Thursday, May 7, 2015

National Day of Prayer

bedtime prayers

Hey friends!  As you may already know, or just to serve as a reminder, today is National Day of Prayer. 

And if you don’t already, what a great time to start a routine to pray together as a family.  It’s never too late to make this a part of your day and you’re sure to be blessed by it!

For our family, it’s how we end the day with our children, even though they are now mostly grown.  Developing this habit has become a memorable and special part of life for us.  Usually we include a devotion or something that the Lord has pointed out that day.  It’s an informal time for us, and more times than not our gathering begins with swapping some laughs, all piled in our bedroom.  My daughter’s poodle Navi is so accustomed to the routine that she oftentimes arrives in our room before we do where we find her at the foot of our bed wagging her tail. She is so funny about this!  But one of the dearest memories that I will always store in my heart is my youngest daughter’s after prayer routine of going around the room giving us all goodnight hugs, and yes, even Navi gets a hug and has developed a remarkable ability to stand up on her back legs and literally return the hug.

And speaking of hugs, since I just used that word three times in one sentence :), hugs to you and I hope that you are enjoying spring!  The air is so sweet in our neck of the woods right now that I can hardly stay indoors!


Friday, April 3, 2015

That Faithful Day

They were all there.  Mary, the mother of our Savior, and Mary Magdalene.  The disciple John.  Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea.  The centurion and the two criminals.  The religions leaders, the soldiers, and the crowd.  Each with different stories and outcomes, yet we share something in common with them – Jesus was bearing the weight of all our sins.  So in a sense, we were there, too. 
Jesus’ precious blood was paying the price for our sin debt.  Yes, “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”  That’s how much He loves us.  On that bittersweet day, the Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated His love for us by

  • His willingness to suffer unimaginable physical agony for us
  • His willingness to bear the weight of all sin of all time so that its power over our lives could be destroyed
  • His willingness to be separated from the Father for the first time since eternity past because God cannot look upon sin

The One who is blameless, took the penalty of sin in our place.  What a huge price we were purchased with! 

Easter and spring are a pair where many of us live.  The once calloused, bare branches are fringed with tender new leaves and blossoms, tinting the landscape into a joyous sight making us all the more mindful of the new life the Lord offers us.  Scripture tells us that if we are in Christ we are new creatures; old things are passed away and “all things are become new”  (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.”  Romans 6:4

The empty tomb on that first Easter shows us that all who are willing to trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior will also be resurrected to new life.  Jesus’ victory can be our victory.  It’s ours for the asking.  

Happy Easter, my friend.  It’s my prayer that you have a beautiful weekend celebrating His great love and the hope that we have in Him.

Easter Greetings


Monday, February 16, 2015

Cubed Beef and Gravy

Hi there blog friends!  Just finished a yummy lunch and wanted to share some with you.  And the easiest way to do that is by giving you the recipe!


Classic Cubed Beef and Gravy

2 lb. cubed beef
all purpose flour
vegetable or canola oil
2 cups water
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 – 3 onions, sliced
1 chopped bell pepper
8-ounce can tomato sauce
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon sugar
salt and pepper to taste

Dredge beef in flour.  Heat oil in skillet (enough to cover bottom).  Brown beef in oil over medium high heat.  Stir in water, tomato sauce, and remaining ingredients to beef in skillet, adding a generous amount of salt and pepper.  Bring to a boil and then turn heat down to a barely simmer.  Cover and cook two hours, stirring occasionally.  Taste and re-season if necessary.  If gravy gets too thick, add a little extra water before cooking is complete.

This is a hearty, satisfying dish which pairs perfectly with mashed potatoes. 

As you can see, my little somebody else wanted some, too!  But poor baby had to settle for a dog biscuit since garlic and onions aren’t healthy for our K9 friends. (For more on food safety for dogs, click here.)

chinese crested powder puff dog

Blessings, dear friends!  Hope you are having a wonderful day!


Monday, December 22, 2014

Merry Christmas, to You!

We’re down to the wire now!  Are you excited?  Overwhelmed?  I’m a bit of both, to tell you the truth.  I am attempting to squish my natural Mary personality, and trying to follow Martha’s example instead! 

I’m really into decorating for Christmas this year!  I can’t stop!

For this go round, we have a full sized tree and another small one in our foyer, a full sized one in our “music room” and the largest in our family room. 

Christmas Foyer

Do you wonder why there aren’t any gifts under our trees?  Because I haven’t wrapped any yet!  More on that later…

 stairway and Christmas tree
This is the mantle in our family room, which came from a home built in the 1800’s.  I often wonder what were Christmases like for those who gathered around it in olden times.

Christmas Mantle
Mostly, I keep the decorating classic, but there are a few whimsical touches. 

Christmas ornaments and candle on mirror
I placed several odds and ends on a mirrored tray that used to sit on my mom’s dresser - a glass container of brightly colored Christmas bulbs, a lighted Christmas village house, a Yankee Candle, and a snowman snow globe, warms the foyer powder room in an unexpected way.   

Christmas Teddy Bear in Stocking
A mohair teddy bear makes us girls happy.  He’s all nestled inside a Christmas stocking hanging on French doors which open up to our Christmas memory tree.  It’s full of keepsakes that we hold dear from many past Christmases.

Christmas Memory Tree
One year when my youngest was outgrowing toys, but at that in-between age, we gave her a large collection of Christmas village items, which graces our kitchen this year.

She delights in setting it up each December, and it all gets more special to us with each passing Christmas.

Thus far, the moments spent relaxing with the family, or curling up with a cozy Christmas book and a stack of Christmas cookies have been the most special.

Book and Christmas Decorations

Now about those unwrapped presents - we’ve ordered a good many gifts online for each other, so a pile of shipped packages have arrived.  Trouble is, none of us can sort through or open them without potentially ruining surprises because we don’t know which belongs to who…  We didn’t think of that, but obviously should have!  :) On the bright side, the laughs about our predicament will add to our memories! 

The True Meaning of CHRISTmas
And on the brightest side, not the packages or decorations, not the traditions or lights, not even the fond memories could compare to what we are celebrating – who He is and what He did.

 “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”

Well, dear reader, “although it’s been said many times, many ways,” 


Sunday, December 7, 2014

Listen to Old Time Radio

"Taint funny, McGee," my mom used to say, with her pretty dimpled smile after one of us kids would make a wise crack.  The other day I asked her if she knew where that phrase came from.  "It's just what I always heard mother say," she told me.  But I had the answer for her, only because I recently stumbled upon the old radio program that it originated from.  So I learned a fun little tidbit about my grandmother too  - she listened to Fibber McGee and Molly, way back when, which was so fitting, since she and my grandfather were nearly a comic act themselves because they had rather ridiculous personalities.

If you aren't familiar with the show, it's an entertaining little comedy about a husband and wife team, their antics, and a parade of visitors.  The couple was married in real life, and their show was on the air for numerous years during the Golden Age of Radio. The comical cast of characters brings the listener lots of giggles and cheer, and the nostalgic sounds are delightful!  The commercials are as much fun as the show to me!  Each episode has a music break, which even puts big grins on my teen and twenties kids' faces!  They're kinda fond of cheese, and it has a plentiful supply! 

Below are a few episodes to get you started if you are interested in giving it a try.  Some episodes are available on CD which makes for a good gift idea, too!  

So grab you cup of something warm and cozy, and wander back in time for a little while with



You can find more HERE. 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

We Can Be Thankful…

He loves us. 
He is sovereign.  
He is trustworthy.  
            He is righteous. 
               He is with us at all times. 
                  He hears and answers our prayers. 
                     He forgives us. 
He loves us unconditionally. 
                           He gives us grace and mercy. 
                              He is our help and our shield.  
                                 He has an eternal home waiting for us. 
                                    He shares our joys and victories. 
                                       He comforts us in our sorrows…

For those of us who are believers, there is much to be thankful for--wherever we are in life!
BLESSED is every one that feareth the Lord; that walketh in his ways.”  Ps. 128:1

I hope that each of you have a Happy Thanksgiving and that your day is filled with rejoicing!

