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Questions tagged [msysgit]

Msysgit is a windows-compatible build of the git revision control system.

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1 answer

How does Git for Windows' cat.exe deal with charset encoding?

I'm testing the behaviour of Windows terminal (cmd.exe) in relation to charset encodings. I have some test files in several encodings (Win1252, CP437, UTF-8, etc) with the Spanish text: "qué tal&...
leonbloy's user avatar
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1 answer

search over all drives in git bash crashes - "failed to read file names from file system at or below '/': No such file or directory"

I am using the git-bash for windows (what is internal msys2). I needed to search over all of my harddrives. When I try to run find / -type d (and my search patterns), the search runs over the system ...
Radon8472's user avatar
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Unable to git with plink

I need to configure git with putty on a windows-7 machine behind a corporate proxy. I had no problem to configure putty/pageant with a specific session for I have problems trying to ...
Enrico's user avatar
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1 answer

using ssh from Git for Windows in a stand-alone fashion

I am having Git for Windows (this comes with MinGw64 binaries and an msys-dll set) and have extracted (thanks to depends.exe) only the program SSH.exe with the needed DLL files for using those ...
Alexander Stohr's user avatar
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As a ssh client, putty works but git bash doesn't work

Environments Host OS: Win 10 x64(x.x.x.141) Hyper-v OS: CentOS 7 x64(ssh server x.x.x.142) Putty version:0.67 Git bash version(git for windows): I try to use Git bash as a SSH ...
the1900's user avatar
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0 answers

In git-bash vi mode, insert mode, why is 'delete' mapped to 'esc' '3' instead of 'delete'?

In git-bash vi mode, if you're not already in insert mode, hit i. Now when you try to use delete you exit into command mode and the prompt shows (arg: 3) So it seems that delete is mapped to esc 3 ...
79E09796's user avatar
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Git smudge and clean filters

I have some files in a git repository which are unicode tab-separated value files. I know that these files are either UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoded at generation-time. For my Windows workstation, where I ...
Anaphory's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

spawn new instance of msysgit in the same working directory

I am trying to spawn a new instance of msysgit - the git bash shell for windows. I've noticed that the following command is executed when you start from the Start menu: "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\sh....
deostroll's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Is the option "Use Git and optional Unix tools from the Windows Command Prompt" dangerous?

When installing Git, it offers the option to add all of its msys *nix tools into your PATH, however it warns: Warning: This will override Windows tools like "find" and "sort". Only use this option ...
Aleksandr Dubinsky's user avatar
0 votes
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Cmder error when using msysgit tools

Using cmder, every time I try to run one of the msysgit tools (e.g. ls) I get the following error: 0 [main] ls 7796 stdio_init: couldn't make stderr distinct from stdout The same tools work fine ...
spaceghost's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Can't use python in interactive mode on new msys-git terminal?

I recently upgraded my laptop, which ran a 32-bit Win7, and my new laptop runs a 64-bit Win7 installation. I am installing git 2.5.1 from, and the latest python versions (both 3.4.3 and 2....
Casey Kuball's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Windows 8.1 requires elevated rights for common tasks

I've moved from Windows 7 to Windows 8.1 (fresh install, different machines) and I'm having some issues with user permissions on my Windows 8.1 machine. It seems to require Administrator rights for ...
Francisc's user avatar
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5 votes
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GPG Agent under Windows as SSH Agent for git bash

I'm trying to set up gpg-agent as the common authentication agent under Windows. It works fine for both Putty and regular gpg use, but now I'd like to use it as ssh-agent in git bash as well. From ...
Simon Richter's user avatar
2 votes
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bash completion in msysgit by single or double tab

Single tab used to make bash complete current line, and double tab shown all possible variants. For example, if I have files (or git branches, or whatever is suitable in current context) "abc", "abd" ...
Ivan Danilov's user avatar
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Escaping asterisk * in Bash on Windows

The following command works in GNU Bash on FreeBSD but not in Git Bash on Windows: curl -X PUT -d '"*"' The intended result is to send a PUT request to https:...
Tamlyn's user avatar
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Put all Msysgit's right-click context menu options in a sub-menu in Windows Exporer?

edit: opened an issue on Git-Cheetah's GitHub page. Is it possible to put all Msysgit's right-click menu options in a sub-menu? All of the options makes my menu enormous
laggingreflex's user avatar
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Looking for 64-bit msysgit

My git operations are failing when they hit the 4GB limit memory limit for 32-bit processes. E:\source>file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe" C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe; PE32 ...
PaulH's user avatar
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2 answers

trying to get msysgit installed via chocolatey with chef but it's hanging

I'm building a Go-Agent that's deployable via chef to AWS (to give you some context) Part of that is installing Msysgit and as I look it's been 1 hour and 3 mins since it's started trying to install ...
Thermatix's user avatar
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How to enable windows-style Ctrl+Backspace in msysgit (git bash)?

