Trinity College Dublin
Arts & Humanities
In the late nineteenth century Britain represented an anomaly amongst other European powers. By contrast to other European states, the United Kingdom exhibited no desire for the maintenance of a permanent secret service department. In... more
On 29 June 1915 Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa died in St Vincent's Hospital, Staten Island. His life was dedicated to the cause of Irish independence, a cause for which he had suffered imprisonment, exile and attempted assassination. For... more
This essay argues that the language of poverty should be understood on some occasions in Musar leMevin (4QInstruction) metaphorically in relation to angelic beings. Given how fragmentary the document is and how enigmatic its language,... more
4QInstruction preserves an interpretation of the fifth commandment, to honor one's father and mother, which has similarities with Philo's comments on it. Because Philo's treatment of the command plays a pivotal role in assigning... more
This study offers a critical examination of two passages from 4QInstruction (4Q417 1 i 13-18; 4Q423 1) and finds a new interpretation of the creation and division of humanity. in 4QInstruction all of humankind was created in the likeness... more
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This paper explores the possibility that John's Apocalypse is operating with a well-known idea that the present time is a period of exile and that a new exodus is anticipated. In addition to exploring this concept within the Apocalypse,... more
Zu den Traditionen, die den paulinischen Gebrauch von " Geist " und " Fleisch " beeinflusst und geformt haben könnten, gehört die palästinische Weis-heitsliteratur, vor allem 4QInstruction (4Q415–418; 4Q423; 1Q26). Dieser Aufsatz nimmt... more
Narratives about the Garden of Eden from Genesis 2‒3 were popular among both early Jewish and Christian interpreters. More than other compositions found at Qumran, 4QInstruction gives sustained attention to these chapters of Genesis when... more
How did the use of biblical traditions shape theology? Benjamin Wold focuses on allusions to traditions from Genesis in 4QInstruction (Musar leMevin) from the Dead Sea Scrolls and explores implications for the document's understanding of... more
The “firstborn son” in 4Q369 1 ii line 6 is interpreted by the vast majority of scholars as referring to a Davidic Messiah vis-à-vis an allusion to Psalm 89:27–28. The minority view is that “firstborn son” in 4Q369 refers to “Israel,”... more
A number of previously unknown sapiential composition discovered at Qumran were only published in critical editions for the first time in the late 1990s. Consequently, in the last two decades of research, paradigms within the study of... more