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Questions tagged [steam-link]

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Control Offline Windows XP Machine Through Steam Link

I have a windows xp retro game machine that is permanently disconnected from the internet. I am hoping to use this computer remotely through a Logitech G Cloud Handheld. Right now my current theory is ...
Ben H's user avatar
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switch pro controllers bluetooth raspberry pi steam link not working

I have the following setup: 3 switch pro controllers paired with blueman bluetooth Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.2 Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) latest steam link to my windows 10 pc as long as I ...
WWHK's user avatar
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How can I force windows 10 to behave like I always have my monitor plugged in?

How can I force windows 10 to behave like I always have my monitor plugged in? It's because I want to be able to play with steam link without needing my monitor turned on.
Aresiel's user avatar
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Choose which adapter to use for mobile hotspot on Windows 10

When a device has multiple wifi adapters, is it possible to select which one is used for Windows 10's mobile hotspot feature? I am trying to connect my tablet directly to my laptop for better ...
kdb's user avatar
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How to set up Steam Link?

I recently got the Steam link but its specification is not really helpful. There is just a diagram without any description what to do. From what I can figure from the diagram, I'm guessing I'm either ...
xtreemgamer129's user avatar
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How can I connect my Steam Link directly to my Windows PC?

I recently bought a Steam Link to play my PC games on TV, but playing over WiFi hasn't been a great experience, with random hiccups, delays and dropped frames. I had read in on Steam discussions that ...
Paul Lammertsma's user avatar