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Program to record data transmission between two computers using a TCP port

I am looking for a way to view data being transmitted over a TCP port between two computers. Is there a software package that allows this? I suppose I could script something to re-route data coming ...
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How to make tcpdump (or other tool) to actually dump TCP stream?

I expect something like this: $ nc 80 GET / HTTP/1.0 HTTP/1.0 500 K.O. Content-Type: application/null Content-Length: -1 $ Meanwhile: # tcpdump -i eth0 --actually-dump-all-tcp 217.21....
Vi.'s user avatar
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tcpdump missing on Cygwin v1.7.7 for packet sniffing

I am trying to debug why my TCP packets are truncated. I see that only the first 24 bytes of each packet are showing up in my program. The 25th through 28th bytes are scrambled and all others after ...
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