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Outlook Search Command for Searching in Folder and Subfolders

Is there a command you can type in the search bar at top in the Outlook Window App to search email within a folder and its subfolders? I use "folder:FOLDERX" or "folderpath:FOLDERX&...
Carlos C's user avatar
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Increasing search optimization speed may cause you computer to run slowly

When I entered a term into the search bar of my Outlook 2019 desktop app, I was told that not all items are in the results because some items are still being organized (or something to that effect). ...
user2153235's user avatar
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outlook - how to search for specific time range

I would like to search macOS outlook for specific time range. Does anyone know how to do that? received:1/1/24..1/10/24 after:12:00 AM before:5:00 AM I found this page
Lacer's user avatar
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How to create Outlook 365 Search Folder for Calendar Items

When creating a Search Folder in the Outlook 365 desktop app, the user is prompted to pick a folder to include in the search. Calendar does not appear in the dialog box -- only email message folders. ...
Adam J. Kessel's user avatar
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Exclude PSTs from Windows Desktop Search Indexing in Windows 10 when they are not open in Outlook 365

Win10/22H2/O365 2302. I have about a dozen PST files that I do not want Windows Desktop Search to index, to keep the index EDB a reasonable size. Historically, I thought WDS did not index PSTs unless ...
Adam J. Kessel's user avatar
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Merge all Outlook inboxes in search

I found a useful tutorial for combining the inboxes of all email accounts at It cleverly operates by running a search for "folder:inbox received:today&...
Michael Cantwell's user avatar
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Microsoft Outlook: Search for original sender in forwarded emails

I have to search the Outlook email inbox (PST file) of an employee based on certain criteria. Basically, I want evaluate data requests from external senders (as identified by their email addresses), ...
MsGISRocker's user avatar
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How to search sent emails as well as inbox in Outlook for Office 365

In Outlook (Office 365), if I use the search box to search for emails using an email address, it will only search emails received. It will not search the Sent Items folder, even if I select All ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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How to search Outlook mail for (zzz)?

Entering (zzz) in the search box returns emails with zzz. I want only emails with (zzz), i.e. the word with the parens around it. If I go to Advanced Find and enter (zzz) in the the Search for the ...
Al Lelopath's user avatar
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Outlook specify mailbox in search query

Is it possible to specify the mailbox in the search query itself instead of using the dropdown on the left ? Thanks.
Ilian Vasilev Kulishev's user avatar
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Use Outlook to search for messages from anyone in a group?

Is it possible to search for Outlook messages from everyone in a specific group? For instance there might be some department (group oh people with a email group) that sends me emails and I'd like to ...
leeand00's user avatar
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Outlook query for 1 thing in subject line and 2 things not

I use a browser to access my Office 365 email. In my experience so far, the search syntax is the same as for the Outlook desktop application. I tried the following search query: subject:"meeting ...
user2153235's user avatar
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Outlook search does not appear an email when I cut a letter

First i want to say that I am new to StackExchange and this is my first question. I have a problem with outlook search. I check on the StackExchange and I couldn't find any answers. I have received an ...
Marios Klouvatos's user avatar
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How to search our Outlook GAL for several thousand addresses to see if they are present without scripting

I have a list of a few thousand user email addresses that I need to confirm if they exist in our GAL. Rather than search one at a time, I need to find a way, preferably without having to run a script (...
MarkTO's user avatar
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How can I force Outlook 2019 to notify changes in the email store to the gatherer of Wsearch?

