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setxkbmap multi layout and toggle not working

I installed regolith (based on i3 wm) on my Ubuntu 22.4, and now the default Keybind Super+Space to switch source layouts is not working because regolith uses it as a shortcut for other things. I ...
Nova's user avatar
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XKB layout, remaping key LSGT is disabling the less key

I am creating a custom XKB layout. My european keyboard has a physical less/greater key which I want to be mapped as 3rd level modifier. I used sucesfully include level3(lsgt_switch) However this also ...
n0tis's user avatar
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Changing keyboard layout when keyboard is plugged with udev

I want the activate a keyboard layout and to enable "sticky" modifier keys when my external keyboard is plugged in. I've made this udev rule: /etc/udev/rules.d/keyboard.rules ACTION=="...
Macario's user avatar
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Switching left alt and left win

I have a Thinkpad X230 (german layout, [edit]running linux[/edit]) and I want to switch the left win- and the left alt-key somehow with the right alt-key (AltGr) not being touched. However, I haven't ...
michael's user avatar
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How do I permanently map Shift-Right to PageUp on xubuntu?

I got myself a laptop and the keyboard is slightly goofed up because the right Shift key is in a place where I have typically had the PageUp key. So, I wanted to figure out how to remap the right ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Setting Hyper and Super modifiers for certain keys with setxkbmap or xmodmap

Problem: I want to modify/redefine my keyboard layout (pc105 se) so that when I press certain keys with mod3 (super) and mod4 (hyper), a different character is returned than usual. E.g. Keycode 61 ...
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