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      International RelationsMulticulturalismAustralian StudiesInternational Law
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      SociologyPoliticsCivil RightsPolice
Previous studies of ‘New Age’ travellers have paid no attention to generational differences within the travellers’ scene. This paper looks at these differences to reflect upon the new social movement (NSM) literature. It is argued that... more
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This article offers a preliminary comparative account and evaluation of approaches to antisocial behaviour in New South Wales (NSW) in light of experiences under the more established British system. Specifically, it compares the British... more
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Martin Luther King Jr understood the link between individual violence at home and state violence abroad. In part of his message that is often downplayed, he told an audience at Riverside Church, New York in 1967 that the promotion of... more
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    • Sociology
Vuosi 1900 oli tuskin ehtinyt käynnistyä, kun perjantaina 4. tammikuuta Keisarillisen Aleksanterin yliopiston konsistorin huoneeseen kokoontui innostunut ryhmä akateemista väkeä. Yliopiston rehtorin, professori Edvard Hjeltin johdolla... more
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      PublishingAcademic researchCommissioning
This Special Issue, Frontiers in Coronial Justice, reflects on the future of death investigation studies in the coronial context. Where the uptake of the death studies movement in the social sciences more broadly has expanded the... more
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      SociologyLaw and Legal Studieslaw contextMedical and Health Sciences
Sometimes secrecy in law is required to protect vulnerable witnesses or suppress sensitive evidence. However, particularly since the terror attacks of 11 September 2001, governments in liberal democratic societies have increased secrecy... more
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    • Political Science
Australia's refugee policy can be characterized as crimmigration since it constructs asylum seekers as illegal and subjects them to indefinite detention in offshore processing centres where human rights abuses occur. In addition,... more
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A central argument of this article is that the exercise of police power in respect of protests is relatively autonomous of judicial pronouncements affirming or upholding rights of free speech and peaceful public assembly. Using mostly... more
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Since the 1980s, changes in government policy, including legislation to enable third party insurance contracting, increased levels of state support for private health insurance, and public-private partnerships, have encouraged corporate... more
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      SociologySociology of HealthPublic HealthHealth Services Research
In a context of marketisation and the growth of academic capitalism, universities are theorised to have become sites of contestation where the de-professionalisation of the academic profession has been envisaged as a possible outcome.... more
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      Social TheorySociology of EducationHigher EducationSocial Capital
This paper reports on a citation-context analysis of journal articles from Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Examining publications from the sociology of health and medicine, the study draws a number of... more
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      Higher EducationSociology of KnowledgeCitation context analysisSociology of Health and Illness
Since the 1980s, universities in all countries have become subject to the increasing pressures of globalisation and marketisation. Despite rising concern amongst academic workers about these new conditions, their impact on the production... more
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      Higher EducationSociology of KnowledgeSociological TheoryMarketisation of education
The production of sociological knowledge in Australian universities is explored through an empirical study of research papers published in a selection of academic outlets between 1960 and 2011. Drawing on theories concerning scholarly... more
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      Sociology of EducationHigher EducationSociology of KnowledgeCitation context analysis
The relationships between disciplines and the institutions within which they are situated is a fertile area for researching the shaping of sociological knowledge. Applying theoretical insights from the sociology of knowledge, this paper... more
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      Higher EducationSociology of KnowledgeSociological TheorySociology of Health and Illness
This paper offers a study of the specialist field of the sociology of health and medicine, and examines its institutional development in Australia. A thesis is developed about the relationship between the field and the parent discipline... more
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      Historical SociologySociology of KnowledgeHistory of SociologySociology of Health
Significant transformations of the health care services sector over the past three decades have seen an increasing reliance on the private provision of health care services mediated through private health insurance. In countries such as... more
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      ConsumerismRational ChoiceSocial Choice TheorySociology of Health