Conference Papers by Michela Bonato
The Twelfth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 12), 2022
Contemporary Chinese urbanization is certainly a controversial and largely studied phenomenon, at... more Contemporary Chinese urbanization is certainly a controversial and largely studied phenomenon, at least for what concerns the coastal areas. It is partly seen as a product of the semi-neoliberal politics introduced in the country, that have favoured the flow of economies and lifestyles modelled on capitalist patterns from the Global North. In the light of scholarships pointing out the relevance of local mechanisms of entrepreneurialism and new social manifestations for the promotion of capital production and circulation, this paper analyses the role of upscale real estate in terms of spatial-temporal fix within the analytical framework of China’s land beautification politics. In particular, it investigates the outcomes deriving from eco-capitalist logics in Chongqing area and their impact on the natural environment. By following political attitudes in Chongqing urban space that are imbued with the principle of integrated resource management, the aim is to unravel the problematics behind the implementation of such ideological constructs in the locale. The analysis of statistics, political statements, and controversial projects shows how the scopes and purposes of land use, construction, and administrative legitimacy are intertwined and channelled through the satisfaction of alleged consumerist needs. It argues that the projection and imaginary of green but artificial environments (“Beautiful China”) are planned to behave as a token, i.e. quasi-objects that enable the dismantling of the natural environment in the name of environmental protection and commodity-making practices.
Keywords: Beautiful China ; Chongqing ; Development and Urbanization ; East Asia ; Economy ; Green governance ; Landscape grabbing ; Real estate ; Token
F. Dini, F. Martellozzo, F. Randelli, P. Romei (a cura di), Oltre la globalizzazione – Feedback, Società di Studi Geografici. Memorie geografiche NS 19, 2021., 2021
Integrated urban-rural planning in Southwest China: Sustainable views and local marketing. This a... more Integrated urban-rural planning in Southwest China: Sustainable views and local marketing. This article focuses on the implementation of China central government “integrated urban-rural planning” through the new landscape scenarios becoming visible in Chongqing peri-urban area. Two case studies explore new forms of ecologic tourism and bio-agriculture regulated by a “top-down” approach in which local institutions and industrial stakeholders appear to play the biggest role. The discourse analysis conducted through a semiotic lens, is aimed at questioning the sustainable views carried out by politics at the local level. In doing so, the research points out how the city as entrepreneur makes use of place marketing to enhance the consumerist potential of natural resources, leaving behind a material ambiguity forged by alternative ideas of the rural.
In Trentin, Annalisa (2020, Ed.) CHANCES. Practices, Spaces and Buildings in Cities' Tranformation. Bologna, Italy: Dipartimento di Architettura, p. 439. (Proceedings), 2021
Located in the southwestern part of China, Chongqing Municipality represents a relatively new pol... more Located in the southwestern part of China, Chongqing Municipality represents a relatively new political and administrative entity since it was established only in 1997, with the purpose of revitalizing this economically depressed area and providing a direct link with the central government in view of the construction of the Three Gorges Dam. Despite of its short history as municipality, the city of Chongqing is actually a place rich of memories connected not only with the war of Resistance and the foundation of the People’s Republic of China, but also with a more remote past that goes back to the ancient Ba-Shu reign. Therefore, the urban territory is covered with more or less visible traces of architectonic facts that in a particular historical moment have added some significance to the man-environment relationship, re-shaping the understanding of the urban space in virtue of its transformation.
This paper presents some projects of urban parks designed in three different historical circumstances: The Republican period, the establishment of New China after 1949, and the contemporary urban planning envisioned with the purpose of enlarging the urban boundaries of a city in continuous growth. The discourses concerning these public spaces allow the unraveling of their political and cultural meaning in time, while their spatialization as territorial practice implies the performance of specific logics, strongly connected with the need to recursively construct a collective identity in relation to the local. The analysis aims to highlight the planning of these urban spaces as a structure of signification, legitimation, and performative activity in their specific contexts, also considering their contribution to the shaping of the image of the city.
PhD Thesis by Michela Bonato
The PhD project (defense 17.06.2020) was conducted in the field of human geography at Heidelberg ... more The PhD project (defense 17.06.2020) was conducted in the field of human geography at Heidelberg University, Institute of Geography. The thesis is titled “Spatialization of Happiness in Chongqing Watershed. A critical analysis of the mechanisms of urban space production in relation to the current local management of the waterscape”. It was supervised by Prof. Dr. Hans Gebhardt (Geography) and Prof. Dr. Barbara Mittler (Chinese Studies). The research project concerned the process of urban metamorphosis taking place in Southwest China, with particular attention to the spreading of gated communities in Chongqing City as a political strategy of “sustainable development” based on the principles of eco-capitalism. New urban planning agenda is designed to exploit the natural landscape, rewriting the significance of the watershed for the local community and the elite. The overarching argument is that thanks to a detailed knowledge of local geomorphological characteristics and cultural specificities, Chongqing government could turn the watershed into a fetishized representation of current technocratic ideology. The imaginary space reproduced by advertising and propaganda systems, favors the transition towards a new understating of the natural resources as pure economic assets, establishing also that zoning and gentrification are the right planning path to follow. This study introduces a focus on the relational structure of water and land management hitherto lacking in the area of Chinese Studies, as well as on the mass media influence in the process of creation of new urban spaces. It also informs our empirical understanding of Chinese state-building practice in the terms of recursive patterns seeking to prove historical continuity through a selective knowledge of tradition and culture, whose outcomes are institutionalized at the urban level to legitimize local politics and make sense of spatial changes. The research was supported by the China Scholarship Council with a one-year fellowship to spend at Chongqing Southwest University, Institute of Geography. Files concerning Chinese politics, local directives, newspapers, archive materials, and statistics were analyzed for a total of 1.33 gigabytes (mostly in Chinese language).
Book Chapters by Michela Bonato
Human Mobility, Migration and Tourism in the Anthropocene, 2023
This paper investigates Yangtze River cruise tourism within the Chongqing-Three Gorges section as... more This paper investigates Yangtze River cruise tourism within the Chongqing-Three Gorges section as an emerging niche category characterized by domestic tourism to the river’s growing visibility and opening up to more globalized forms of elite cruising over the past decade. Building on the assumption that the river cruise tourism sector, particularly in China’s peripheries, is an under-investigated field of research, this study questions the global elite cruise tour models versus local ones in pre-pandemic Chongqing by looking at the local development of the ecological zone. The analysis is based on statistics and discourse analysis of the place’s online promotion through the literally and metaphorically fluid space that characterizes the area. The integration of excerpts from a personal travel journal written during a cruise on a lower-middle-class service boat aims to dive deeper into the emotional atmosphere of the Yangtze River cruise in the historical conjuncture of institutional neoliberal transition. In doing so, the paper highlights the controversial socio-economic and ecological dynamics of interaction that emerge at the local level concerning tourism activities. It also reflects on how the concepts of sustainability and ecological civilization are politicized and flow into the local understanding of the place, facilitating the formation of new power networks and territorialization tactics.
