Friday, May 25, 2007

Post Office

The main Post Office building on North Street. Lots of hoohar (sp?) about the government planning to close another 2000 or so post offices as they are losing money on them hand over fist. No surprise when you can't do much else other than buy a stamp there. Things like buying a TV Licence you just can't do at the post office anymore, silly really.

Anyway, I am not sure when this was built but their is a really old doorway behind the castle that was apparently taken from the 'old' post office so I guess this is the new one. Judging by the architecture it has to be 1920 - 1939 or so to fit in with the Art Deco feel of the place. Might have a closer snoop around tomorrow.

Oh and do you see the pigeon? They get everywhere, not just on this blog!

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Feathered Rat

I had a friend in the army called Rat, his little brother was Mouse - this post isn't about either of them...

There has been some talk on the Taunton online forum organised by the local newspaper about the Pigeons that are such a nuisance in town. I saw this one perched on the wire near the canal - it seemed to be minding its own business pretty much.

I messed around with this shot in Photoshop, adding some noise and playing around with the levels until it looked similar to the photographs in my old natural history books I read when I was a kid, I must have learned about so much of the world in black and white!

It was hot today, very hot. I was teaching on a converted bus, with the sun glaring through the windows and the computers running it was very uncomfortable. I have made a concession for the police officers tomorrow - they don't need to wear uniform, I am such a considerate teacher! ;)

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Hammet Street Chimney Garden!

Another from Hammet Street, this time looking up to the top of these great houses.
I have already said how much I love chimneys, but taking your eye above the normal level is always interesting - especially when you think you know a place, it's surprising what you don't see unless you look!
In this case I wonder if the residents are aware just how much green space they have up there on their chimney stack? Plenty of anti-pigeon spikes but a goodly amount of green stuff too.

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