“O GIVE thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” Psalm 136:1

tasha tudor praying pilgrimsSignature

Friday, November 14, 2014

Hey Ya’ll!

I should be ashamed, and I am!  It has been way too long since I’ve posted.  I have missed interacting with all of you!  So a little catching up…

Christmas day will be our 10th anniversary in our homemade house.  So this year we’ve been sprucing up.  At this time, nine years ago, we were laboring heartily on our woodsy haven of oak and pine, trying to get the building, painting, and staining complete.

our pine haven

We had an unexpected opportunity to visit our first little house that we lived in more than 20 years ago.  When my oldest was a little fellow, I painted a Peanuts mural stretching from one side of the room to the other in his room.  To my surprise, it is still there!  Were we ever excited to get to see it again, and show it to my 16 year old, whom had only heard about it. 
 Peanuts characters wall mural collage

I didn’t like the paneling in that room, so this was one way to distract attention from it.  I painted the whole gang, being that I am such a fan and all.  This collage is a snippet of the scene. I still wonder what made me brave such a task!  But I had fun doing it.  The paint has aged, but I was tickled that the owners left it there.  When we pulled up in the driveway to see the house, it was like stepping back in time.  Our neighbors on each side of us were outside – both families!  We had an awesome visit with both, reminiscing of days past.  Now I just have to believe the Good Lord had a hand in that evening!  Have you ever gotten to go visit a house you used to live in?  There is something so special about doing that!

We’ve been refinishing our floors and in the process, we learned a few things.  Lesson number one - an industrial buffer will sling a fellow around like a ragdoll.  Ladies, don’t try it!  Men folks, be prepared.  And make sure your health insurance is in good order!  And have a video camera rolling!  Lesson number two - I don’t like a glossy finish.  Now it may just be me, but it looked more like a gym floor than a home.  So more sanding…more work…more waiting 3 day before resuming traffic on the floor.  What an ordeal this has been.  And we still have more to go.  Although just a little.  But we haven’t figured out the logistics - since it is our stairway and hall to our bedrooms - we kinda need to have access to those floors…  This pic was with the gloss finish…

glossy finish on hardwood floors

Well, me being so clever and all, I had a notion to paint the walls too, since most all of the downstairs furniture was out of the house.  It sounded reasonable in my head, but that was before we decided to change to semi-gloss.  In actuality, there wasn’t a single thing reasonable about my plan.  And in the midst of it all – (sorry instagram friends for the repetition), our hot water heater broke, and washing machine, and we flooded our laundry room.  This week, it was our dryers turn to break.

We have also done some traveling, which turned out to be more of a fiasco than fun, albeit memorable.  Here’s a snapshot of a moment while on our crazy trek.  What do you think – sunrise or sunset?

traveling sunset

The hotel concierge of every single hotel that we stayed in will tell you that this, most assuredly, is NOT a sunrise.  Being that every day and every hotel with the exception of one, saw my husband dragging up to the front desk each morning, requesting an extra hour before we checked out.  This family of five adult sized peoples, squished in one room, sharing one facility when accustomed to four, all of which are morning showerers (is that even a word?), not to mention late risers, don’t make for great organization nor punctuality.  I kept thinking that my in-laws somehow knew of our lateness, even though they weren’t with us, and were shaking their heads with disapproval since they are usually on the road by 4:00 a.m. when they travel.  But shhhh….don’t tell them.

Well, we were glad to return home, and our menagerie was glad for us to return.  We had quite a greeting from all of them. 

cat waving

       I think they missed their beds,

Chinese Crested Powderpuff

and our beds…

Poodle cuteness

And I was glad to see my waking view that I love so in the fall.  

fall window

So that is a little peek into the window of our lives.  What have you been up to?Signature

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

When You Are in Need of Contentment


when you need contentment

My daughter seems to have been born with a smile.  Her happy-go-lucky spirit keeps those faint dimples on the side of her fair face forevermore present.  Not all of us were born with such a disposition.  Nonetheless, we can navigate our way to contentment.  