Proceedings of the CHAIN Conference 2021: WellBeing and Cultural Heritage / BenEssere e Patrimonio Culturale (edited by G. Santaera, T. Messina, G. Sanfratello, S. Russo)Publisher: Duetredue Edizioni, 978-88-99573-25-6, 2022
According to UN projections, China current life expectancy in 2021 is 77.13 years, a 0.22% increa... more According to UN projections, China current life expectancy in 2021 is 77.13 years, a 0.22% increase from 2020. The improvement of living conditions is evaluated not only in material terms but also on a spiritual level of greater civilization and personal advancement. Thus, the elderly social group has become the object of political debates related to the ‘three cultivations’ central directives, and material practices for the care of the elderly are taking place through peculiar forms of governance rooted in the entrepreneurial spirit of local governments. This research looks at Chongqing urban processes of land renewal from the perspective of upscale housing market to point out the relational mechanism between land monetization and heritagization of local landscape. City branding and the neoliberal attitude to shape landscape differences and increase consumerism, arise in new narratives of urban beautification based on natural heritage and elitist responsibility towards the environment. The aim of this study is to highlight how landscape reification is intertwined with marketing strategies, ideological discourses on human well-being, and the reconstruction of local sense of place. In doing so, the paper raises issues of environmental justice in the urban as well as the ideological manipulation of the commons. Keywords: natural heritage, the elderly, upscale housing market, landscape, Chongqing, China
In Gebhardt, H. (Ed.), Urban Governance, Spatial Planning and Economic Development in the 21th Century China, 2018
Located in the southwestern part of China, Chongqing is a city with a very long and controversial... more Located in the southwestern part of China, Chongqing is a city with a very long and controversial history. Because of its geographical position it has been isolated and somehow independent from the central power during the centuries of the Chinese Empire, providing the place with its own peculiar image and identity.
This article focuses on contemporary Chongqing from two main perspectives, namely the local policies on urban planning and the administrative rearrangement after the upgrading of the city into a Municipality directly controlled by the Central Government, with the purpose to give a comprehensive overview of this city that in recent years has lived through a rapid and dramatic development. The analysis aims to critically discuss the effects of Chongqing urban renewal considering three variables, namely, gentrification and land use, actual living conditions vis-à-vis housing standards, and global urban planning theories and their impact on the territory.
Papers by Michela Bonato
Political Geography, 2024
This paper analyses the structural shift of land management and landscape symbolization in urban ... more This paper analyses the structural shift of land management and landscape symbolization in urban Chongqing within the political framework of Chinese ecological civilization. It follows the entanglements of Chongqing’s public service advertising (PSA) and upscale real estate commercial advertisement and their relationship with the local land renewal process in the 2010s. Based on multimodal discourse analysis, the semiotic deconstruction of visual-ideological allegories highlights institutional tactics aimed at modifying the sense of place perceived through the reconstruction of individual and social identities integrated into a highly politicized and commodified urban landscape. The paper reflects on the epistemological production of spatial knowledge through the instrumental use of representational resources and their historical-mythical code modalities. It also sheds light on how PSA and commercial advertisement may enforce familiar state-driven narratives in authoritarian regimes, questioning diachronic perceptions of nature and dwelling habits in a partially atomized postsocialist society. In so doing, the paper enriches the discussion on the urban ecology-selective (green) gentrification nexus, offering a contextualized perspective of ideological power on environmental protection conveyed through media content technology.
Revista Lüvo, 2024
Quando abbiamo letto la call, ci siamo riunite online, entusiaste perché nello spazio virtuale ch... more Quando abbiamo letto la call, ci siamo riunite online, entusiaste perché nello spazio virtuale che si era appena creato c’era posto per immaginare (e capire?) di cosa avessimo bisogno: uno spazio di senso collettivo, per pensare alla nostra condizione condivisa e per prendere fiato. Respirare un’aria diversa dalla competitività accademica e atomizzante, che ci affanna e appesantisce. Uno spazio in cui poter lavorare vivendo l’accademia come crediamo. La domanda: Come stiamo? La risposta: Ci sentiamo sole. Ma siamo sole? (Come) esprimiamo la nostra solitudine? Con questa coperta ci siamo scaldate, ci siamo rese ‘crossroads’, ci siamo prese cura l’una dell’altra, ci siamo date fiducia e sostenute, abbiamo rotto meccanismi di paranoia e competizione. La mattonella diventa un frammento di significato nel farsi collettivo della coperta che è anche rete e pavimento su cui possiamo camminare scalze. Un intreccio collettivo per riempire i nostri blank spaces, fatto di esperienze, sensazioni, lingue diverse, soggettività, posizionamenti accademici e politici. Diventa un esempio di co-scrittura e con-ricerca. Partendo dalla nostra rabbia, solitudine, stanchezza e consapevolezza, abbiamo creato una coperta colorata, sgangherata, arrogada. Ci siamo intrecciate in una rete solidale fatta di calore collettivo, legittimazione reciproca, cura, silenzio, rumore.
