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53 votes

Why is my Slack DM list incomplete?

Here's what I got from Slack support: I can confirm that what you’re experiencing is expected behavior, which I’m happy explain. Once you have more than 11 direct messages (DMs) or group DMs open, ...
user914108's user avatar
49 votes

Slack no longer shows red dot when someone sent me message

thanks to Tetsujin I found the Mac settings that related to it This would be in Mac Settings -> Notifications, of course in my system which is in Danish is it Systemudstillinger -> meddelser but ...
user254694's user avatar
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47 votes

Nested bulleted list in Slack

February 2021 update: Slack officially added support for indented lists Format your messages with indented lists When formatting your messages in Slack, you can now indent up to five lines in ordered ...
radoh's user avatar
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37 votes

How do I remove a recurring reminder on a Slack channel that I've not set up?

Actually, you can use /remind list in any channel to see all of the reminders (including those created other persons) and remove them. You just need to use it in that channel with the reminder to ...
Alex's user avatar
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30 votes

How do I make a bullet point in a Slack message?

From Slack's "Format your messages" page: To create a list, use Shift + Enter to create new lines in your message, then add a number or a bullet (•) before each item. Tip: To add a bullet ...
Ray M's user avatar
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26 votes

Slack app on Linux: How to disable the "blue circle" icon on channel activity?

I don't seem to have the setting that Shawn mentions, but i was able to make this work by opening up the /usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar.unpacked/src/static directory, making a copy of the slack-...
notatoad's user avatar
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25 votes

My Slack app redirects to the browser. How can I prevent this?

I had found the answer on Reddit. Open the workspace in your browser, click your name in the top left and choose "Open the Slack app" in the dropdown.
user1237721's user avatar
24 votes

Window's Slack is frozen

It seems its a bug that is affecting some Windows 10 users and most likely due to the Windows notifications. The temporary solution as per Slack support is Ensure that you're signed into at least one ...
SILENT's user avatar
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24 votes

Nested bulleted list in Slack

Tabs did not work for me as of the time of this posting. I use the "Format messages with markup" option in Slack so I don't have the text formatting toolbar. I can't even add a tab character,...
Chris Schneider's user avatar
20 votes

Window's Slack is frozen

Try the following: Menu > File > Preferences > Notifications, scroll down to "Deliver notifications via..." and change it to "Slack's built-in notifications". Restart Slack and the problem should be ...
konrad's user avatar
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17 votes

How to make Slack work with new Brazilian daylight savings time information?

The key is to change also the computer clock to a different timezone where daylight savings doesn't apply (Salvador, for instance), and refreshing Slack (Ctrl+R did the trick for me) Obs1: You don't ...
Renato Chencinski's user avatar
16 votes

Word link in Slack

Update 2020-02-24 Thank you newswim for pointing out this new feature. See : Select text, then click the link icon in the ...
wysiwyg's user avatar
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16 votes

Slack Dark Theme

In order to make slack dark you can do the following for OSX (as of today 7/30/2018). 1) open the following configuration file in a text editor such as sublime: /Applications/
ThinkBonobo's user avatar
15 votes

What does it mean Slack is active green dot but with a Z, and how to change it?

This comes from the "Notification schedule" setting in the Notifications menu in Slack Preferences. Basically, this sets your "working" hours. Outside of these hours, the "Z&...
Fanatique's user avatar
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14 votes

Why is my Slack DM list incomplete?

A workaround for this issue is to add every conversation to a section. For conversations I rarely use, but don't want to lose, I just have a section called Unsorted. If you follow the workflow of ...
notedible's user avatar
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14 votes

Is someone who is @mentioned in a direct message conversation they are not in still notified?

I've just tested this. Private messages are only visible to the people in the private conversation - if someone is @mentioned and they are not in the conversation, they will not see the message and ...
Next-Door Tech's user avatar
13 votes

How to get Slack notify me when someone becomes online / available?

I use Spybot for this functionality: I mostly use this to keep track of when some colleagues halfway around the world start logging in and when contractors/hourly people ...
Lex Talionis's user avatar
12 votes

What does "dirty computer" mean in Slack's About box

Dirty Computer is probably a Code name for the software release of the Slack client. Developers like to name projects or code they are working on without having to worry about the marketing version ...
WireGuy's user avatar
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12 votes

Slack multi-level bullet point or numbered list

According to the documentation you can nest lists by pressing Space four times: * test * test nested * test nested nested ...becomes: Edit: The reply above works when your message ...
Ikar Pohorský's user avatar
11 votes

Slack multi-level bullet point or numbered list

Additional indentations are not currently supported by Slack. Slack provides a subset of formatting provided by markdown and other standards.
dmcgill50's user avatar
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11 votes

Is there a way to export Slack conversation history?

The free CLI application Slack Dumper (available for Linux/Mac/Windows) can do this. To use the application you must first set it up with your Slack credentials (there are detailed instructions on how ...
Lino Ferreira's user avatar
10 votes

Window's Slack is frozen

Try the following: Help > Troubleshooting > Clear Cache and Restart This has stopped it from freezing on me, at least for now. Hope this helps.
Tom's user avatar
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10 votes

My Slack app redirects to the browser. How can I prevent this?

here is a workaround suggested to me by Slack support: Sign in to your workspace in a web browser. Once you've successfully authenticated, head to ...
atti's user avatar
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10 votes

What does it mean Slack is active green dot but with a Z, and how to change it?

I was having the same problem, however Fanatique's solution did not solve the issue for me. The "z" in the status indicates that notifications are turned off for that person. So if they are ...
EricaGen's user avatar
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10 votes

Slack on MacOS: Keeping Sidebar open

I pinged Slack support and they got back to me 45m later. This basically solved this for me. I highlighted the parts that were critical for me. It has to do with the ratio of widths. Fazil here from ...
watsonic's user avatar
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9 votes

How do I make a bullet point in a Slack message?

To add bullet points to a message using your keyboard: Mac: Option 8 on a Mac Windows: Alt 7 on most Windows machines GNU-Linux: Ctrl+Shift+8 iMac Keyboard: Shift+Option+8 Format Messages in Slack
dmcgill50's user avatar
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9 votes

How do I make a bullet point in a Slack message?

To complement this thread, On GNU-Linux for add bullet points to a Slack message using your keyboard: Ctrl+Shift+8
Hpsaturn's user avatar
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9 votes

How do I hide the slack video pop up?

I reached out to slack at asking if it was possible to disable the small video window and this was their response: Thanks for getting in touch. I'm afraid it's not ...
mbigras's user avatar
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8 votes

Slack app on Linux: How to disable the "blue circle" icon on channel activity?

The short answer is: You can't, without hacking slack. The long answer is that exactly how to hack it will differ from one version to the next, as they update the source code. We should all team up ...
8 votes

How do I post a snippet to a slack thread?

You are not directly shown the option to post a snippet or an image in a thread. But there is a workaround for this. Steps Post the snippet/image in the channel or DM (I DM myself for this and delete ...
ajithps's user avatar
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