I would like to configure my msysgit environment to use windows-style backspace shortcuts, i.e. Ctrl+Backspace deletes a word. I found this
Blake's user avatar
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How to upgrade Git in Aptana Studio 3

I just did an update to Aptana Studio 3 to the latest version but unfortunately it did not update the git binary in the built-in shell facility. How do I update git (more precisely msysgit) in Aptana ...
John Sonderson's user avatar
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Can Mingw32/Msys run dos/cmd.exe executables with ampersand in arguments? [duplicate]

This is a similar question to :Can Mingw32/Msys run dos/cmd.exe executables without screwing up the arguments? I'm trying to launch outlook from the mingw shell. I want to launch a new message window ...
Aaron's user avatar
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git ssh store password

I am using GIT via SSH using password-based auth (publickey is not supported due to server-side encryption that uses user password as encryption key). Is it possible to store the password locally ...
rustyx's user avatar
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Print Windows mapping of root path in MSYS Bash

In MSYS Bash I get: $ cd ~ $ pwd /c/Users/antonio but: $ cd / $ pwd / Can I get the full Windows absolute path from Bash?
antonio's user avatar
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What are the implications of a shared git clone if the source repository is remote?

So, the a git shared repository seems to be more or less perfect for keeping folders with large blobs in sync. I have something like 700 GB of pictures and videos I want to distribute across my ...
Eadilu's user avatar
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MSysGit is adding a cygwin prefix to non-cygwin paths and then failing to find its current directory

I've had Cygwin's git installed on my Windows 7 64 bit machine and it's been working fine. However, I've found myself wanting to be able to use git from non-Cygwin programs (in particular, Windows Vim)...
8bittree's user avatar
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Change ConEmu directory to working directory with Git bash

I'm currently using the following to open a Git bash instance: -new_console:"%ProgramFiles%\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i This starts a new tab in the home directory. I'd like it to start the tab in ...
funseiki's user avatar
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7 votes
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Explorer stops responding when opening Git Bash

When I open Git Bash from the Explorer context menu, Explorer stops responding, regardless whether the folder is a Git folder. Immediately when I close Git Bash, Explorer starts to respond again. My ...
Gaui's user avatar
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git clone fails with "bad object" under msys2 in a VM

When I try to git clone a github project under my Windows 7 - MSYS2 VirtualBox VM, it fails: laurent@Win7 ~/Dev $ LANG="en" GIT_TRACE="1" git clone git:// trace: built-...
lalebarde's user avatar
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In git-bash when I hit delete it says "(arg: 3)" then the keyboard doesn't work correctly

I googled it and can't seem to find anything talking about it. Basically if I'm at the prompt, and I've typed something, then arrow to delete something in the middle of it, when I hit delete the ...
phazei's user avatar
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Using the msysgit shell in Emacs for windows

I am relativley new to Emacs and am trying to setup emacs, to allow the following command to open the msysgit shell. M-x bash-shell I have added following snippet to my init.el. (defun bash-shell ()...
Will's user avatar
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Installing Git on Windows

I've installed several different versions of Git on Windows all with the same failure. I get an error "libssh2.dll is not installed on this computer...". I looked around the installation files, and, ...
dgo's user avatar
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Automated git pull on Windows 8 as system

I have installed msysgit for windows 8. I am attempting to automate a git pull every 5 minutes. I am using scheduled tasks to run a script I wrote. The schedule task's action is: powershell -...
bacord's user avatar
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How to set history length for msys?