Discontentment, if it is the right kind, can lead to Godly ambition and goal setting.  What I am addressing here is the negative type of discontentment that can be a destructive force in our lives. 

It  can hinder our decision making process. 
It can distort our perception of God, and people, and life.   
It can cause us to destroy our relationships.  
It can create financial difficulties.
It can lead us down paths of destruction.      

The culprit of discontentment usually boils down to this:  We experience it when the basis of our inner joy is our outer circumstances.

I’m no expert on being content.  It’s a journey.  But here are some things that God shows me along the way:

1.  Make sure that your eternal future is secure if you haven’t yet done so.  There is nothing more important in life!  If you need help, please click on the key in the sidebar.  There can be no true peace until you have that settled.

2.  Take control of discontentment by taking responsibility for feeling it.

3.  Understand that contentment is cultivated.  The apostle Paul writes in Philippians 4:11 “for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”  

4.  Don’t focus on your troubles; focus on Jesus and trust Him. (2 Cor. 10:5)  Rather than zooming in on the present struggle, realize that He knows what He is doing.  As a child of God, your future is bright.  He plans for good to come from your difficulties, including building your spiritual growth and character.   

5.  Leave tomorrow in God’s capable hands.  Future planning is practical; future fretting is pointless.  

6. Follow and obey Him.  There’s nothing like disobedience to rob us of our peace.  Your job is to go where He leads, and do what He asks.  He'll take care of the rest.

7.  Walk closely with the Lord and lean on Him. There is an indescribable peace that comes from oneness with Him.

8.  With thanksgiving, ask God to help you to be content. (Phil. 4:6) He will, but it won’t magically happen. We have to do our part which may include simply choosing contentment each day, rather than choosing dissatisfaction with our plight.

9.  Don’t play the blame game.  “It’s because of ol’ So and So,” or  “If only I had such and such,” etc.   

10.  Refocus your mind from what you don’t have to what you do have.  “Better is little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble therewith.” Prov. 15:16 

11.  Purge any attitudes of entitlement or comparisons: “But I deserve better than what I have,” or “Why am I without when they have?”  Those kind of thought patterns multiply and can become destructive.          

12. Don’t give up; give in.  Be submissive to His will, which is where you will find great peace.  The Apostle Paul’s infirmity was not removed even though he asked repeatedly.  But, what God did do was give Paul the grace to endure it.  

I leave you with this – a hymn written by blind Fanny Crosby when she was only eight:

Fanny Crosby


Thursday, July 3, 2014

A 4th of July Tale


forth of july
                          I hope that you have a very happy Fourth of July! 

What a day to celebrate!  If you been here before, you may know that I’m from the South and have an interest in history, so here’s a little southern historical tale for you. 

Did you know that an entire southern town didn’t celebrate Independence Day, even in my lifetime?  If you lived in Vicksburg, Mississippi, oh, say, 38 or more years ago, you would still have to go to work on Independence Day, you would still walk down your driveway when you arrived home and find mail in your mailbox, and you likely wouldn’t anticipate a local fireworks display that evening. 

By now, this might seem like a tale for sure, but it’s not a fictional one. 

You see, this lack of enthusiasm wasn’t because Vicksburg had a problem with the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  No, they just had harsh memories to deal with, and each 4th of July was a painful reminder. 

As you probably already know, Vicksburg played an important role in the Civil War.  So much that President Abraham Lincoln believed that whoever held “the key” to the city would be victorious in controlling the Mississippi River, which was a vital waterway for both the North and the South .  As a result, the Union’s General Ulysses S. Grant was a man on a mission, beginning in the spring of 1862, when he set out to clear a trail to Vicksburg.

Long story short, it took more than a year for Grant and his troops to reach the doorsteps of their Vicksburg destination.  Familiar with victory and defeat, their campaign took another unwelcomed turn after two attempts to crash Confederate Army lines failed.  But the brave in blue arched around the scenic city that stood hedged within river and bluffs, settling in for a siege, as they starved the people of Vicksburg out.  Forty-seven long days later, their plan was successful.

