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About The Author

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Alabama, United States
Educator and Lifelong Learner, Asst Principal at @cmslions, #NBCT, #EdD from @ucumberlands, @Google Educator Lvl 1 & 2, Google for Education Certified Trainer
Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts

Thursday, August 20, 2015

How to Edit a PowerPoint in Google Drive

Can a PowerPoint be edited on a Chromebook and opened on a desktop computer.  The answer is YES! 

1.  Download the PowerPoint needed.  

2.  Open, and log in with your Google account.

3.  Click the red box labeled NEW at the top left of the screen.


5.  Select CANCEL on the CHOOSE A THEME screen.

6.  Select FILE.  Then, choose IMPORT SLIDES.

7.  On the screen that pops up, select UPLOAD at the top.  Click the blue box labeled SELECT A FILE FROM YOUR COMPUTER.  

8.  Select the PowerPoint you downloaded.

9.  Once it finishes uploading, next to SELECT SLIDES on the top right, choose ALL and then IMPORT SLIDES.

10.  You can now click the slides on the left that you do not want and delete with the delete button on your computer.  It automatically saves your changes.  

11.  Where it says UNTITLED PRESENTATION at the top, click on it and rename it to the PowerPoint name.

12.  When you get ready to use the presentation, log back into on your desktop computer.  You will see the presentation in the list of files.  Click the PRESENT button at the top right to make it full screen.  


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Chatterpix: A Fun, Free App

I love cool apps.  This is one of my new favorites because it is so fun.  Even better, it is free.  Chatterpix allows you to give your pictures a voice.  Download Chatterpix from  Once finished, you can share your Chatterpix on Youtube, Facebook, via email, or to your photos to share in a text.  What do you think of Chatterpix?


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Technology Tools for Teachers: Thank You!

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my survey on your favorite technology tools to use as a teacher.  I was amazed at the number of responses and the variety of tools.  I did my best to include them all in my presentation. 

As a thank you to each of my blog followers, I am offering my handout, Technology Tools for Teachers, FREE on my Teachers Notebook shop.  Simply click {here} to download your copy.   Thank you again for helping me out with this presentation!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

ISTE 2013: A Thought-Provoking Conference

The annual ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) Conference was held in San Antonio, Texas.  This was my third ISTE conference.  Each year is more exciting than the one before.  It is an opportunity to learn new strategies and skills that will best help our students grow as members of a global society.  It is a chance to network with other educators across the country and world in order to flourish as quality teachers.  It is an occasion to highlight the great things happening within our classrooms and schools. 

ISTE13 gave many great memories.  I was given the opportunity to present a poster session with my friend, Farrah (Think*Share*Teach).  During this session, we talked with many teachers in casual conversations about the amazing things our students create.  We met many new friends and hopefully inspired each of those that attended.  

Each session I attended gave me new insights as an educator.  Whether the session specifically met my needs or not, I took the information and applied it to the type of teacher I want to be.  It is important to prepare the students in my school as 21st century learners.  However, that does not always mean that they are using some sort of technology tool.  As taken from Robin Hrivnatz, "Technology is part of the role but not the center of the role."  

While networking throughout the convention center, I met new friends.  Often, these were people I have followed and communicated through Facebook, Twitter, or this blog.  When you get to shake their hand, hug their neck, and thank them for the things you have learned from them, a definite bond is formed.  However, this aspect of ISTE causes a source of concern for me.  Often, those in attendance were simply networking.  They were not attending sessions to explore new teaching strategies.  They were not supporting those presenting in the sessions throughout the conference.  

My heart aches most for those in attendance that merely used this conference as a social outing.  Attendees were posting where they were "hanging out."  This often included late nights of drinking and partying.  Although I am not to judge, as educators, we are ranked to a higher standard.  Social media is a great tool to make connections, but we must remember that people do read and question the statuses that are posted.  The following words may be harsh, but it is a reminder that we should remember.

Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. 
James 3:1

I spent a majority of my time with the following three people.  These ladies are strong, influential women in education.  We enjoyed our evenings celebrating our Christian fellowship. Together, we would enjoy long dinners, belly laughs, and intriguing conversations.  We attended sessions together and shared our thoughts from the things we heard.  Our hope was that others saw that we could have a great time in a way that was pleasing to God, our families, our students, and ourselves.  

