Universitas riau
Chemical Engineering
Sektor rumah tangga merupakan pemakai energi terbesar setelah sektor industri. Konsumsi energi untuk sektor rumah tangga di Indonesia 75% bersumber dari biomassa. Biomassa pada sektor rumah tangga digunakan untuk memasak pada kompor... more
- by sri helianty
Gibbs free energy minimization method has been used in modelling the performance of a downdraft gasifier. The performance is represented by the composition of resulting gas. Sixteen gases considered SO2. The simulation is carried out... more
- by sri helianty
The biopore infiltration hole is a hole with a diameter of 10 cm - 30 cm with a depth of 30 cm - 100 cm which is added with organic waste and will help soil biota form a biopore hole so that it can trap the air flowing around it. Black... more
- by sri helianty
The cassava's production arm was quite abundant. Human ratings generally revolved around plantations and in rungs industries, much of which was said in cassava commodities. Most people consume cassava in the simple way of being... more
- by sri helianty
Textile industry effluents containing synthetic dye waste, such as azo dyes, are harmful to health, and thus can present environmental hazard. Biological treatment of textile waste effluents can remove synthetic dyes. Here we present our... more
Banjir merupakan masalah yang hampir setiap tahun melanda wilayah perkotaan maupun pedesaan. Umumnya di perkotaan banjir lebih banyak disebabkan oleh tidak lancarnya aliran air (diselokan) akibat sampah yang dibuang ke aliran air dan... more
Produksi sawit di Riau sampai pada tahun 2011 telah mencapai 35 juta ton dan dari produksi ini dihasilkan cangkang sawit sebesar 2,8 juta ton. Penerapan kompor gasifikasi terutama dalam keperluan memasak dapat meningkatkan efisiensi... more
Chitinase is an enzyme that can transform chitin into N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), which is very useful in the pharmaceutical, especially as an agent of anti-tumor and anti-cancer. This research is an enlarged scale of 25 mL enzyme... more
Biodiesel is an alternative fuel that becoming worldwide attention as renewable energy which could replace diesel fuel in compression ignition engines. It can be produced from CPO which has a high free fatty acid through the process... more
Spent bleaching earth (SBE) is the waste that generated from bleaching units in palm oil refining industry. Solution for the waste reduction is regenerating SBE into regenerated spent bleaching earth (RSBE) which can be used as adsorbent... more
Sabun alami biasanya didefinisikan sebagai garam alkali dari asam lemak dari minyak nabati, seperti minyak kelapa, dengan penambahan aroma, rempah, bahan organik. Saponifikasi sodium dengan asam lemak dapat diselenggarakan secara dingin... more
- by sri helianty
ABSTRAK METODE ADVANCED OXIDATION PROCESSES (AOP) UNTUK MENGOLAH LIMBAH RESIN CAIR. Pada umumnya polutan utama yang terkandung dalam limbah cair bahan resin adalah senyawa-senyawa organik yang biasanya dapat merupakan racun yang dapat... more
a. Data Perancangan Tekanan = 1 atm Temperatur = 28℃ Laju alir uap (Wg) = 62026.1 kg/jam Laju alir liquid (W) = 11568.40442 kg/jam Densitas uap = 9.38 kg/m 3 Densitas liquid = 222.006 kg/m 3 b. Vapor Volumetric Flowrate, Qv