
Leon the Bear / Miś Leon

Zawsze byłam przekonana, że Leon to imię dla lwa, ale kiedy ten miś stanął na mojej półce, od razu wiedziałam, że jest Leonem :) I always thought that Leon is a name for a lion. But when I saw this little bear, I knew that his name is Leon :) What do you need? - four colours of yarn: beige, orange, light yellow and dark yellow (in my work it’s Alize Bella) - crochet 3 mm - a bit of black yarn to decorate the muzzle - brown safety eyes 8 mm - polyester fiberfill Amigurumi size: about 15 cm sc – single crochet inc – increase (two sc in one stitch) dec – decrease (one sc in two stitches) HEAD  (beige yarn) 1: 6 sc in magic ring (6) 2: (inc) repeat 6 times (12) 3: (1 sc, inc) repeat 6 times (18) 4: (2 sc,  inc) repeat 6 times (24) 5: (3 sc, inc) repeat 6 times (30) 6: (4 sc, inc) repeat 6 times (36) 7: (5 sc, inc) repeat 6 times (42) 8-14: 42 sc – 7 rounds 15: (5 sc, dec) repeat 6 times (36), install safety eyes between 10 and 11 round 16: (4 sc, dec) repeat...

Happy frogger / Wesoły żabol

Radość w czystej postaci – soczyście zielony żabol z długimi, giętkimi nogami i szerokim uśmiechem. Pure joy – juicy-green frogger with long, flexible legs and great smile. What do you need? - juicy-green yarn (I used Alize Bella no. 492) - crochet 3 mm - black safety eyes 10 mm - a bit of black yarn to embroider the smile - polyester fiberfill Amigurumi size: 18 cm with legs sc – single crochet inc – increase (two sc in one stitch) dec – decrease (one sc in two stitches) HEAD and BODY (start from the top of the head):  1: 6 sc in magic ring (6) 2: (inc) repeat 6 times (12) 3: (1 sc, inc) repeat 6 times (18) 4: (2 sc,  inc) repeat 6 times (24) 5: (3 sc, inc) repeat 6 times (30) 6: (4 sc, inc) repeat 6 times (36) 7: (5 sc, inc) repeat 6 times (42) 8-11: 42 sc in all stitches – 4 rounds   12: (5 sc, dec) repeat 6 times (36) 13: (4 sc, dec) repeat 6 times (30) 14: (3 sc, dec) repeat 6 times (24) 15: (2 sc, dec) repeat 6 times (18) 16: 18 sc in ...

Tiny pig / Mikroświnka

Małe jest piękne! I chociaż świnie nie kojarzą się z pięknem, to zapewniam Was, że ta jest wyjątkowa. Można ją podarować komuś, kto uwielbia wieprzowinę lub po prostu... komuś podłożyć! Did you hear that small things are also beautiful? Well, we hardly ever connect pigs with beauty, but believe me, this is an exception. And it's also perfect gift for people who love pork... What do you need? - some pink yarn and some dark pink (it's Alize Bella here) - crochet hook (I use 3 mm) - black safety eyes 6 mm or even smaller - polyester fiberfill Amigurumi size: about 4 cm (sic!), you can try to make it even smaller if you use thiner yarn and smaller hook sc – single crochet inc – increase (two sc in one stitch) dec – decrease (one sc in two stitches) BODY:   1: 8 sc in magic ring (8) 2-3: 8 sc - 2 rounds 4: 3 sc, inc, inc, 3 sc (10) 5: (1 sc, inc) repeat 5 times (15) 6: (2 sc, inc) repeat 5 times (20) 7: (3 sc, inc) repeat 5 times (25) 8-11: 25 sc - 4 rounds ...

Cuddly rocket / Rakietowa przytulanka

Kiedy pytacie mnie, jaką przytulankę podarować małemu chłopcu, zwykle mam problem. Mimo wszystko szydełkowe króliczki i misiaczki kojarzą się raczej z dziewczynkami. Tak więc robiłam już dinozaury, wydziergałam nawet Batmana i Spidermana, ale ta rakieta jest pierwszym wymyślonym przeze mnie "chłopięcym" projektem. When you ask me about a present for a little boy, I usually have a problem. Cuddly crochet bears and rabbits are made rather for girls. So I've made some dinosaurs, I've crocheted even Batman and Spiderman. But this cuddly rocket is my first own "boy" pattern. What do you need? - yarn in five colours: red, grey, white, blue and black (of course, I used Alize Bella) - crochet hook 3 mm - polyester fiberfill Amigurumi size: about 16 cm sc – single crochet inc – increase (two sc in one stitch) dec – decrease (one sc in two stitches) ROCKET BODY (start with red yarn):  1: 4 sc in magic ring (4) 2: inc, 1 sc, inc, 1 sc (6) 3: (1 sc, inc) repea...

Margaret's sunhat / Kapelusik Małgosi

Wreszcie przyszły słoneczne dni! Razem z nimi zaczęłam szukać sposobu, jak ochronić główkę i oczy mojej małej dziewczynki. Tak powstał pomysł na przeciwsłoneczny kapelusik. Sunny days are here! I needed something to protect my little girl’s head and eyes. This is my  idea for a sunhat. What do you need? - some yarn, not too thick, cotton or bamboo (or mix of these two) would be the best - crochet hook that fits to yarn (my hat is made with Alize Bella and 3 mm crochet hook) My project fits on a head of 8-months-old girl (about 42 cm around). You can modify the pattern if you need bigger or smaller hat. This is my first “drawn” pattern, so let me make some introduction. The hat is made only with double crochets. You should start with 10 dc in magic ring. Close every round before starting next. Rounds 9-19 are all the same. When you finish crocheting, you can decorate your hat with one round of single crochets in different colour (just as I did). If you thi...