Thank you, ISTE13, for a thought-provoking conference!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Insert an Excel Spreadsheet Into Word

While completing a grad school project, I was having a major headache! I was trying to insert an Excel spreadsheet with a lot of data into a word document. Every way I tried (thanks to Google), it came out wrong.  The margins were way off the page.  The spreadsheet only showed the first few rows.  It would insert as a picture and be so small that it couldn't be read.   It came to the point that I thought it was impossible! But, VIOLA!

I want to share with you what I did.  Maybe, it will be of use to you.  

  1. Save your Excel spreadsheet as a PDF.  Go to FILE>SAVE AS>under SAVE AS TYPE change to PDF.  Be sure to specify the name and location where you want to save it.
  2. Open PDF TO WORD ONLINE CONVERTER.  (I am in no way being compensated for sharing this site.  I simply found it in my struggle, and it is free!)
  3. Select CHOOSE FILE.  Find where you saved your PDF, and click to open it.
  4. Click CONVERT.  That's it! You will have to wait a few minutes depending on the size of your file, but it will open the file into a new word document.  You margins are perfect.  All the information is there.
  5. You can keep it as its own document, or choose to copy and paste it into another document.  This is what I did.  To do this:
    1. Highlight all the text in your newly converted document.  Press CTRL-C on your keyboard at the same time.  You don't have to hold them down.
    2. Open the document you want to insert the table into, and press CTRL-V to paste it into this document.  
There you go! Simple and headache free!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Social Media Manners

Your mom always taught you to mind your manners.  Do you think about your manners when you are involved in social media?  As I was preparing a presentation on "Extending Your Reach Using Social Media," I was researching etiquette in using social media.  Through my web searches, I have derived a list of the top 10 rules of social media etiquette that I think are most important.  What would you add?

1)Acknowledge when someone follows, comments, or retweets. A thank you goes a long way!
2)Keep your posts positive. 
3)Be careful clicking on links.  If it looks suspicious, it probably is.
4)Don’t be afraid to interact with businesses. I have had some really great opportunities and received some really great products for free by simply responding to a Tweet or blog post.
5)Give credit where credit is due.  We all have great things to share.  Be sure you acknowledge the source.
6)Complete your profiles and add a picture.  We like knowing there is a real person on the other end.
7)Don't put anything on the Internet that you wouldn't want your boss to read.  They do check!
8)Spellcheck everything before you send.
9)Post regularly but not too often.  We want to read what you share, but if it becomes too frequent, we often skip over your posts.
10)Don't follow someone just for the sake of building your number of followers.  You will find yourself overwhelmed if you are trying to follow to many people.  Follow those who share what is important to you.

Bonus:  Learn to use hashtags.  Hashtags are keywords or phrases that users search to find topics of interest.  They always begin with #.  {Click here} for an extensive list of educational hashtags.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Rome Wasn't Built in a Day: Tips on Integrating Technology into Your Classroom

"Rome wasn't built in a day" and neither is your technology integrated classroom!

My classroom is a technology infused space for my 4th graders to grow and learn. Here are a few tips that will help you integrate technology into your classroom.

1)Embrace the technology movement. We live in a society that revolves around technology. This is obvious from the Christmas gifts bought and received this year. I purchased a Kindle, Wii, iPod, USB turntable, DVD player, etc. My students received iPads, Kindle Fires, Kindles, iPod Touches, and cell phones. (I know this from our interaction on Edmodo.) Since we are all surrounded with cool pieces of technology, embrace them and use them.

2)Start small. You have someone in your school who is a tech guru. Don't try to be that person overnight. Take small steps, and it will all fall into place. Begin by using a favorite website (i.e. VocabuarlySpellingCity) with your students during literacy centers. Browse Pete's PowerPoint Station for presentations that correlate with your lessons. Download interactive whiteboard lessons from Promethean Planet or Smart Exchange. Allow your students to create some sort of web based projects (i.e. ToonDoo, Voki, Glogster, etc.) over the course of several weeks. You will find ideas on my Livebinder, Integrating Technology into the Language Arts Classroom, that can be used in any curriculum area. 

3)Don't be afraid to ask. If you see a colleague doing something you would like to try in their classroom, ask questions. No one has ever refused to answer my questions. Email those people that are doing things you would like to try. Tweet your questions. 