Confederate Army General John Pemberton strategically surrendered Vicksburg to General Grant, on July 4, 1863.  The hope was that by surrendering on Independence Day, the Union would have mercy on them.  Apparently, that is just what happened.  The southern army was paroled rather than taken captive, and the Union shared their food with the starving folks of Vicksburg.

Like leaven in dough, accounts of great suffering were passed from one generation to the next.  So from that infamous day forward, Vicksburg did not celebrate Independence Day until the Allies won WW II.  However, as the years passed, the celebrating fizzled out and didn’t revive again until our nation’s Bicentennial in 1976.  The folks of Vicksburg got their celebration on once again.  And now, if anyone unwittingly were to walk down their driveway to check their mail on the 4th of July, well, they would find their mailbox empty, which might serve as a reminder that they better hurry and fire-up the BBQ, because the fireworks extravaganza on the Mighty Mississippi begins at sundown.   


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Cheater’s Grilled Chicken, Pasta, and Veggies Dish


Chicken and Pasta Dish

Laziness, on occasion, can generate invention. :) And this dish is definitely a way that you can be lazy about cooking, and yet have a yummy meal. 

You will need a box of Pasta Roni Angel Hair Pasta,pr_AngelHairPastaHerbs 

grilled chicken nuggets from Chick-fil-A, a large onion, bell pepper, mushrooms, milk and butter.  Now your all set. 


1. Cook pasta with milk and butter, according to package directions. (Careful not to cook too long because pasta continues to cook even off of the burner.)
2. SautĂ© chopped onion and bell pepper; salt and pepper to taste.  Remove from skillet and set aside.
3.  In the same skillet, sautĂ© mushrooms.  Add to onions and peppers.  

Dish up pasta, and top with the grilled chicken nuggets and veggies.  Garnish with a little parsley, if desired, and then dig in ‘cause that’s all there is too it! 
For those RARE days that I behave myself eating low carb, I just forgo the pasta and it still makes for a tasty and satisfying meal.  Zucchini, or barely sautĂ©ed sliced tomatoes make good additions, too.  A sprinkling of red pepper flakes add a nice kick.   

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Do You Believe That, or Believe In?

Sometimes we might call ourselves Christians, but are we, in the true sense of the word?

Do we consider ourselves Christians because of the traditions that we were taught?  Or assume that we qualify because we assent intellectually to the facts?  Do we think that we are heaven bound because we go to church and live good, moral lives?  All are good, but let’s take a closer look:

There is a difference between believing that and believing in.

Believing that:

Jesus is a historical fact   
Jesus was a great man; a wise man  
Jesus had a following and was crucified
(Hardly anyone would dispute these truths.)

Believing “that”, doesn’t give us eternal life in heaven.  However, believing “in” Jesus does.     

Believing in:

Jesus the Son of God, and although our human minds may not fully understand, Jesus is God
Jesus’ death on the cross as complete payment of our sin debt, thereby removing the barrier between us and God
Jesus’ resurrection on the third day and trusting that through faith in Him, we have eternal life (faith meaning that we believe what He tells us in His Word and that He will do just what He says He will do.  He will keep His promises because God is NOT a liar.)

Those that believe in have made a deliberate decision to trust the Lord and follow His ways.  

Only those that believe in, are in the true sense of the word, Christians.  Will you choose to belong to Jesus and secure your future, today?

Just as I am

Need help?  Follow this scripture roadmap to salvation:

”For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” Romans 3:23

Sin separates us from God.  But God made a way to Him by sending His Son Jesus, who took the punishment for our sins, because He loves us so.

“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23

“Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3

The only way to have forgiveness is through God’s only begotten Son, Jesus.

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6

God proved Jesus is His Son and that He accepted His death on the cross as the way for us to have eternal life by raising Him from the dead on the third day.

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
  Romans 10:9-10

Jesus invites us, but He also warns us:

“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not on the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. John 3:36

So we see in the verse above how important this decision is.  Once we make the decision to believe in Him, we must also choose to allow Him to be Lord of of our lives.  It doesn’t mean that we will live perfect lives, but that we will sit in the backseat, so to speak, and let Him do the driving.     

