Chapters in Edited Volumes by Andrej Cvetić
Regionalna bezbednost: pristupi, elementi, dinamika, 2021
U ovom radu obrazložićemo stav da je teorija regionalnog bezbednosnog kompleksa (TRBK) (Buzan and... more U ovom radu obrazložićemo stav da je teorija regionalnog bezbednosnog kompleksa (TRBK) (Buzan and Waever 2003), najadekvatnije pozicionirana među različitim „regionalističkim“ pristupima u međunarodnim odnosima, bilo u pogledu izgradnje teorije bilo u empirijskim istraživanjima o regionalnoj bezbednosti. Ciljevi ovog rada su trostruki: a) da predstavi TRBK u savremenom proučavanju regionalne bezbednosti; b) da mapira studije regionalne bezbednosti i sagleda odnos TRBK sa drugim (srodnim/rivalskim) teorijama; c) da oceni karakter sagledanog odnosa TRBK i drugih teorija regionalne bezbednosti. Tako postavljenim ciljevima odgovaraju tri metodološka koraka. Prvo, pregledom literature želimo ukazati na teorijsku evoluciju i empirijsku primenu TRBK tokom prethodne dve decenije. Drugo, ponudićemo pregled i klasifikaciju relevantnih koncepata drugih „regionalističkih“ teorija za koje smatramo da „rezonuju“ sa okvirom TRBK. Treće, odgovorićemo na pitanje da li je i u kojoj meri je TRBK kompatibilna sa konceptima užih, rivalskih pristupa. Smatramo da TRBK može poslužiti kao svojevrstan „interfejs“ širih studija regionalne bezbednosti. Kako bismo ilustrovali predloženi postupak, u trećem odeljku rada se raspravlja o prednostima koje TRBK kao teorija srednjeg obima ima u odnosu na rivalske pristupe koji se usredsređuju na regionalne poretke (Katzenstein 2005; Frazier and Stewart-Ingersoll 2010), regionalne bezbednosne zajednice (Adler and Barnett 1998), ili regionalni „multipleks“ međunarodni poredak (Acharya 2014; Acharya 2018). Zaključak upućuje na mogućnosti hibridizacije TRBK i srodnih/rivalskih teorijskih pristupa, što otvara značajna pitanja za dalji razvoj istraživačkog programa studija regionalne bezbednosti u trećoj deceniji XXI veka.
"U mrežama drugosti" je briljantna, pravovremena i angažovana knjiga koja doprinosi rastućem broj... more "U mrežama drugosti" je briljantna, pravovremena i angažovana knjiga koja doprinosi rastućem broju LGBTQ studija. Sociološke analize retko pristupaju višestrukim, ukrštajućim diskriminacijama na tako eksplicitan način nudeći mnoštvo autorskih glasova i perspektiva. Ovaj zbornik će bez sumnje ostaviti trajan utisak na sve koji ga budu pročitali.
Paul Stubbs
Ekonomski institut, Zagreb
This volume combines empirically oriented and theoretically grounded reflections upon various for... more This volume combines empirically oriented and theoretically grounded reflections upon various forms of LGBT activist engagement to examine how the notion of intersectionality enters the political context of contemporary Serbia and Croatia. By uncovering experiences of multiple oppression and voicing fear and frustration that accompany exclusionary practices, the contributions to this book seek to reinvigorate the critical potential of intersectionality, in order to generate the basis for wider political alliances and solidarities in the post-Yugoslav space. The authors, both activists and academics, challenge the systematic absence of discussions of (post-)Yugoslav LGBT activist initiatives in recent social science scholarship, and show how emancipatory politics of resistance can reshape what is possible to imagine as identity and community in post-war and post-socialist societies.
This book will be of interest to scholars and students in the areas of history and politics of Yugoslavia and the post-Yugoslav states, as well as to those working in the fields of political sociology, European studies, social movements, gay and lesbian studies, gender studies, and queer theory and activism.
This is a brilliant, timely and engaged book, making an original contribution to the growing field of LGBTQ studies. It is extremely rare for a book to address intersecting oppressions so explicitly, focus so strongly on a particularly important geographical space or offer such a rich mix of standpoints, voices and writing styles. The explicit concern with combining academic, research and activist endeavours is carried off with aplomb. This volume is likely to leave a lasting impression on all who read it.