4)Get involved in a PLN (Personal Learning Network). Create a Twitter account, and get involved in educational discussions. You will find more tools than you will ever use from teachers who have used them effectively in their classroom. Find those "Twitter Stars," follow them, and follow the ones they follow. My Twitter handle is @WhiteheadsClass. Create a Diigo account to bookmark your favorite sites. Join Edmodo. Not only is it great for classroom use, but it is a fantastic professional tool. You will network with teachers across the world where you can ask and answer questions, find new tools, and share ideas.

5)Use what you have. The biggest complaint that I hear about integrating technology into the classroom is that they don't have the tools or the time. Let me tell you, my classroom is severely lacking in tools, but I make do with what I have. I am lucky enough to have a Promethean ActivBoard mounted in my classroom, but other than that, I have 2 desktop computers-one is a 2005 model with 256 MB of RAM, and the other is a donated computer that is probably about that old (I'm not real sure about its specifics). I have a couple of Flip Cameras, a digital camera, a USB mic, and a webcam. That constitutes our tools. We don't have a scheduled time to go to the lab and work as a class. 10 minutes a week in the lab is max! But, we take advantage of every minute we have. Step foot into my classroom, and you will see students on the computers creating, researching, and learning. Every student in my classroom is given an opportunity to use the computers everyday. They may have to partner up, but they get their chance.  I scheduled 15 minute intervals during our literacy centers for the students to work of the students choose to work on their projects at home because they want to do it. (I don't require them to work at home because several of my students don't have Internet access at home.) Don't make excuses. Make a schedule

6)Share your students' creations. Everyone wants to be complimented on the hard work they do. Take time to email your students projects to their parents. Post them on your class website. Tweet them. Share them on Facebook

Thank you for taking time to read this post. I hope you have found something that has motivated your to integrate technology into your classroom. Please feel free to share your tips with my readers. We are all in this together!


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Creating a TripWow Photo Slideshow

My students recently read the story Grandfather's Journey.  As an extension to that activity, they created a TripAdvisor TripWow slideshow of a place they would like to visit.  In this activity, the students learn how to save a picture, upload it, and share a link.  Below, you will see one of my student's TripWows.

New York City Slideshow: Amber’s trip to New York City was created with TripAdvisor TripWow!

Take time to view other TripWows we created by {clicking here}.

I always post my assignments for my students on Edmodo. This way, the directions and links are always handy whether the students are at school or home.  Here is the assignment I posted for TripWow.

This is a 2 part assignment. Do not go on to the next part until you have finished the previous part.

Part 1: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? Research that location using Pics4Learning. Save 10-15 pictures of that place on your jump drive. To do that, right click on the picture, and select "Save picture as." Change the location bar to "Removable Disk," and click save.

Part 2: Create a TripWow of your location. Click the link "Make a Free Slideshow." Login using the email address [email protected]. The password is XXXXXX. On the right hand side, select "Create a New One." Select your background. Choose "My Computer." Select "Click to Upload." Change the "Look In" bar to "Removable Disk." Select the pictures you saved. Hold the control key down while you click on them to choose more than one picture. Enter the location of your pictures. Fill in the "Customize" section. Click "Done," then "Continue." Click "Skip" on Facebook, email, and blog. On "Share the Slideshow with Your Friends," click on "Copy Link." Paste that link as a reply here. To do that, right click, and select paste.
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I created a generic email address to be used by all of my students.  This way, I have control of their creations, and the projects are all located in one place when I get ready to download them to share on our class website.  Remember, it is very important to share your students' work.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Teaching...My Calling Is Named a Top Education Technology Site

What a thrill to open my email and read the following:

"I’m writing this to let you know about a list has published entitled Top 25 Education Technology Sites in 2012.

We poured through hundreds of worthy sites focused on education technology both in and out of the classroom, selecting our final 25 based on factors including readership, post quality, search ranking, and site age. I'm very pleased to let you know that your site has made the final list! You can view it here:

We consider the union of technology and learning essential to the future of education. Sites on this list offer everything from simple tech tips, to examples of how to utilize technology to help students learn in new and unique ways."

Top Education Technology Site 2012

I am truly honored! Although, my posts have been lacking due to graduate school, I promise that I am not going away.  I am making a vow to myself to post at least one technology related idea each week.  OK, I'll do my best!

Thank you to all my readers!