Blog scientifique de l'Institut Confucius de l'Université de Genève, 2024
Social media have been described as a space of possible democratization where the absence of vert... more Social media have been described as a space of possible democratization where the absence of vertical power distribution systems allows the sharing of information and knowledge (re)making (Bruns 2015). This perspective may appear rather utopian when contextualized in the digital ecology of Chinese social space, which is characterized by an intrusion of the party-state in terms of technology, legislation, and media production to achieve internet sovereignty on national branding as a geopolitical leverage (Budnitsky and Jia 2018). Therefore, any attempt at digital ethnography should consider that the Chinese digital setting is a space of compromise, resistance, censorship, and consequent self-censorship. Drawing from this premise, this case study investigates a teacher-student university chat in the WeChat domain, first classified as a learning space and gradually transformed into a normative space of control and distribution of best practices and rules during the pandemic wave that hit China in 2022. Read about the project "WeChat Ethnography: New Practices and Limits of an Emerging Research Method" at
Sinosfere, 2023
La megalopoli di Chongqing presenta l’area urbana più estesa all’interno della municipalità omoni... more La megalopoli di Chongqing presenta l’area urbana più estesa all’interno della municipalità omonima. L’ampliamento del tessuto urbano ha subìto una accelerazione dai primi anni Duemila grazie a un processo di crescita economica favorita da meccanismi di monetizzazione della terra e legittimata dalla politica nazionale “Open Up the West”, con cui Chongqing fu insignita del titolo di “porta e incubatore economico dell’Ovest (Cinese)”. Contestualizzata nell’area liminale tra urbano e rurale nel momento di espansione della città, questa ricerca indaga in modo relazionale la presenza pubblica dei poster di propaganda per la campagna politica “sogno cinese”, il loro contenuto e la loro distribuzione sul territorio durante la fase di risanamento di un quartiere periurbano della città, e le dinamiche createsi con altri elementi visuali presenti nello stesso spazio. L’analisi discorsiva dello storytelling intende rilevare i processi di co-costruzione emotivo-materiale dello spazio. Attraverso la realtà poco indagata del periurbano in una zona periferica della Cina, questa ricerca mira a mettere in risalto la relazione tra narrazioni dello spazio urbano e governabilità del territorio focalizzandosi sul tentativo di politicizzazione degli spazi pubblici di prossimità attraverso la diffusione di pratiche informali di apprendimento che raccontano storie di virtù propriamente cinese.
Lingue Culture Mediazioni - Languages Cultures Mediation (LCM Journal), 2022
Over the past decade, China’s centralized politics have explored new resources to tame the sustai... more Over the past decade, China’s centralized politics have explored new resources to tame the sustainability question and hinder the possibility for narratives of crisis to institutionalize foci of social and territorial malaise. The party-state rhetoric has focused its attention on inverse discourses of future environmental civilization whereas the current conjuncture shapes the local greenspace as a problem space. The analysis of environmental crisis discourses in Chongqing reveals the conundrum of redefining the commons in transitional times characterized by practices of redenomination of nature reserves and green objectifying high-end real estate advertisement. It points out how the crisis is turned into an opportunity for further uneven development through a process of emplacement on the basis of individualized forms of environmental protection. On the other hand, the digital makes space for alternative narratives of awareness which evoke a sense of social responsibility to understand the territorial changes and avoid a complete de-politicization of local communities on the governance of commons. The essay reveals how the state of tension within the eco-commodity production and circulation is linked to discourses of emotional proximity to the landscape.