Paul Stubbs, Institute of Economics, Zagreb, Croatia
Feministički forum Filozofskog fakulteta: izabrani radovi iz studija roda, 2016
Edited by Nada Sekulić and Marija Radoman
ISBN 978-86-6427-046-5
Iako „sučeljavanje aktivizma i nauke nikad nije lako” (Stubbs, 2012, str. 12), cilj nam je da ovo... more Iako „sučeljavanje aktivizma i nauke nikad nije lako” (Stubbs, 2012, str. 12), cilj nam je da ovom knjigom uspostavimo komunikaciju između političkih i pojmovnih pitanja i aktivističke prakse kako bismo prevazišli elitističko „istraživanje aktivizma” i učvrstili svoju posvećenost refleksivnom aktivističkom istraživanju. Ta naučno-aktivistička simbioza ne samo što usidruje teoriju u življenu stvarnost, nego je i sastavni deo našeg uverenja da LGBT pokret kao nosilac progresivnih društvenih promena treba da bude „prvi među onima koji postavljaju teško pitanje o tome ko je i zašto isključen, kao i šta učiniti povodom toga” (Sears, navedeno u Sernatinger & Echeverria, 2013, na mreži).
Book Reviews by Andrej Cvetić
Journal of Regional Security, 2020
Despite being a contribution to critical Middle Eastern studies, this is not a book about the con... more Despite being a contribution to critical Middle Eastern studies, this is not a book about the construction of knowledge per se. One will not find a detailed textual or discourse analysis inside these pages. Instead, a reader will find a historical account about institutions and individuals that participated in the production of knowledge and informed American
affairs in the Middle East. This book is a published version of a Ph.D. dissertation in history, which directs its focus on significant people and specific events that shaped the production of knowledge. For that matter, this book studies the pathways through which institutions and discourses enabled the specific foreign and military policies of the US in the Middle East. Through every chapter, the book stipulates that discourses are used, as well as created and re-created through institutions, which in the end, inform and produce foreign and military policy.
Journal of Regional Security, 2019
The Rise of Organised Brutality is the latest book in a series of books and articles on the socio... more The Rise of Organised Brutality is the latest book in a series of books and articles on the sociological study of war and violence written by the University College Dublin professor, Siniša Malešević. The author uses historical sociological approach to address the question if (organised) violence is really in decline? The book hence is a part of a larger social and philosophical debate about the decline of violence in history. Malešević is firmly opposed to authors such as Steven Pinker or Azar Gat, claiming that violence in human history is not in decline, on the contrary, it increases. Historical sociological method in examining the long-lasting social structures is the cornerstone of understanding why violence increases, despite the long period of peace in the second half of the 20th century.
Journal of Regional Security, 2019
The Great Delusion is the latest book and a product of a decade-long research of the University o... more The Great Delusion is the latest book and a product of a decade-long research of the University of Chicago professor, John J. Mearsheimer. The book is firmly rooted in the realist tradition in International Relations, representing a continuum and further elaboration of Mearsheimer's existing viewpoints and conclusions about the nature of the international system. The key theoretical goal of this book is to investigate what happens when a world power tries to pursue liberal hegemony as a foreign policy. Mearsheimer's standpoint is that liberal foreign policies generate war because they reject power-balance principle, neglect the anarchical nature of the international system and do not understand nationalism. The author devises his argument in eight well-structured chapters. Questions of human nature, relations between liberalism, realism and nationalism and differences between various strains of liberalism are discussed in chapters 2-4. Questions of foreign policy are discussed through explanations of connections between liberalism and realism, thorough analysis of domestic and global consequences of liberal hegemony and firm critique of liberal theories of peace in chapters 5-7. The concluding chapter concerns the future of the US foreign policy.
