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FFmpeg RAW .tif to jpeg too dark

I know this problem is known, but I cannot actually find a solution for this. I am using Topaz JPEG to RAW. The output, I selected, is .tif. So a 4:3 4k image is 80MB large. Now I need to convert it ...
HeartOfGermany's user avatar
5 votes
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Convert TIFF to JPG using FFMPEG keeping same DPI

We are using FFMPEG in our java application and I am trying to convert a tiff file to jpg but the requirement is to keep the SAME DPI as it has in original tiff file. I am new to FFMPEG and tried ...
Anuj's user avatar
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6 votes
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Use ffmpeg for JPEG to TIFF conversion

I would like to use Tesseract OCR with a video. With ffmpeg I can export some (.jpeg) images from a video. Can I convert a .jpeg into a valid .tiff or export directly .tiff images from the video with ...
Tenaciousd93's user avatar