“And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.”  2 Corinthians 5:15

So what will you choose today? 

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock:  if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”   Revelation 3:20

By believing Jesus as our Savior, turning away from our sins, and making Him Lord of our lives, we can truly call ourselves Christians – true followers of Christ.  Will you pray a simple prayer and open the door of your heart to Jesus by asking Him to save you?  

It’s as simple as A B CAdmit you are a sinner
                                  Believe in Jesus as your Savior
                                  Commit your life to Him

Roadmap to Salvation


Need more help to understand the saving power of Jesus? Click the key on the sidebar.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Long Lived The Queen

I kind of have a thing for history.  I kind of have a thing for Victorian decorating.  I kind of have a thing for the Victorian Era.  Kind of would be better translated, I LOVE those times! 

But this post isn’t about me, it’s about Queen Victoria. 

 Queen Victoria
Now, even if history makes your eyes glaze over, and even if you think the ornate Victorian style is overdone, you still might enjoy this post. :) 

And besides, it’s in honor of Queen Victoria’s birthday.    

The Duchess of Kent and Victoria (soon to be Queen Victoria)She was born May 24, 1819, which, according to my calculator app :), that makes her 195 years old.

The English monarchy was in a sad state of affairs when the Duchess of Kent gave birth to Victoria.  And without boring you with lengthy details, the reason why is simple:

It was under the rule of immoral leadership.

As proven time and time again in history, from ancient times to the present, God does not bless immorality.  

This royal baby that was born at 4:15 a.m., would in merely 18 years, begin to carry out a legacy reigning as queen for 63 years and 7 months, which puts her in place of having the longest female monarchy in all of history.
 At only 11 years old, Alexandrina Victoria resolved that her reign would be different from her predecessors, declaring “I will be good.”Young Queen Victoria 

During her reign, she caused the people’s view of the monarchy to shift from contempt to admiration.  

Thriving under her honest rule, Great Britain reached the height of its glory.

It expanded in:
Geographical dominion
Manufacturing achievements
Cultural achievements
Economic progress

Marriage rate and birth rates
Environmental and health standards

Mortality rates decreased.

God blesses God honoring nations! 

In Revelations 3, God’s Word refers to this time period as “The Church of Philadelphia.”  The church of Philadelphia was the church of opportunity and took place in the 18th - 19th centuries. 

“And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write;  These things saith he that is holy…I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.”  Rev. 3: 7-8

The popular Queen Victoria recognized the source of her success. 

A visiting African chief once asked her the secret to England’s greatness.  

NPG 4969; 'The Secret of England's Greatness' (Queen Victoria presenting a Bible in the Audience Chamber at Windsor)

Oh, she could have taken him to see the great wealth and gleaming jewels, the brilliant orators in Parliament…  But she didn’t. 

But what she did do is why I am her fan. 

She presented him with a Bible, explaining to him that God’s Word is the secret of England’s greatness. 

“Because thou hast kept the word of my patience…”  Rev. 3:10 

Queen Victoria represented and characterized the mindset of the middleclass 19th century English. 

In general, they were a God honoring society, God’s Word was of the utmost importance to them, and they took a stand when the Bible was attacked.  They were virtuous, loved morality, and they understood the importance of setting a good example. 

It’s my prayer that we do the same. 

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”  2 Chronicles 7:14

Blessings, my friend.  I hope that you are enjoying these first bits of summer!   


Monday, April 14, 2014

Spring Ramblings…and Explosions…

Is it just me, or does it seem as if we all only recently took down our Christmas trees, and here it is already April!

April 2014

Time is flying by, yet plenty is happening.  Warm days and cold, bright days and stormy…

My dear Uncle from my mom’s side died unexpectedly.  It’s still kind of hard to believe.  He died on the exact day of my grandmother’s death (his mother) 16 years before, which was really something.  We will miss him, terribly so, but we can also rejoice because not only has he gone to be with the Lord, and his mom and dad, but also his much loved son that lived only 20 years.  You might recall mention of them in my post “My Cousin had a Pet Alligator.” 

