Pra variar, passei algumas semanas sem postar aqui... então resolvi fazer um post para mostrar as últimas coisinhas que andei fazendo:
Well, I spent a few weeks without posting here ... so I decided to make a post to show the latest stuff I've been doing:
Para Latidoll Yellow / For Latidoll Yellow:
Well, I spent a few weeks without posting here ... so I decided to make a post to show the latest stuff I've been doing:
Para Latidoll Yellow / For Latidoll Yellow:

Blusões tricotados com Noro e bordados com sequins e miçangas.
Bonés em crochet feitos com fio bella (100% algodão)
Noro Sweaters, with sequins and beads.
Crochet Bonnets, made with 100% cotton yarn.
Bonés em crochet feitos com fio bella (100% algodão)
Noro Sweaters, with sequins and beads.
Crochet Bonnets, made with 100% cotton yarn.

Já aproveito para apresentar a vocês a mais nova integrante da família: Lótus.
And this is an opportunity to introduce to you the newest member of the family: Lotus.
And this is an opportunity to introduce to you the newest member of the family: Lotus.

Gorros gnomo, tricotados com fio 100% lã e feltrados, bordados com sequins e miçangas.
Gnome Felted Hats, with sequins and beads.
Gnome Felted Hats, with sequins and beads.


Blusões manga longuíssima, tricotados com Noro e bordados com sequins e miçangas.
Noro Long Sleeved Sweaters, with sequins and beads.
Noro Long Sleeved Sweaters, with sequins and beads.


Boinas em Crochet, feitas com Noro e bordadas com sequins e miçangas.
Noro Crochet Berets, with sequins and beads.
Noro Crochet Berets, with sequins and beads.

Boinas em Crochet, feitas com Cisne Glory, bordadas com sequins e miçangas.
Crochet Berets made with Cisne Glory Yarn, with sequins and beads
Para Moranguinhos / For Strawberry Shortcake:
Crochet Berets made with Cisne Glory Yarn, with sequins and beads
Para Moranguinhos / For Strawberry Shortcake: