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Bluescreen error in windows 7 WimFsf.sys

BSOD Error is showing while strting the laptop PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA ***STOP: 0X00000050 *** wimFsf.sys Address FFFFF88001BAF735 base at FFFFF88001BAD000, DateStamp 4a5bc362 On clicking on any ...
Nakul Jodha's user avatar
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Scale PDF page size _without_ adding white background

I have a PDF containing an A5 page. For reasons, I want to "rescale" that page to be A4-sized - but not by adding margin/padding; I want the actual content scaled. i.e. the opposite of what ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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smartctl NVMe SSD : what is "Maximum Data Transfer Size"?

I just noticed a Maximum Data Transfer Size spec on both my NVMe SSDs (128 pages in one case, and 64 pages in another). What exactly is this ? Is it the same as EBS (Erase Block Size, see Is partition ...
ChennyStar's user avatar
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What are "Global Pages" for? (Intel x86 processors)

In Intel Software Developer's Manual (Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual, June 2023 edit version) Volume 3A Section, while explaining TLBs, the following is said ...
WannabeArchitect's user avatar
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How do I change page orientation to landscape or portrait without affecting "page x of y" numbering?

I have "page x of y" numbering. I'm using the SECTIONPAGES field code to tally the total number of pages for that section because I don't want it to count the title page. I need to switch ...
word user's user avatar
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Merging pages in a pdf [closed]

Is there a free program that allows you to merge several pdf pages into one page? For example, suppose I had an eight-page document. Is there a program that would allow me to produce therefrom a "...
Noah J's user avatar
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How do I stop MS Word from resizing the page width when I resize the window?

I'm using MS Word 2016 in Windows. Whenever I change the width of the window, the page size changes. That is, I click-and-drag on the right border of the window and make it, say, a little wider. When ...
Dave Mellinger's user avatar
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How do you get MS-Word to always open to the last page of a multi-page document? The document is a daily journal

Not much to include here, I simply want my Word document to always open to the last page of the document so I can pick-up where I last left-off. The document is a daily journal.
George's user avatar
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Why doesn't the left column come down in ms word 2016?

I want the left column to be full. Why does the left column not come down? Any Suggestions?
sam sam's user avatar
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Convert a single page pdf to double page

I have a PDF document that is laid out such that each individual page is its own page, like: -------- | | | | | 1 | | | | | -------- -------- | | | | | 2 | | |...
SteepAtticStairs's user avatar
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Dynamically page borders in template when the user go to the next page (different on even and odd pages for duplexing)

what is the best way for the borders of the document to change dynamically when the user go to the next page? Currently I use frame and the page borders. But when the user go to the next page, the ...
joelcongo's user avatar
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Printing Google Maps Directions On One Page (Map Beside Instructions)

So I care about the environment and also value my time. I'm often in a dilemma where I have to choose between printing directions on 3 pages of paper or writing them out which takes about 10 minutes. ...
azoundria's user avatar
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How to force figures and legends to the next page if there is not enough space on the current page, swapping with the next paragraph?

I am writing my thesis and this structure of styles are common in my .docx file (each line represents one paragraph): Using style named "Main text": main text 1, paragraph break (Using style named "...
Matthew Hui's user avatar
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Inserting an image on ALL pages of a word document

I have the following code: Sub ImageInsert() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim Rng As Range, Shp As Shape, StrImg As String StrImg = "filepath" Set Rng = Selection.Range Rng.Collapse Set Shp ...
Madter's user avatar
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How to go through Wikipedia articles using arrows?

I am interested in increasing my general knowledge by going through a lot of Wikipedia pages, either by going through pages by subject or by going through pages alphabetically, such as in this page. I ...
Stacker's user avatar
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How do I create a header on only one page in Microsoft Word? [duplicate]

I'm writing a multi-page resume and I have a long bulleted list that breaks in between page one and two. Since I have a lot of details about my time at one company I want to have the company's name ...
Kyle Delaney's user avatar
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Gimp, Custom page size for printing

Trouble setting up a new custom page size in gimp. Found where it is to be done; Menu: File > Print > opens a dialog with tabs for print destination and setup. The /Page Setup\ tab has a "Paper ...
Hannu's user avatar
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