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Questions tagged [sun-java6-jdk]

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Java issues with garage application

A customer uses a specific garage application. It started complaining few days ago. Error on the screen says that Java 7 32-bit is not installed. Third party (software devop) also points to a Java ...
maxim's user avatar
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Run CronExpression between specific times (but not on the hour)

I've seen quite a few questions here related to configuring CronExpressions. But they all seem to have exact hours (no minutes specified) as their time window for running. Is there a way to configure ...
elspoono's user avatar
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IE8 how to hide "Java is obsolete" bar message preventing automatic script execution?

I have a computer which specifically needs to use Java 6 Update 11 AND IE8. (Updating to Java 7 Update 67 crashes all the web apps of my customer). I uninstalled the new Java and installed his old ...
Jeff Noel's user avatar
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How to install Java6 add-on for IE9

I have an internal web app I need to test using java 1.6 on Internet Explorer. I installed the java6 jdk but there seems to be no add-on included for IE. I tried the 6 JRE too but nothing shows up in ...
user1561108's user avatar
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Jdk 1.6.37 installation and setting up in fedora 17

I have installed jdk 1.6.37 in fedora 17 which already has java 1.7 openjdk i want to set java 1.6 as my default java how can i do this... When i check the following command in terminal ...
Aravindhan's user avatar
9 votes
6 answers

Installing sun-java6-jdk with apt-get on Ubuntu 10.04

I have followed the instructions on numerous pages, such as this, which say to run the following commands: sudo add-apt-repository "deb lucid partner" sudo apt-get ...
Adam S's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

install sun java 6 and sun java 7 side-by-side on linux (fedora 16) using rpm

This is what I would like to achieve, but I'm failing (I'm a newbie in Linux). I have a Fedora 16 box (64 bit) and would like to install multiple versions of oracle java (java 6 and java 7 for the ...
alfo_1205's user avatar
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Optimal way to export JDK_HOME setting in openSUSE for use with PhpStorm?

I'm trying out PHPStorm on openSUSE, and it requires the Sun Java JDK which doesn't come by default. I installed the Sun JDK based on directions here. I can run PHPStorm file as root user after that ...
Jim Connors's user avatar
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How can I ensure I'm using JDK version 1.6?

Before I installed Java JDK1.6 on WinXP machine I typed from the CMD line c:\javac 'javac' is not recognized as internal command ... Here I concluded I did not have a JDK installation on my PC So, ...
zundarz's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

Why there is no sun-java in Debian Wheezy and how can I fix this?

Sun's java is in Debian Lenny and Debian Squeeze repos (non-free) but no in wheezy1,2. Why? edit: after further research I found that java has been removed. reson: ROM; security issues and newer ...
seler's user avatar
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Installing Java 6 on Ubuntu 10.04 fails on missing Java 6 JRE package

I'm trying to install Java 6 on Ubuntu 10.04 and it's been harder than it should be. In another question about installing Java on Ubuntu/Linux it said that I needed to do the following: sudo add-apt-...
David S's user avatar
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JVM disappeared on Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8

I'm working in Eclipse one night, (also using Android's DDMS from the commandline). The next morning, I open the lid... attempt to run Eclipse and get an error. me$ sudo /Applications/eclipse/...
weisjohn's user avatar
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3 votes
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Ubuntu apt-get package configuration screen

I am trying to install java 1.6 on Ubuntu (11.04) using apt-get: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre and i am presented with a screen "Package Configuration" with a OK button I can click on. I would ...
ltfishie's user avatar
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Windows 7 Firewall with Java SE binary line item(s):

When I was on the Allowed Programs window in the firewall, I noticed not one but two line items identically entitled "Java (TM) Platform SE binary." One of them was checkboxed only Home/Work (Private)...
user33666's user avatar
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Default maximum heap size -- Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, openjdk6-jre

I just installed openjdk6-jre on Ubuntu 10.04 java version "1.6.0_20" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.9.2) (6b20-1.9.2-0ubuntu1~10.04.1) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 19.0-b09, mixed mode) ...
sachin's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Huh? JDK not found? (on Windows 7 64-bit)

I am setting up a development environment for the latest Android 2.3 on a fresh install of Windows 7 64-bit. I first installed the 64-bit JDK 6 (jdk-6u23-windows-x64.exe). Then, I installed 64-bit ...
Android Eve's user avatar
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1 answer

How to install sun-java6-jdk on Ubuntu 10.04

I am having a problem to install sun-java6-jdk on Ubuntu 10.04. I googled and tried all but none of them worked. When I type apt-get install sun-java6-jdk , I get the following message. ...
shinokada's user avatar
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