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Can't recover space on MacOS disk

A year or so ago I partitioned my stock 2011 MacBook Air with a 30Gb (I think) partition for Ubuntu. For a while I dual booted, all was good until eventually I purchased a dedicated Ubuntu machine and ...
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Label an Unnamed ext-2/3 Partition in Mac OSX Yosemite

So, slight issue. I'm attempting to label my Ubuntu partition on my Mac and cannot get access to a flash drive. Here are my resources: fuse-ext2 enabled terminal emulation Disk Utility Mac OS ...
Addison Crump's user avatar
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Removing Ubuntu from iMac, can I delete the "EFI" partition?

I booted from the Live CD and started GParted to delete the ubuntu partitions. I now have a bunch of free space and 2 Partitions: Macintosh HD, AND, a fat32 partition called EFI that takes up about ...
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