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0 answers

Is there any way to remux vob to mp4 from the context menu, using FFmpeg?

I'm aware FFmpeg has commands to be able to do this, but I don't want to type them every time. Is there a way to add an option, like “Remux to MP4”, to the context menu, so I can simply right click on ...
Nossy Drelich's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

cutting titles/features/subvideos out of a VOB file using ffmpeg

I have a VOB video file obtained from a DVD. The video contains several separate subvideos from the DVD, which play one-after-another (e.g., the first subvideo is the main feature, the second subvideo ...
Trevor's user avatar
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0 answers

How to edit/properly fix a DVD VOB/BUP/IFO file?

Intro I have a DVDISO file, and opening it doesn't work because my built-in disk mounter can't read it. So, I open it up with VLC and all looks fine. When booting it up it's supposed to take you to a ...
Meh.'s user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

ffmpeg hangs when using -fflags +genpts

I'm trying to remux a .vob file (which I got using vobcopy) into a mp4 container (mkv would do it as well) using ffmpeg 4.2.4-ubuntu0.1. Initially the remuxing finished, but I got these errors: [mp4 @ ...
d-k-bo's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Trouble automating concatination (merging) of VOB files from DVD with FFMPEG

I have a library of decrypted DVDs, which all have their video in a series of VOB files within the usual VIDEO_TS folder. I wondered if I could use FFMPEG to combine them into a single MPEG files. So ...
Randy's user avatar
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1 answer

Convert MPEG to VOB without reencoding

I have mpg video with lossless audio. I would like authorize dvd without reencoding, for example, with dvdstyler: VOB files will normally neither be reencoded nor be remultiplexed in case. So I have ...
user1855805's user avatar
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1 answer

Dvd upscaling with out quality loss to MKV

I have a DVD containing a VOB of resolution 720×640, with DTS audio. I would like to upscale a the video to 1920×816 while retaining DTS audio without lose of video quality, and save it as an MKV ...
Abey Joseph's user avatar
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Detect Gaps In VOB Video File

I have a single VOB video file running 2h 20m with 50 episodes of a TV show. There are no chapter markers or menu. Can I use a Linux command line tool to detect the black screen between each episode ...
Paul Littlefield's user avatar
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1 answer

Ffmpeg transcoding video .vob (vcodec MPEG-2)

I want to transcode a file .vob to get the bitrate 1500 with 16/9 ratio I execute this command ffmpeg ffmpeg -i /path/video.vob -vcodec libx264 -vf scale=1280:-2 -strict experimental -b:v 1308k -b:a ...
Aminesrine's user avatar
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1 answer

How to cut a VOB file with FFmpeg?

How do I cut a decrypted VOB file with FFmpeg? For example, to keep the first 5 minutes of a VOB file?
ClearSky's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to play an original DVD (.VOB file) in VLC after copying it to my PC?

I have copied an entire DVD to my PC but when I try to play it in VLC it does not play perfectly and sticks every time. When it is played directly i.e. from the disc, it is played perfectly but in ...
user433939's user avatar
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1 answer

How to split multiple videos from a single VOB file?

A VOB (Video Object) file is a DVD media extension which can hold multiple videos. How can I split these videos from a single VOB file to multiple MP4 (or other extensions) files on Windows platform? ...
Amirreza Nasiri's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to concat VOB files with ffmpeg using stream mapping?

I have 5 VOB files, I would like to concat them to a big mpegts file, and keeping only the video stream and the last (3rd) audio stream. Unfortunately the stream ordering is different in the VOBs: ...
Konstantin's user avatar
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2 answers

Why do the VOB files of a DVD have the same size but different play length?

To prove my point I made a screen-shot: My 2nd question: In order to email the content of the DVD to someone so that he/she can just watch the entire video (with audio) of the DVD, do I need to send ...
VivR's user avatar
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0 answers

Why does remuxing a VOB fix freezing issues?

I am currently transcoding video data from a Video DVD to x264 MP4 files, but the original MPEG-2 streams seem to have some strange problems. This video DVD is of a home-made digital TV recording (DVB-...
Daniel Saner's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to join video seamlessly with PowerDirector 11

I am using PowerDirector 11 to join 4 .vob files from a movie DVD. The 4 vob files are of 1 continuous movie, but was split up due to the DVD specification. However in the output file there is a half ...
Chin's user avatar
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2 answers

How to play VOB files on Windows 8 Consumer Preview? [closed]

Anybody know, how to play VOB files on Windows 8 Consumer Preview? You can play DVD disc on W8CP, but if you copy directory VIDEO_TS, and then try to play VTS_01_1,VOB (and so on) as in Windows 7 ...
Jacek's user avatar
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.vob to h.264 MP4 Files - Worth The Effort?

When I was doing the converting to digital format a while back I chose .VOB due to no quality loss. However recently I have been informed of this h.264 compression method. Time is not an issue here, ...
sealz's user avatar
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3 answers

VOB conversion quality in FFmpeg

I am trying to convert a VOB file to mpeg like this: ./ffmpeg.exe -i VTS_01_2.VOB -r 24 out1.mpeg However, the quality is very poor. I tried ./ffmpeg.exe -i VTS_01_2.VOB -vcodec copy out1.mpeg ...
user avatar
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2 answers

How to rip AVI from VOB using ffmpeg

I am trying to convert a VOB to an AVI. I have ripped an AVI from this VOB before using ffmpeg, but for some reason it's not working this time. This is what I tried: ffmpeg -sameq -acodec copy -i ...
tony_sid's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Lossless VOB conversion with ffmpeg

Is there a way to convert a VOB to another video format using ffmpeg without sacrificing audio or video quality?
tony_sid's user avatar
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Combine multiple *.vbo files from multiple disks

I have 3 different disks from my home camcorder that all contain part of my video, stored in *.vbo format. I'm trying to this video into Windows Movie Maker but I cannot do so until I can combine the ...
Jason L.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Codecs to play .vob files in Windows Media Player?

I’m using Windows Vista Home Premium and I cant find codecs for Windows Media Player that allows it to play .vob files. I know there are other media players that play these files, but I’d like to use ...
GetFree's user avatar
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7 answers

How to convert VOB files to a single AVI file

I want to convert a DVD which has many VOB files into a single playable AVI file on my computer. I can convert each individual VOB file to an AVI but is there some way to convert all of them into a ...
Paul's user avatar
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1 answer

.VOB files editing, converting and showing with right software

please Audio and video editing and encoding help me! My problem is that: last week with my camera (Panasonics VDR D160) i have filmed one of my company clinics. Coming home, i move all the .VOB files ...
AiaceT's user avatar
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1 answer

Mac convert .xvid to .vob?

I'm looking to burn a bunch of .xvid files so that they will play in a (very old) dvd player. Ideally, I would like to use as few discs as necessary. I assume that I will need two programs. 1) One ...
Andrew's user avatar
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5 answers

Good freeware application to convert to VOB file to MPEG freeware [closed]

Does anyone know of a good freeware application where I can convert a full VOB file into a MPEG file. All of the applications I have found are trial versions and will only convert a part of the video....
Michael Kniskern's user avatar