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Questions tagged [macfuse]

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Mac OS - How to enable disable developer?

I was installing the macFUSE and when I was setting it, I was asked by the operations system (OSX) to approve/enable the extension: However, I accidentally clicked the "Ignore" button and ...
user984621's user avatar
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Cannot mount USB drive with ntfs-3g on macOS 11.7

I'm trying to mount 1Tb USB drive on BigSur. Always get the same error. sudo ntfs-3g /dev/disk3s1 /VOLUMES/NTFS -volname="test" -o local -o negative_vncache -o auto_xattr -o auto_cache -o ...
coviex's user avatar
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Cannot uninstall osxfuse from Homebrew

I have an old Macbook Pro where I apparently installed osxfuse at some point. Now I can't uninstall it, even though it's listed as installed. I tried updating the OS to macOS Monterey 12.1, and I'm ...
damd's user avatar
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Lightroom Classic CC unable to access photos on an OSX FUSE-mounted Veracrypt volume

For privacy, especially while travelling, I maintain my photo library in this arrangement: Lightroom catalogue file inside a Veracrypt volume on an external SSD Original photos inside a Veracrypt ...
ichorallemande's user avatar
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Label an Unnamed ext-2/3 Partition in Mac OSX Yosemite

So, slight issue. I'm attempting to label my Ubuntu partition on my Mac and cannot get access to a flash drive. Here are my resources: fuse-ext2 enabled terminal emulation Disk Utility Mac OS ...
Addison Crump's user avatar
7 votes
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mhddfs+osxfuse via fstab?

I'm trying to create a virtual drive pool using FUSE for OS X and mhddfs. This command works for me: sudo mhddfs /Volumes/D01,/Volumes/D12,/Volumes/D103,/Volumes/D110 /mnt/DrivePoolA -o allow_other,...
johntrandall's user avatar
4 votes
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How to find the origin of OSX Fuse installed on my system? Then remove it

I have a computer running OSX Mountain Lion 10.8.4. Recently (within the last month) I noticed OSX Fuse in my System Preferences pane. However, I did not install OSX Fuse to my knowledge. In fact, I ...
scicalculator's user avatar
-1 votes
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MacFusion connecting to CentOS: Authentication failed

I've got three iMacs here (one mine, two from others), which should all connect through SSHFS with a MacFusion client to a CentOS server. I've been trying to get it all working with my iMac, which ...
Ambidex's user avatar
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Backup sshfs volume via Time Machine on macosx

Is it possible to mount a filesystem via sshfs on my mac and have time machine back that up to external disk? Time machine does backup any other external drives to its dedicated external drive so ...
duli's user avatar
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In OS X, why does one external HD mount as fusefs and another as ntfs?

I'm on a Mac running Snow Leopard with the old/free version of MacFUSE and NTFS-3G. I have one external harddrive that was pre-formatted in NTFS and mounts itself with fusefs, so everything's great. ...
MrTransistor's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there a copy-on-write filesystem for Mac OS X?

I'm on Snow Leopard. I have both MacFUSE and fuse4x installed. Is there a copy-on-write filesystem that I can install? I tried building UnionFS-FUSE 0.25 using fuse4x's includes and libs, but I get ...
Kelvin's user avatar
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Mount ext2 file on Mac

I want to mount a virtual disk file that has been formatted with ext2. I want to do sudo mount -t ext2 -o loop my-file mount-point ext2fuse and macfuse from MacPorts are installed. I can't find an ...
koan's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to use NTFS-3G installed using MacPort?

After upgrading to Lion I'm having problem mounting NTFS drives in read/write mode. This is because NTFS-3G distributed by does not work with Lion. As far their suggestion I ...
Raiyan Kabir's user avatar
2 votes
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Lost ability to write to NTFS USB disk using MacFUSE and OS X

Up until recently I was able to read and write files from my MacBook Pro to my 1.5TB USB Western Digital HD. I recently lost that ability after a friend copied a folder onto the harddrive from his ...
Homan's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to get sshfs running on Mac OS X 10.6 64-bit?

There seem to be a couple of problems at play here. First let me describe my set-up: I have a Xubuntu 11.04 file server that I can SSH into. I believe that machine has all the packages it needs on it ...
boehj's user avatar
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Set MacFUSE options with EncFS and password from stdin

Today I set up an EncFS volume and I want to automate it as much as possible. I discovered that I can pass the password via stdin with the -S switch: echo sekret | encfs -S ~/encrypted JC /Volumes/...
Rafael Bugajewski's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I mount a ReiserFS partition on Mac OSX?

I'm on a machine running OSX Leopard and Ubuntu 10.04: Ubuntu is installed on a ReiserFS partition, and it's data as well. Ubuntu and OSX are installed one for disk (disk0s* OSX - disk1s* Ubuntu) I'...
dag729's user avatar
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MacFUSE + ext4fuse = No luck

So I'm trying to mount my ext4 (with extents) partition on Mac OS X using MacFUSE (from MacPorts) and ext4fuse (compiled from git), but I just can't manage to do it. I'm trying to do it like this: ...
user avatar
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sshfs and emacs on OS X; file has changed since last visited or saved

I am trying to use sshfs (2.2.0) and macfuse (2.0.3) along with emacs (23.2.1). Many times when I try to save a file that I am editing from the remote file system I get the error: file.txt has ...
amicitas's user avatar
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Error installing pkgconfig via macports

I installed Macports 1.8.2 from a DMG. That seemed to install fine. I ran sudo port selfupdate to make sure my ports tree was current. I then tried to install bindfs as I want to mount some ...
Greg K's user avatar
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7 votes
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Mount an sshfs via macfuse at boot

I want to mount an sshfs folder at boot under Mac OSX: I'm using Macfusion right now, that is a GUI for MacFUSE, but I have to mount the folder manually. How can I achieve that?
dag729's user avatar
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Mount ext2/ext3 in Mac OS X Snow Leopard [duplicate]

I'm trying to extract files from an ext3 formatted drive. I have snow leopard. I have tried the Macfuse/macfusion/fuse-ext2 suggestions but suspect my lack of experience is causing a problem. I ...
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4 answers

How can I uninstall fuse-ext2 and macfuse on Mac OS X

Can you please tell me how can I uninstall fuse-ext2 and MacFUSE on Mac OS X?
hap497's user avatar
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