On my Debian VM I'm setting the $HISTSIZE and $HISTFILESIZE (and other history related environment variables) on system start / profile load: ~/.profile export HISTSIZE=100000 export HISTFILESIZE=...
automatix's user avatar
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3 answers

Git for Windows: Run vim in background without ampersand (&)

On my Windows machine, running gVim appears to tie up the git for windows shell, whereas if I run from the command prompt, this is not the case. How might I be able to run gVim (or any other program, ...
funseiki's user avatar
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4 votes
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Github, Puttygen, & Pageant: Permission Denied (publickey)

I'm using msysgit on Windows 7 as well as the PuTTY suite. I opened Puttygen and clicked the "Generate" button. I moved my cursor around to "generate some randomness". After the key was created, I ...
kmgdev's user avatar
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Slow msysGit performance on mapped network drive

I have a development web server with an application directory mapped to my local machine as drive Z: (e.g. \\web_server\wwwroot). The shared folder requires domain credentials to access (my domain ...
pztrick's user avatar
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MsysGit gets differend look&feel depending on, how it is called

When I start msysgit (C:\msysgit\msysgit\msys.bat) from its directory, it has an other visual settings, as when I start it over a shortcut in the Quick Launch. Why? How can I change it?
automatix's user avatar
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msysgit's ssh doesn't display colors

I'm using Console 2 to launch msysgit's Bash shell in Windows. When I ssh to a server (either a SLES or RHLE server) and do an ls or use vi I don't get any colors. However, the colors DO work ...
user avatar
23 votes
4 answers

How to run internal cmd command from the msys shell?

The Windows CMD utility has a number of internal commands, such as mklink. How can they be used from the msys shell ? From CMD's documentation, the /c switch can be used to execute a command and ...
Mihai Rotaru's user avatar
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Using git diff with xargs -0, spaces in file names

What I'm attempting to do is extract a list of 'projects' which have changed since a given commit. For this I'm approximating a project to a folder containing a changed file. The problem I'm having ...
Benjol's user avatar
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How do I set the startup dir for a new Tab using msysgit sh.exe in Console2?

My Tab Shell: C:\msys\1.0\bin\sh.exe --login -i However Startup Dir doesn't seem to work, neither with C:\ nor /c/. There is a similar question here, but it deals with Explorer extensions. I'm ...
Andrej Mitrović's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Accessing a remote Windows "Git Bash" prompt from a Linux machine?

"Git Bash" is a program that comes with Git for Windows. In order to get to a Git Bash prompt on a remote Windows machine from a linux machine, my usual process is to use remmina to open an RDP ...
Matt Alexander's user avatar
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Github's Windows application versus Git-1.7.11 (aka MSYSGit)

I was using MSYSGit. Recently installed Github's Windows application. It crashed 1-2 times while "extracting the GIT. Please wait" screen. Then worked. I got some questions Is there any chance that ...
user978733's user avatar
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msysgit on the command prompt without bash

I've got mysysgit setup with Tortoise with PuTTY and ssh. From the Tortoise side everything is working I can clone, pull, push, etc. If I drop to a command prompt and run git I see the help screen so ...
Justin808's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

Use msysgit/"Git for Windows" to navigate Windows shortcuts?

I use msysgit on Windows to use git, but I often want to navigate through a Windows-style *.lnk shortcut. I typically manage my file structure through Windows' explorer, so using a different type of ...
Casey Kuball's user avatar
1 vote
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Why is a branch not displayed in Msysgit?

I have a branch called "develop" in my repository (as confirmed by git branch -a). However, I do not see it in the history view of Msysgit. Is there something special about this branch that causes ...
cammil's user avatar
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What is causing git byte order error?

I can no longer git svn rebase (using msysgit on Windows 7). The error starts with: Byte order is not compatible at ../../lib/ And ends with: Could not unmemoize function '...
UltraNurd's user avatar
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2 answers

In msysGit ssh.exe and ssh-keygen.exe crash

I installed msysGit (full installer) on windows 7. When I try to run ssh (or ssh-keygen), I get a (Windows) window error message saying that "ssh.exe has stopped working". When I use other ...
cyborg's user avatar
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mount external drive on windows7 for git

I love my GitBash window because it helps maintain the illusion that I am not on Windows 7. I can type ls /c/ and see C:/. This has worked fine for me. Now I would like to create a git backup on an ...
user333947's user avatar
1 vote
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Make msysgit work with cygwin ssh?

git-upload-pack errors occur when sshing into cygwin. sshd in cygwin does not take paths from .bash_profile as expected in a *nix environment. What is the way to remedy this and make msysgit work ...
sabgenton's user avatar
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