Undheim-MacDonald variational procedure for excited states, involving the application of Lowdin's supersecular equation to a variational problem concerning the ground state of an appropriate... more
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      Quantum ChemistryElectronic StructureExcited statesTHEORETICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY
The use of Orbital Correspondence Analysis in Maximum Symmetry (OCAMS) for determining the allowed course of a reaction is described in terms of the familiar "A, S" notation. Several well known thermal and photochemical reactions are used... more
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The bound and resonance states for a family of piecewise linear potentials are obtained by the complex coordinate method. The complex spectra were found to be weakly affected by isochronous transformations of the potential, i.e.... more
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      TechnologyPhysical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES