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Questions tagged [tcpreplay]

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Filebeat not receiving packets from replayed pcap file, but tcpdump is

I'm replaying a PCAP file containing UDP packets only using tcpreplay, from one server to another (same IP subnet). The destination MAC address and IP address have been changed to that of the ...
Rayne's user avatar
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Black hole output interface for tcpreplay

I'm using a command line like this to replay a huge PCAP file at high speed - I'm benchmarking various aspects of tcpreplay: sudo tcpreplay --mbps=1000 --intf1=docker0 linuxbig_log.pcap As I don't ...
Ken Y-N's user avatar
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How to replay tcpdump's recorded traffic (.pcap) into my proxy so I could inspect it?

I capture traffic on my local interface with tcpdump (in pcap/pcapng file) and I want to study it using apps like Charles/Fiddler, but then I have to direct it to its proxy somehow. How can I replay ...
user1261347's user avatar
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How to Replay a Process of Sending an email

I'm curious if anybody out there familiar with virtualization know of any options of recording an emulated machine (QEMU, KVM, VMware) so that when I boot up a machine, I record myself using the ...
a_polo's user avatar
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tcpreplay occupies 100% CPU

I'm running a pcap file of size 1G using tcpreplay command to check any any malicious traffic or not. Command took approx. more than 5 hours though the system has enough cores and RAM. System RAM: ...
Darknight's user avatar
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unable to use tcpreplay in cygwin because I can't find the interface name similar to eth0 in linux

I want to use tcpreplay in cygwin to replay recorded pcap file, but it turns out very difficult, after battling with issues in building tcpreplay in cygwin environment, now i need to overcome the last ...
Jia Liang Liu's user avatar
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PCAPNG file that does not send packets through TCPReplay

Using tcpreplay I am able to send UDP packets from a pcapng file (Log.pcapng) on a linux machine using: sudo tcpreplay --intf1=enp9s0 --loop=10 log.pcapng Using Wireshark on a second Windows 10 ...
M Bentley's user avatar
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How to block a pcap pumped by tcpreplay from one server by iptables on the other?

I am new to stack exchange. What I am trying is: I am pumping traffic from one server by the following command: tcpreplay -i ens3 ~/daniel/sipdump.pcap from server 1 And I am capturing the traffic in ...
Debiprasanna Mohanty's user avatar
4 votes
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How to tcpreplay only packets satisfying a pcap filter rule?

I have a dump file with lots of various packets in it, but I want to selectively replay, say, only all udp packets to a given port number, without having to edit the dump file first. How?
Evgeniy Berezovsky's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Why packets sent by tcpreplay don't appear on server?

I'm trying to replay pcap file to HTTP server. Before that I'm trying to manually check that I'm using tcpreplay correctly. I've start netcat -l 12345 to listen on specific port. Let's call it "...
Nikolai Golub's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I playback a network capture through the same machine

I've been trying to get tcpreplay to work to replay a network capture I have on my system. re. Unfortunately, (from the FAQ): Can I send packets on the same computer running tcpreplay? ...
rtpg's user avatar
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Replaying packets on local machine other than loopback

This might sound very wierd; but can I replay a pcap file on a interface other than lo in local machine? I want to get packets on lets say eth1. It is not attached to any link as of now. I want the ...
vpram86's user avatar
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