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Back to School Virtual Teaching Expo Question and Answer

Thank you so much for participating in the Back to School  Virtual Teaching Expo. I hope you learned as much as I did. I thank Teaching Blog AddictTeacher's Notebook, and Virtual Teaching Expo for the special opportunity to present to you.  If you didn't attend today, you can still purchase a ticket to attend at your own convenience. {Click here} for details.  Feel free to download the handout for the presentation {here}.

Since recording the presentation, a few changes have taken place.  I am now working again with VocabularySpellingCity in the area of social media promotions.  This is a fantastic website to aid in vocabulary and spelling instruction.  You can personalize word lists to play in a variety of fun online games.  Students can take their weekly spelling and vocabulary tests online.
Throughout my career, I have continually searched for the best technology tools that I could use.  I also use technology daily with my students.  We have such a valuable resource available at our finger tips!  This presentation only touched the surface!

  1. What technology tool can you not live without?
  2. How have you used technology to make your life as a teacher easier?
  3. Which webtool did you discover in the presentation that you can't wait to try?
Don't hesitate to ask me any questions about what you heard today or any other area of technology integration. I'll get back to them ASAP! I am currently enrolled in graduate school at the University of Alabama to obtain an MA in Educational Leadership.  Unfortunately, I have class today, so it may be a while until I can get back with you. Be assured that I will!  Thank you again for attending the Virtual Teaching Expo. It has been a blast!


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Back to School Virtual Teaching Expo


I have the honor of presenting for the Back to School Virtual Teaching Expo that launches on August 25, 2012.  I will be talking to you about free technology tools that a teacher can use to make his/her life easier.  Won't you join me?

By preordering you tickets, you will save $9.95.  You will participate in five presentations covering a variety of subjects like reading success, classroom decoration, classroom environment, and math journals for only $10.00! Find details of this great event {here}.

You also have the opportunity to help a teacher in need participate in the event as well.  By donating, you will receive a free ticket to the event.  Click {here} for more details. 


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Vote For Me!

accelerated degree
My blog has been nominated for the Most Fascinating Blog of 2012 in the category of Technology Teacher. I am truly honored! Would you take a moment to vote for my blog as the best? In order to vote, you will need to simply visit {here}. Find my link in the list under the Cast Your Vote for the Most Fascinating Technology Teacher Blog of 2012 post. You will need to click to view the comments. Click the G+1 button beside my blog name, and your vote has been cast. Thank you so much!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tech Tuesday-Fluxtime

One technology objective that seems to be harder for some students to master is those involving animation programs. Fluxtime is a simple website to introduce your students to creating animations. I have written a {previous post} about Fluxtime, but I wanted to share with you how I incorporated it into a lesson plan. For some example of created Fluxtimes, click {here}.

Adelina's Whales
Our story this week is about a small town in Mexico where the whales come to visit every year. We will also spend some time discussing other sea creatures. So, this week, you will think about creatures of the sea. 

1-Research a sea creature. It must be an animal or plant that lives in the ocean. Save at least 3 pictures of your sea creature to your jump drive. 

2-Write a blog post about the sea creature you have chosen. Embed your 3 pictures into your blog post. 

3-Create a Fluxtime animation of an underwater world. 
(a)Open up Fluxtime, and click on "Click here to create a free animation." **THIS PROGRAM WORKS BETTER IN INTERNET EXPLORER THAN GOOGLE CHROME** 
(b)Choose your background, and click OK. Make sure you are choosing a background from Underwater World. 
(c)Click the shapes icon at the top to insert clipart from Underwater World. Once you have inserted your clipart, you will then click record and move the clipart around on the screen. Click stop when you are through recording. Choose play to see what you just did. You can continue adding clipart and animations. 
(d)Once you are finished, select the little envelope at the bottom of the screen. The only way for Fluxtime to save without paying is to email it. Beside "send to," enter my email address XXXXXXXX. Beside "from," you may enter your email address (if you have one) or reenter mine. I will then post your Fluxtime onto our class website.

Enjoy animating!
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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Digital Learning Day Linky Party

Digital Learning Day is February 1, 2012! This is nationwide celebration that encourages student engagement and personalized education through the use of technology and digital media. It is a day to try something new and/or highlight successes. This linky party is to do just that! Share your favorite technology blog, blog post, or lesson plan. Let us know your Digital Learning Day plans. I'm looking forward to learning many new things!