Centro Studi sulla Cina Contemporanea, 2021
At the end of 2000s the circular economy programm was integrated in Chinese Law. This paper analy... more At the end of 2000s the circular economy programm was integrated in Chinese Law. This paper analyzes Chongqing media narratives related to the process of industrial reform, that are based on emotional aspects of living in rural areas and the contemporary practice of reconstruction of social imaginaries. This study is focused on the use of language and images in a local newspaper article, which are investigated to point out the shift from personal memory to comunicative memories widespread in the media environment. The purpose is to critically question the creation of new models of significance that relate on post-memory and landscape idealization for their legitimation.
Centro Studi sulla Cina Contemporanea, Sept 9, 2020
Questioning urban gardening and agricultural practices in Chongqing city proper
Centro Studi sulla Cina Contemporanea, Feb 26, 2020
Lo scambio delle emissioni tra propaganda, economia circolare e lotta all’inquinamento
European Journal of Geography, 2015
With the coming of the second industrial revolution in England, great changes took place also wit... more With the coming of the second industrial revolution in England, great changes took place also within the European society, in particular a new concept of urban planning, and an early form
of soil gentrification came to light. The middle class had finally won a place in politics, while academics invited the governments to review the entire landscape of human relationships through the eye of Modernism. Europe then engaged in a civilizing mission, transplanting factories and thoughts worldwide.
Considering the modernist movement from a transcultural perspective we thus aim to analyze the development and implementation of the theories into the practice, as to underline the differences and convergences among some places on a global level. We look in particular at Europe and China as a flourishing urban milieu, with the Chinese city of Chongqing as basis to study the turning points between ancient and modern society in China, and Paris in France as the place in which the ideas of urbanization, social regulation, and sanitation have come into being in their very first stage.
We focus our discourse on the divergence between cartography and reality, putting emphasis on the concept of visual utopia. Through the analysis of some Chongqing old maps it will be finally possible to appreciate the Chinese peculiar cartographic methods, and the subsequent assimilation of the European ‘scientific’ methods of cartographic survey in China.
Keywords: Modernism, cartography, transcultural approach, visual utopia, social regulation, urbanization, Europe, China
Journal of the International Relations and Affairs Group, Dec 2014
The change in Chinese CPC leadership in 2012 and the III Plenum in 2013 marked a shift away from ... more The change in Chinese CPC leadership in 2012 and the III Plenum in 2013 marked a shift away from the past idea of foreign policy that was somehow characterized by a sense of shyness, in order to take the path of the great power diplomacy with Chinese features. According to this point, China declares to be ready to act a role of supremacy in Asia from both an economic and a political point of view. Starting from this assumption we would like to launch a discussion concerning the real meaning of this change towards a Chinese Renaissance, that deeply refers to an idea of unity coming from an Asian common past marked by the domination of the Chinese Empire and a geographical division of space signed by a center and its periphery, the so-called tributary states. Through the analysis of visual media, i.e. maps and images, and focusing our attention to inland nationalism and economy as sources of legitimacy, we thus aim to depict an overview of the new Chinese foreign policy in South-East Asia, and the possible transformation of this area into a Greater China.
Scientific Annals of Alexandru Ioan Cuza, University of Iasi - Geography series, 2013
Those who arrive at Thekla can see little of the city, beyond the plank fences, the sackcloth scr... more Those who arrive at Thekla can see little of the city, beyond the plank fences, the sackcloth screens, the scaffolding, the metal armatures, the wooden catwalks hanging from ropes or supported by saw-horses, the ladders, the trestles. If you ask, 'Why is Thekla's construction taking such a long time?' the inhabitants continue hoisting sacks, lowering leaded strings, moving long brushes up and down, as they answer, 'So that its destruction cannot begin'."