Configuration: Edition Windows 11 Pro, Version 21H2 OS build 22000.348 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22000.348.0 Microsoft® Outlook® 2019 MSO (Version 2110 ...
LimaUser's user avatar
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Search for emails from either address A or B

In Outlook 2016 (Microsoft Exchange): I want to search for emails that are either from [email protected] OR [email protected]. Is there a way to use the OR operator when searching for emails in Outlook?
User1974's user avatar
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Search for flagged emails from the Outlook search bar/field (Ctrl+E)

I initially posted this on the Microsoft Answers site. I like typing complex search criteria into the Outlook 2013 search bar rather than navigating the GUI and buttons to create a query. The syntax ...
user2153235's user avatar
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Contacts search on New Outlook on MacOS contact lost

When you compose a new email in the "New Outlook" UX on MacOS, in the "to" field I was finding a contact via autocomplete by typing the first few letters of their email and she ...
rhyek's user avatar
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Did Outlook 365 move the search bar again? (This time, back to the message list header)

Outlook 365 appears to moved the search bar from the title bar back down into the application, this time full width across the message list. Did this just happen, or am I hallucinating? I spent a ...
wistlo's user avatar
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Can't search Outlook 365 (Exchange) from Windows Explorer search (or a script using search-ms:query) as I could with Outlook 2013

I had some simple AutoHotkey scripts to search Outlook, that took advantage of the fact that Windows Search/Indexing worked in Outlook, even hosted on an Exchange server. That worked in Outlook 2013. ...
Benj 's user avatar
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Get rid of Outlook search popup?

Every time I open Outlook, I get the popup in the screenshot below. I've clicked a mixture of Not now and Next - both of which close the popup until next time I open outlook. (Should clicking Next ...
AutoBaker's user avatar
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Outlook Quick Access Toolbar Search: Set default to "All Outlook Items"

Hi I am using Office through Office 365. I want the default search location for the search bar in the Quick Access Toolbar to be "All Outlook items". I.e. equivalent to manually selecting it ...
Faur's user avatar
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cant search the mail by "Search for mail to a recipient" in the sent folder

I use Outlook 2016 and win10 in my daily work. I met a problem whiling I search the mail with different searching skills. when I search for specific mail by title, Outlook would get the specific and ...
Wen Yuan Lo's user avatar
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Outlook: Order of precedence for search operators?

This Microsoft Outlook page shows how one can combine search conditions using Boolean operators. Is there a documented order of precedence for the operators? I use (1) Outlook 2019 desktop ...
user2153235's user avatar
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Outlook 365 Search in specific folders

I want to ask a similar question like this one, but for newer Outlook versions. Within an email account, I can search for specific messages which are in the folder with the name "folder name" with ...
Daniel's user avatar
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need raw query to show flagged emails OR emails with red category

what's the proper raw query for me to utilize if I wanted to show only emails I've flagged OR emails I've categorized with the red color? I'd like to pull both these types of emails in one smart ...
james232's user avatar
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outlook raw query for emails having a category and flagged as important?

I'm confused how create a smart folder in outlook that utilizes a raw query for emails having a category and flagged as important tried something like category:yes to begin, but i'm not seeing any ...
james232's user avatar
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Possible causes of very slow retrieval of old emails on Outlook?

At work I use Outlook 2016, and I am having trouble accessing old emails in searches. When I run a search, I get a list of emails containing the search term. If I click on a recent email, it is ...
KAE's user avatar
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Outlook Search Function - Save/Hide Search Properties

Previously in Outlook, if I clicked into the search field in e-mail, a search window would appear with several search properties I had previously selected. When I clicked away from the search (i.e. ...
Melissa's user avatar
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Do Outlook Emails or Email Threads have a unique identifier hash that can be used within the search syntax?

I just had a massive issue with a younger IT guy who was trying to communicate to me how to find an email thread he was referring to. It was a waste of time. Now I understand that email should be ...
leeand00's user avatar
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How to reset the search bar location in Outlook

After a sudden shutdown to my computer (electricity off), the Outlook 365 pro 2016 search bar has changed to the top of the window as shown in the photo. I need to get it back to be next to "read &...
Ali Elsheikh's user avatar
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Outlook: save existing search query as "Search Folder"

In Outlook When I already have a search query that is displaying results on screen in the email list pane, how do I save this EXISTING search query as a "Search Folder". i.e. Without starting again ...
LaVache's user avatar
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Outlook 2016 presenting "Something went wrong and you search couldn't be completed," but the search is actually completing fine

This problem has been presenting for months, and as far as I can tell is a graphical issue, it's just reporting an error that isn't actually happening. This is happening when the user is doing a ...
Ahroiter's user avatar
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Outlook search for multiple words in same reply email

