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Notepad++ Inquiry Text Only

I'm currently using Notepad++ to alter the source code of a document and I was wondering if it was possible to view only the black text, rather than having to go through it section by section and just ...
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Open a source code in Different Editor based on your Modifier Key

I use multiple source code editors for my development, namely GVim, Notepad++ and Sublime Text (in that order). (I can consolidate it to one editor, but that is a different discussion). Current setup ...
DigitalNomad's user avatar
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Fitting More Code On Printed Page In Notepad++

At the moment, I'm trying to print a snippet of code that is about 1.03 pages long. The last several lines start on the next page. As a result, I waste an entire page, and it's also much harder to ...
azoundria's user avatar
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How to Undo the "Remove Unnecessary Blank and EOL" in NotePad++

I am using Notepad++ for my coding , just used the their Edit > Remove Unnecessary Blank and EOL feature to remove the space and tabs and compressed the code , but how do i UnDo it ? is there ...
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Notepad++ sources

Is there a way to get Notepad++ source code?
ViliusK's user avatar
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Notepad++ code outline as Eclipse's outline

Folding and unfolding blocks of code helps, but in bigger files I really want to have the outline overview of a class and its methods. So, is there a plugin or anything for Notepad++ that I can have ...
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