Book Reviews by Michela Bonato
The use of the plural “borderlands” already in the book title unfolds the epistemological tension... more The use of the plural “borderlands” already in the book title unfolds the epistemological tension of considering cross-border areas as a homogeneous unit, inviting the reader to reflect on a multitude of spaces, people, economic flows, past histories, and future possibilities. While acknowledging the difficulty of weaving a constructive network of discourses among the many interactions, failures, and unresolved issues that characterise the Sino-North Korean border area (p. 17), the editors nonetheless show their ability to assemble eighteen essays that force the view on its socio-spatial complexity and challenge the traditional narrative of Chinese hegemony.
Other Publications by Michela Bonato, Jun 19, 2020
Objectives and purposes of Jingjinji reforms against environmental pollution in the context of th... more Objectives and purposes of Jingjinji reforms against environmental pollution in the context of the Chinese "protecting blue skies campaign" 2018-2021 (打赢蓝天保卫战三年行动计划) (in Italian).
Conference Papers by Michela Bonato
Keywords: Beautiful China ; Chongqing ; Development and Urbanization ; East Asia ; Economy ; Green governance ; Landscape grabbing ; Real estate ; Token
This paper presents some projects of urban parks designed in three different historical circumstances: The Republican period, the establishment of New China after 1949, and the contemporary urban planning envisioned with the purpose of enlarging the urban boundaries of a city in continuous growth. The discourses concerning these public spaces allow the unraveling of their political and cultural meaning in time, while their spatialization as territorial practice implies the performance of specific logics, strongly connected with the need to recursively construct a collective identity in relation to the local. The analysis aims to highlight the planning of these urban spaces as a structure of signification, legitimation, and performative activity in their specific contexts, also considering their contribution to the shaping of the image of the city.
PhD Thesis by Michela Bonato
Book Chapters by Michela Bonato
This article focuses on contemporary Chongqing from two main perspectives, namely the local policies on urban planning and the administrative rearrangement after the upgrading of the city into a Municipality directly controlled by the Central Government, with the purpose to give a comprehensive overview of this city that in recent years has lived through a rapid and dramatic development. The analysis aims to critically discuss the effects of Chongqing urban renewal considering three variables, namely, gentrification and land use, actual living conditions vis-à-vis housing standards, and global urban planning theories and their impact on the territory.
Papers by Michela Bonato
of soil gentrification came to light. The middle class had finally won a place in politics, while academics invited the governments to review the entire landscape of human relationships through the eye of Modernism. Europe then engaged in a civilizing mission, transplanting factories and thoughts worldwide.
Considering the modernist movement from a transcultural perspective we thus aim to analyze the development and implementation of the theories into the practice, as to underline the differences and convergences among some places on a global level. We look in particular at Europe and China as a flourishing urban milieu, with the Chinese city of Chongqing as basis to study the turning points between ancient and modern society in China, and Paris in France as the place in which the ideas of urbanization, social regulation, and sanitation have come into being in their very first stage.
We focus our discourse on the divergence between cartography and reality, putting emphasis on the concept of visual utopia. Through the analysis of some Chongqing old maps it will be finally possible to appreciate the Chinese peculiar cartographic methods, and the subsequent assimilation of the European ‘scientific’ methods of cartographic survey in China.
Keywords: Modernism, cartography, transcultural approach, visual utopia, social regulation, urbanization, Europe, China
Book Reviews by Michela Bonato
Other Publications by Michela Bonato
Keywords: Beautiful China ; Chongqing ; Development and Urbanization ; East Asia ; Economy ; Green governance ; Landscape grabbing ; Real estate ; Token
This paper presents some projects of urban parks designed in three different historical circumstances: The Republican period, the establishment of New China after 1949, and the contemporary urban planning envisioned with the purpose of enlarging the urban boundaries of a city in continuous growth. The discourses concerning these public spaces allow the unraveling of their political and cultural meaning in time, while their spatialization as territorial practice implies the performance of specific logics, strongly connected with the need to recursively construct a collective identity in relation to the local. The analysis aims to highlight the planning of these urban spaces as a structure of signification, legitimation, and performative activity in their specific contexts, also considering their contribution to the shaping of the image of the city.