On a more cheery note, a dear friend gave birth to a sweet baby girl.  Several households of us sat up all night waiting with anticipation.  Grandmamma and Auntie kept us all informed with text and Instagram.  My oldest daughter was in another household a couple of hundred miles away, yet we all still got to share the excitement.  Oh how we breathed a sigh of relief when we got word that Mom and Baby were safe.  She is such a little doll and bringing much joy!


Another dear friend got a big surprise with the discovery of their fourth little one on the way.  I believe God loves to give His children surprises, just like we love to surprise our children with special gifts!

This is a birthday season for us, so there has been lots of surprises and gifts in the works around our household.  I’ve also found some great little surprises at thrift stores recently.  This vintage Betty Crocker Cook Book was one such treasure that I couldn’t pass up.

Vintage Betty Crocker Cookbook

And also, for my youngest daughter’s hope chest, 36 cups and 36 saucers featuring delicate little roses in her favorite shade, violet, were a fun find.  All for only $20! 



Children do grow up so fast.  Since she turned 16, she got to try her hand at driving…DRIVING…MY BABY!!!


Have I mentioned that I’m not READY!?

We all got a little surprise while we celebrated her birthday when the candles on her ice cream cake were lit.  We I didn’t pay attention to the packaging, so…   


It went like this:

“Uh Mom, why are my candles sparking.” 

“Oh, it’ll be fine.  Look at me,” I casually said as I snapped pics. 

More sparks…then lots more…as if she had sparklers on her cake…
Wait, what?…

Blow…blow….BLOW… by several of us without success as another grabbed for candle packaging and read…

The packaging may as well have said FOOLED YOU!  But it didn’t exactly.  Only it was clearly labeled “trick candles,” which I failed to notice, AND, in addition it said “no more than 10 candles per cake…” 

She had sixteen, being that it was her 16th birthday and all… WHOOPS!

Hubby grabs them ONE at a time and runs to the kitchen sink…with HOT fingers, I might add.

You can imagine how quickly he was moving, but to the rest of us it seemed as if he were in slow motion while her cake flamed and sputtered.  One at a time wasn’t getting it, since the sink wasn’t right next to the cake.  But none of the rest of us had the courage to grab them so we just all stood and WATCHED…   

Leave it to me to nearly catch the house on fire on a very special birthday…

But not all was lost…


And the icing on the cake - well not the fire hazard ice cream cake (good thing she had two cakes this year and believe me, no trick candles on the second one!) - was that with her birthday money and a significant amount of work saving up, she finally got to buy her much anticipated laptop.  My diligent girl is good at saving. 

And she can cypher too!


And much to my delight she has already finished up her physics book for the school year.  At this rate, she will get to enjoy a good amount of time off for summer break.  Although her pencils usually need sharpening, and last week her history textbook seemed to have dropped off the planet, I have not one doubt that she will still get the job done.  My little history buff, she is!

She got a chance to attend a Civil War reenactment several weeks ago which she always loves. 

American Civil War Reenactment

And if you ask me, she was the bell of the ball at the reenactment ball, in spite of our last minute attempt to throw together an 1860’s costume with no plan whatsoever…

The cannons at the reenactment weren’t the only explosions happening.

sunflare in window

No cannon balls came flying through the windows, and nope, not from the trick candles; Smile with tongue out 

just the furniture…  Who knew that my baby getting a laptop would somehow cause us to need to rearrange our entire house!  Does that ever happen to you?  I mean one tiny thing leads to another and another…

The desktop computer found a more discreet location in a different room with the arrival of her laptop,

which caused the TV to move to a better looking spot in the family room,

which caused a few chairs to be relocated,

which caused curtains and chairs to clash,

which caused… I could go on but I won’t. 

Needless to say, after a while, hubby and son looked about like the reenactment guy that is playing dead in my picture above. :)

Well, it’s a wonder that Pinterest hasn’t exploded, with the pinning rampage that I have been on lately (you can find me here)!


That just about sums up life in the Smith household this spring, I think.  What you been up to? Signature

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