I have two words "yellow" and "car". I need to search these words in all emails, but "yellow" and "car" must be in same reply.
muhammed ozbilici's user avatar
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Outlook 2013 Searching Calendars

I am trying to search ALL of the shared calendars on Outlook 2013 but it keeps just searching one a time, is there a way to search all of the calendars in one go?
Amanda's user avatar
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Search literal strings in MS Outlook client with Exchange account

I almost can't believe it but it doesn't work. MS Office Prof. 2016. Searching for "On the day 21 september" gives 6 mails in the complete mailbox, including items on the server. Only one of them ...
Gerard's user avatar
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Outlook 365 searches emails in server by default. How to change this?

Outlook 365 searches emails in server by default. If there is a problem with the network, then after a while Outlook provides the option for searching locally, see figure (in Spanish). How can I ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
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How to check if a person belongs to the receiving list of an email in Outlook?

Occasionally I need to check if some person receives a specific email or not, or why that email was sent to some people (to remove them from that mail group), but there are a lot of mailing lists in ...
phuclv's user avatar
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How to open the advanced search for Outlook 2016?

From the Inbox view, the simple search can be accessed by clicking in the "Search current mailbox" field or by pressing Ctrl+E. I have seen people use a more advanced version of this search that has ...
Alexandre d'Entraigues's user avatar
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Custom Search Outlook 2016

I am trying to create a custom search that finds the following: Flagged Emails & Unread I have been able to do one or the other, but not both. It's strange because it did work for the past 2 ...
Josh Taylor's user avatar
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Highlight search results in attachments in Outlook 2016

Outlook search is quite powerful in that it will find the search term inside the message body and inside the actual attachments (for example an attached PDF file or a text file inside an attached ZIP ...
golimar's user avatar
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Searching for strings with hyperlinks in Outlook 2016

In Outlook 2016 (for Windows) I can successfully find ([email protected]) using: non-wildcard search ([email protected]) wildcard search \([a-z]@\@[a-z.]\) However, both methods fail if the e-mail ...
bjornte's user avatar
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Outlook search highlights found keywords but doesn't hide irrelevant emails

Strange issue with Outlook 2010 search functionality running with GSuite App Sync for Outlook: When searching for emails(with or without from/subject/etc keywords) with the search bar at the top right ...
arnie's user avatar
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Search Outlook 2016 for fragment

If I enter just word fragment ,for example look (or "look"), my Outlook 2016 will not find message that contains word Outlook. How to make search according to word fragment?
vico's user avatar
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MS Outlook 2016 cannot search

Lately, it seems everyone will have this happen to them at my company. They are unable to search in Outlook past a certain date. I've verified when the errors start in the Event Viewer corresponding ...
Tyler Robbins's user avatar
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Outlook Search Folder: Search actual e-mail address, not Display Name

I need an Outlook Search Folder that finds e-mail by searching the sender or recipient's actual e-mail address. For example, if I want find all messages from senders in the domain, I use ...
I say Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Keyboard shortcut to search for text in MS Outlook 2007

Is there any way to access the Find window to search for text in the window of a message, task etc. using the keyboard in MS Outlook 2007? Both the icon in the Ribbon and the webpage Keyboard ...
Melebius's user avatar
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How do i use advanced search in Outlook to look for the copyright symbol.

I've been able to search for special characters that are on the keyboard, like @, but I can't find a way using advanced search to enter the character for copyright. In Outlook itself, one can use (c),...
user2238171's user avatar
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In Outlook 2016 for Mac, how do I find all emails containing either "A" OR "B" anywhere within them?

I've found a bunch of similar questions, but none that seems to address my specific situation well enough to solve it. There doesn't seem to be an "or" search operator available in Outlook 2016 for ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Outlook Search Folder Thinks it is Yesterday

I have several search folders setup in Outlook 2013 that look for particular subjects in an e-mail that arrived either today or yesterday. (Our email provider is MS Office 365, for what its worth). ...
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