Sociologija, 2018
Monografija Danila Vukovića predstavlja prvu celovitu sociološko-pravnu studiju o transformaciji ... more Monografija Danila Vukovića predstavlja prvu celovitu sociološko-pravnu studiju o transformaciji socijalne politike u Srbiji pod uticajem neoliberalizma. Studija se temelji na autorovoj doktorskoj disertaciji (“Društveni uslovi stvaranja i primene socijalnog prava u Srbiji”), odbranjenoj 2012. godine, i nizu samostalnih ili koautorskih istraživanja nastalih od 2011. do godine objavljivanja monografije. Prema rečima autora, primarni cilj studije je da opiše promene socijalnog zakonodavstva u sferama obrazovanja, socijalne zaštite i rada i njihove ishode od 2000. godine, dok je sekundarni cilj objašnjenje sukoba društvenih grupa koji stoje u pozadini transformacije socijalne politike. Iz sociološke perspektive sekundarni cilj je daleko značajniji, jer nam polje
socijalne politike prikazuje kao poprište borbe oko kontrole nad strateškim resursima koji definišu okvire reprodukcije klasa u Srbiji tokom deblokirane postsocijalističke transformacije. Prema tome, stanovište autora jeste da klase kao društvene grupe jesu subjekti kolektivnog delanja, a da se kolektivno delanje ostvaruje putem organizacija ili mreža koje povezuju pripadnike iste klase. U fokusu studije su strategije reprodukcije srednje klase i elite, jer su ove klase bile u mogućnosti da formiraju dovoljno moćne saveze koji su branili njihove udele u kontroli resursa.
Theses by Andrej Cvetić
Kako takmičarski authoritarian režimi rukovode sektorom bezbednosti? Takmičarski autoritarni reži... more Kako takmičarski authoritarian režimi rukovode sektorom bezbednosti? Takmičarski autoritarni režimi pružaju sistem podsticaja vlasti, opoziciji i građanima, koji se razlikuju od demokratskih. U ovom istraživanju ispitaću mehanizme i podsticaje koje takmičarski autoritarni režim stvara u upravljanju sektorom bezbednosti. Za tu svrhu sam kreirao verbalni, organizacioni model koji mapira 6 mehanizama upravljanja. Model sam proverio uz pomoć analize kongruentnosti na 3 slučaja takmičarskog autoritarnog upravljanja sektorom bezbednosti u Srbiji. Analiza slučajeva potvrđuje postojanje takmičarskih autoritarnih mehanizama u rukovođenju i izmenjenog sistema podsticaja čiji efekti su jačanje moći izvršne vlasti, nefunkcionalni mehanizmi kontrole i neodgovorno upravljanje krizama.
Predmet ovog rada je status političkog i emancipacije u literaturi o postsocijalističkim nostalgi... more Predmet ovog rada je status političkog i emancipacije u literaturi o postsocijalističkim nostalgijama 1 na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije. To znači da se bavim konstrukcijama i načinima kroz koje su fenomeni postsocijalističkih nostalgija u istraživačkim radovima shvaćeni kao politične, odnosne emancipatorne društvene pojave. Cilj analize je dvostruk. Prvi je mapiranje koncepata i pojava koje su shvaćene kao političke ili emancipatorne. Drugi cilj odnosi se na analizu političkog kroz sučeljavanje pojmova prisutnih u literaturi o post-socijalističkim nostalgijama sa onima koje nudi savremena sociološka i političko-filozofska literatura. Na ovaj način ispitala bi se održivost ideja o političkom koje su zastupljene u literaturi o postsocijalističkim nostalgijama. Ispunjenje oba cilja rada trebalo bi da ukaže na sam emancipatorski i politički potencijal postsocijalističkih nostalgija kao društvenih pojava. Od dostupnog istraživačkog materijala odabrao sam da analiziram naučnu literaturu iz dva razloga. Prvi razlog je taj što su se istraživači u njoj često eksplicitno opredeljivali da neke od fenomena postsocijalističkih nostalgija obeleže kao političke ili emancipacijske, što pruža obilje različitih koncepata i stanovišta. Drugi razlog je u tome što literatura popisuje širok varijetet različitih nostalgičnih pojava, čiji obuhvat ne bi bio moguć drugim izvorima.
