Showing posts with label Artfire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Artfire. Show all posts

Friday, 24 December 2010

My Artfire shop is no more

I decided to shut my Artfire shop as I wasn't getting anything out of it really. I hadn't had any sales and the views were fairly low too. The main thing that made me decide to shut the shop though was that you have to check in every day as a big notice is shown on the front page of your shop as to when you last checked in. So if you checked in last week then it shows it on your front page. Also if you fail to check in every day your items aren't show as much as those people who do check in everyday. Oh well - I will now save myself $5 a month in fees :)

I still have a few one off items for sale over there but they will be moving over to my Etsy and Folksy shops hopefully by the end of next week :)

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Busy busy

I've been busy today making lots of little changes to my two online shops*.

Collections stickers
I have changed the currency in my Etsy shop to GB pounds. This makes it much easier for me to list things (no more chasing around on to check the exchange rate!) and it has the double benefit that prices on there have now come down in price slightly - yeah!

Sammy Shunter envelopes
I have also changed the shipping prices in my shops too. On Folksy all items had the same shipping cost regardless of what it cost me to send. In the case of my chicken pincushions they were costing me nearly double the amount I was charging to post! I've changed that now :) I also changed the shipping amounts in my Etsy shop too so they are consistent across the board - much easier now that my Etsy shop is in pounds rather than dollars!

*I do have a third online shop over at Artfire but it has done nothing so I will be closing that one soon and listing the things from it into my other shops. I think I'm going to stick to 2 shops from now on!

Monday, 4 October 2010

Meet Fred, Ginger and Mr Leaves and Berries

Wow - I must be on a roll as 3 chickens have been listed today :) One in each of my shops.

Meet Fred and Ginger - two buttontastic chickens who really like dancing :) They are in my Folksy and Artfire shops.

Can you guess what Mr Leaves and Berries favourite season is? Yep - Autumn! He is currently hanging out in my Etsy shop and he has just come to realise that Americans say Fall instead of Autumn. He has much to learn!

More buttontastic chickens will be coming soon hopefully!

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

As if I'm not busy enough already.....

.....I have another online shop! This one is over at Artfire and I have been hearing very good things about them so thought I would join. I'm only on the basic level at the minute meaning I don't have to pay anything but it's good as an extra shop for the moment.

I'm slowly moving all my things over from my Misi shop as although I get lots of views over there, it very rarely transfers into a sale (and I really don't like the new system of listing over there now - you can't list an item unless you have two categories but unless there are two categories that fit what you have made then you can't list - argghh!) I will keep both shops running in tandem for the moment until I am ready to shut my Misi shop. Feel free to go and browse and let me know if you have an Artfire shop so I can come and be nosey at your things too :)