This article focuses on contemporary Chongqing from two main perspectives, namely the local policies on urban planning and the administrative rearrangement after the upgrading of the city into a Municipality directly controlled by the Central Government, with the purpose to give a comprehensive overview of this city that in recent years has lived through a rapid and dramatic development. The analysis aims to critically discuss the effects of Chongqing urban renewal considering three variables, namely, gentrification and land use, actual living conditions vis-à-vis housing standards, and global urban planning theories and their impact on the territory.
of soil gentrification came to light. The middle class had finally won a place in politics, while academics invited the governments to review the entire landscape of human relationships through the eye of Modernism. Europe then engaged in a civilizing mission, transplanting factories and thoughts worldwide.
Considering the modernist movement from a transcultural perspective we thus aim to analyze the development and implementation of the theories into the practice, as to underline the differences and convergences among some places on a global level. We look in particular at Europe and China as a flourishing urban milieu, with the Chinese city of Chongqing as basis to study the turning points between ancient and modern society in China, and Paris in France as the place in which the ideas of urbanization, social regulation, and sanitation have come into being in their very first stage.
We focus our discourse on the divergence between cartography and reality, putting emphasis on the concept of visual utopia. Through the analysis of some Chongqing old maps it will be finally possible to appreciate the Chinese peculiar cartographic methods, and the subsequent assimilation of the European ‘scientific’ methods of cartographic survey in China.
Keywords: Modernism, cartography, transcultural approach, visual utopia, social regulation, urbanization, Europe, China
What happened after the curtain lowered to the stage of this battlefield?
The research project concerned the process of urban metamorphosis taking place in Southwest China, with particular attention to the spreading of gated communities in Chongqing City as a political strategy of “sustainable development” based on the principles of eco-capitalism. New urban planning agenda is designed to exploit the natural landscape, rewriting the significance of the watershed for the local community and the elite. The overarching argument is that thanks to a detailed knowledge of local geomorphological characteristics and cultural specificities, Chongqing government could turn the watershed into a fetishized representation of current technocratic ideology. The imaginary space reproduced by advertising and propaganda systems, favors the transition towards a new understating of the natural resources as pure economic assets, establishing also that zoning and gentrification are the right planning path to follow. This study introduces a focus on the relational structure of water and land management hitherto lacking in the area of Chinese Studies, as well as on the mass media influence in the process of creation of new urban spaces. It also informs our empirical understanding of Chinese state-building practice in the terms of recursive patterns seeking to prove historical continuity through a selective knowledge of tradition and culture, whose outcomes are institutionalized at the urban level to legitimize local politics and make sense of spatial changes.
The research was supported by the China Scholarship Council with a one-year fellowship to spend at Chongqing Southwest University, Institute of Geography.
Files concerning Chinese politics, local directives, newspapers, archive materials, and statistics were analyzed for a total of 1.33 gigabytes (mostly in Chinese language).
nell'ambito del V Concorso di Traduzione indetto dalla Rivista di Letteratura Cinese Contemporanea CARATTERI
Keywords: New Urbanism, smart growth, transit space, Chongqing, Beibei District, Jinyun Avenue (First Section)
Interview to Liu Miao, blog founder, by Tania di Muzio (July 2011)
This paper presents some urban projects planned for the city of Chongqing during the Republican period to give evidence of the historical background of the city and the importance of modernism for the realization of the ongoing urban metamorphosis. The modernist theories on urban planning and how to envision the urbanity are also fundamental to understand the political approach on land use and local memories nowadays. The analysis aims to restore some pieces of a broken bridge between the past and the contemporary history of Chongqing to give a broader vision of the entanglements which have contributed to shaping the urban space of this city.
Chongqing urban projects: power narratives between heritage and memory