Drafts by Andrej Cvetić
Since women participate in combat positions which were exclusively male domain until contemporary... more Since women participate in combat positions which were exclusively male domain until contemporary militaries, I intend research whether contemporary militaries ask for non-traditional gender gender configurations? The aim of this paper is to address the aforementioned question through the analysis of types of masculinity and femininity and their relationship with contemporary militaries' tasks. I use critical feminist discourse analysis to study this relationship on the example of Serbian Military. The paper concludes that the nature of post-modern military tasks facilitate the patriarchal gender configurations in contemporary militaries, despite the possibility of women to participate in combat positions.
Chapters in Edited Volumes by Andrej Cvetić
Paul Stubbs
Ekonomski institut, Zagreb
This book will be of interest to scholars and students in the areas of history and politics of Yugoslavia and the post-Yugoslav states, as well as to those working in the fields of political sociology, European studies, social movements, gay and lesbian studies, gender studies, and queer theory and activism.
This is a brilliant, timely and engaged book, making an original contribution to the growing field of LGBTQ studies. It is extremely rare for a book to address intersecting oppressions so explicitly, focus so strongly on a particularly important geographical space or offer such a rich mix of standpoints, voices and writing styles. The explicit concern with combining academic, research and activist endeavours is carried off with aplomb. This volume is likely to leave a lasting impression on all who read it.
Paul Stubbs, Institute of Economics, Zagreb, Croatia
Book Reviews by Andrej Cvetić
affairs in the Middle East. This book is a published version of a Ph.D. dissertation in history, which directs its focus on significant people and specific events that shaped the production of knowledge. For that matter, this book studies the pathways through which institutions and discourses enabled the specific foreign and military policies of the US in the Middle East. Through every chapter, the book stipulates that discourses are used, as well as created and re-created through institutions, which in the end, inform and produce foreign and military policy.
socijalne politike prikazuje kao poprište borbe oko kontrole nad strateškim resursima koji definišu okvire reprodukcije klasa u Srbiji tokom deblokirane postsocijalističke transformacije. Prema tome, stanovište autora jeste da klase kao društvene grupe jesu subjekti kolektivnog delanja, a da se kolektivno delanje ostvaruje putem organizacija ili mreža koje povezuju pripadnike iste klase. U fokusu studije su strategije reprodukcije srednje klase i elite, jer su ove klase bile u mogućnosti da formiraju dovoljno moćne saveze koji su branili njihove udele u kontroli resursa.
Theses by Andrej Cvetić
Drafts by Andrej Cvetić
Paul Stubbs
Ekonomski institut, Zagreb
This book will be of interest to scholars and students in the areas of history and politics of Yugoslavia and the post-Yugoslav states, as well as to those working in the fields of political sociology, European studies, social movements, gay and lesbian studies, gender studies, and queer theory and activism.
This is a brilliant, timely and engaged book, making an original contribution to the growing field of LGBTQ studies. It is extremely rare for a book to address intersecting oppressions so explicitly, focus so strongly on a particularly important geographical space or offer such a rich mix of standpoints, voices and writing styles. The explicit concern with combining academic, research and activist endeavours is carried off with aplomb. This volume is likely to leave a lasting impression on all who read it.
Paul Stubbs, Institute of Economics, Zagreb, Croatia
affairs in the Middle East. This book is a published version of a Ph.D. dissertation in history, which directs its focus on significant people and specific events that shaped the production of knowledge. For that matter, this book studies the pathways through which institutions and discourses enabled the specific foreign and military policies of the US in the Middle East. Through every chapter, the book stipulates that discourses are used, as well as created and re-created through institutions, which in the end, inform and produce foreign and military policy.
socijalne politike prikazuje kao poprište borbe oko kontrole nad strateškim resursima koji definišu okvire reprodukcije klasa u Srbiji tokom deblokirane postsocijalističke transformacije. Prema tome, stanovište autora jeste da klase kao društvene grupe jesu subjekti kolektivnog delanja, a da se kolektivno delanje ostvaruje putem organizacija ili mreža koje povezuju pripadnike iste klase. U fokusu studije su strategije reprodukcije srednje klase i elite, jer su ove klase bile u mogućnosti da formiraju dovoljno moćne saveze koji su branili njihove udele u kontroli resursa.