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tech Tuesday-Prezi

This project features the webtool, Prezi. When I was first introduced to Prezi, it was described as "PowerPoint on steroids."  Prezi is a presentation tool that will allow you to add various multimedia (i.e. pictures, video, sound files). It will allow the creator to add zoom to the text and multimedia. It was easy enough for my 4th graders to create with out a lot of explanation! Click {here} to view some of their presentations.

The following is the assignment I posted for my students onto Edmodo. I love the fact that I can copy and paste straight from Edmodo! The links stay clickable, but I am able to edit the text. 

The Great Kapok Tree
Our story this week is about saving the rainforest. You will complete a 3 step project on a rainforest animal of your choice. 
1-Research a rainforest animal. Collect at least 5 facts, and save at least 5 pictures of your animal onto your jump drive. 

2-Create a Prezi of your rainforest animal. 
a. Log into Prezi. Your username is [email protected] and the password is XXXXX. 
b. Go to Learn, and view the 3 videos. 
c. Click on Your Prezis, and click on New Prezi. 
d. Be sure the title of your Prezi has your first name and your animal's name. Click New Prezi. 
e. Create your Prezi including your 5 facts and pictures. 
f. Once you finish or time runs out, click Exit. Your Prezi will be saved and allow you to edit it later. 

3-Write a blog about why you chose your animal. 

**Note: Those with iPads, there is a Prezi viewer app. It will not let you create your Prezi, but it will allow you to show it off!
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Happy creating!
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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Adding Favicons to Your Blog

First, what is a favicon? A favicon is the little picture that shows next to your website name in the address bar, favorites, and bookmarks. If you are like me, you may have multiple tabs open at one time. Favicons make it easier to distinguish tabs.

I am an avid Chrome user. So, you can feel my disappointment when my favicon for my blog did not show in Chrome. I used the Favicon gadget in Design mode of Blogger. My favicon showed in Internet Explorer but not Chrome. Thus, my Google search began. The search brought me to {this site}. I am not sure if these steps will work in other blog platforms, but it does work in Blogger. If you are a Wordpress, Tumblr, etc. user, please let me know if this works for you, too.

To create your favicon to show in all web browsers, follow the following steps:

1)Change the size of your blog button to 16X16 using paint. Save it as a different name, so you don't write over your original blog button. Paint>Open>Resize>OK>File>Save As

2)Upload your button into an image hosting website (i.e. Photobucket, Flickr, etc). I used Photobucket.

3)View your album. 

4)Hover over your album. Copy the code for the Direct Link.

5)You now need to link the icon to your blog.  

6)Go to Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML (do not expand widget template). Use CTRL+F to find this line of code using Fn+F: 

7)Insert the following code immediately before that line (You must keep the ' before and after the link): 

<link href='' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/x-icon'/>

My direct link looked like this: 

So, my code was
<link href='' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/x-icon'/>

Change the orange text to the Direct Link you copied from Photobucket.

8)Preview the template to make sure you have no problems with your code. If everything is OK, save your template.

9)You should now see your favicon in Chrome.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tech Tuesday-TripWow

I created the following technology project to correlate with Grandfather's Journey. The students used the free website TripAdvisor TripWow to create slideshows of a place they wanted to visit. Feel free to adapt it to your curriculum. I copied the following post straight from my Edmodo assignments. The links are active, too!

This is a 3 day assignment. Do not go on to the next day until you have finished the previous day.

Day 1: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? Research that location using Yahoo Kids (the link that begins "Kids Games"). Save 10-15 pictures of that place on your jump drive. To do that, right click on the picture, and select "Save picture as." Change the location bar to "Removable Disk," and click save.

Day 2: Write a blog posting using about your favorite place. Once you click on the link, select your name in the list, and enter your password (the usual one). Answer the question posted using complete sentences.

Day 3: Create a TripWow of your location. Click the link "Make a Free Slideshow." Login using the email address XXXXXXXX. The password is XXXXXX. On the right hand side, select "Create a New One." Select your background. Choose "My Computer." Select "Click to Upload." Change the "Look In" bar to "Removable Disk." Select the pictures you saved. Hold the control key down while you click on them to choose more than one picture. Enter the location of your pictures. Fill in the "Customize" section. Click "Done," then "Continue." Click "Skip" on Facebook, email, and blog. On "Share the Slideshow with Your Friends," click on "Copy Link." Paste that link as a reply here. To do that, right click, and select paste. 
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To view our completed TripWows, please click {here}.

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