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Questions tagged [mac]

Hardware related questions of computers sold/made by Apple. Use [macos] for the operating system, and use [mac-address] for MAC addresses instead.

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Comparing folder tree files across systems?

TL;DR: Plan was to migrate my library of Photos + Data from Windows to Mac setup About 4TB of files across 2 drives, on each Windows + Mac Windows drives are NTFS, Mac drives are APFS and HFS+ I ...
Kaitlyn2004's user avatar
-1 votes
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how to keep mac pc on when it's on file sharing?

How can I keep a Mac running when I'm using it for file sharing? It's my parents' Mac, and I use it as an external drive. When they come home, I usually close the lid, but that causes file sharing to ...
masterchief844's user avatar
1 vote
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To use Tor with Safari

I try to use Tor with Safari on a Mac. brew install tor Safari > Settings > Advanced > Proxies: Change Settings > SOCKS proxy = On > Server = > Port = 9050 brew services ...
jsx97's user avatar
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How do I find which "system software from developer" is blocked?

This is a similar problem as How to find Software by developer on a Mac (System software from developer was blocked from loading) but the answers posted there don't work for me because this developer ...
drchicken's user avatar
-1 votes
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Mac Mini M2 Pro USB devices not recognized via monitor usb hub

I'm struggling with a strange problem, with a oled Philips Evnia 49M2C8900 connected to my Mac Mini M2 Pro. The monitor has a KVM functionality, so you can use 2 machine connected, one with video and ...
Gianmarco's user avatar
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Any way around macOS snapshot tidemarks?

I am using macOS Sequoia on Intel based Mac. I have 40GB of free space currently, and I wanted to partition the drive to allocate some more space for my Bootcamp volume. Disk utility only lets me ...
Patrik Nusszer's user avatar
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After Mac wake up, all Displays are messed up

I have two 4k Displays and one Drawing tablet (Full HD) on my Intel Mac mini Sonoma. When I leave the system, and it goes to sleep, after wake up, the Displays are all messed up: 1 4k Monitor doesn't ...
KSPR's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to prevent a corrupted file to be copied from a computer to a NAS, overwriting the "OK" version?

Here is a scenario I would try to prevent: Today is 11 Nov 2024. Everything is fine with my Mac's SSD (I hope...). I make a backup from Mac to a NAS. Time goes on... Now "today" is 1 Jun ...
jsx97's user avatar
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How keep my MacBook on screen saver and prevent it from sleeping, when connected to external monitor and power adapter?

I use my MacBook with an external monitor, and I always keep the lid closed and the power connected. But here’s the thing: when I put the device into screen saver mode in less than a minute, it goes ...
arab abdo's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why am I experiencing Wi-Fi connection issues on a MacBook Air M3?

I have a brand new MacBook Air M3 (13.6"). I'm on latest version of macOS 15 (Sequoia). Sometimes I've noticed that the Wi-Fi connection will go down and after a while it will try to reconnect. I'...
newbiedev's user avatar
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How do I enable the "Require password after screen saver begins or display is turned off" feature on macOS Sequoia?

How do I enable the "Require password after screen saver begins or display is turned off" feature on macOS Sequoia? Does anyone know how I can enable it?
Ralph David Abernathy's user avatar
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Why doesn't my dual boot (macOS/Linux Mint) iMac not boot after I deleted the Linux Mint partition?

I had a dual boot (macOS/Linux Mint) iMac (2017 27") for about a year, recently my iMac has not enough space so I wanted to remove Linux Mint. In disk utility, I delete a 7GB swap partition and a ...
Paul the sea wolf's user avatar
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How to make a backslash in a MacBook Pro Spanish keyboard with Latin American settings?

The backslash is the only symbol I cannot find on the keyboard. And I needed for several commands and applications. It is a MacBook Pro Spanish keyboard with Latin American settings? Currently, I copy ...
Nisanio's user avatar
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Why am I getting operation not permitted with Homebrew?

I'm trying to install packages with Homebrew on a Mac M3 Sequoia but a lot of them don't work. Here, I'm trying to install [email protected] but I've the following error : /usr/bin/env tar --extract --...
BeowolfK's user avatar
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How to Install Java on a Mac (High Sierra 10.13)

How do you install Java for command-line use on a Mac running High Sierra 10.13? Here's what I did: 1. Tried running java in the terminal, but was prompted to download the JDK first. 2. Downloaded the ...
user47892's user avatar
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Does an .ovpn override the .mobileconfig dns settings?

I am using a MacOS with a specific .mobileconfig installed on it which doesn’t allow the users to change dns over https. I am curious if the user is allowed to use open vpn, will the connection on ...
Atrox's user avatar
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How can I hide the Mac taskbar when using VMware in fullscreen?

I have a Mac mini M2 (Mac OS v. 15) and I'm running Windows 11 on it in a VM using Vmware Fusion. When the VM is displayed in Fullscreen and I move the mouse to the side where the Mac taskbar is, the ...
Wombi Wombyte's user avatar
2 votes
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Homebrew: `brew install --HEAD`, but with a specific commit

This question is related to, but different from (since that question deals with different versions of the ...
user21952-is-a-great-name's user avatar
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Why can't I change the MAC address?

I have Zte Blade A5 2019 with dynamic root GSI CaOS and I'm trying to change my MAC Address with: su ifconfig wlan0 hw ether 11:22:33:44:55:66 It doesn't return an error, but MAC address doesn't ...
Эльдар Гатин's user avatar
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How to adjust notification banner persistence/duration on macOS Sequoia

I'd like for the notifications on macOS Sequoia to stay onscreen for longer before they disappear. By the time I glance up at one, it is sliding off the screen. Internet searches reveal (OLD) posts ...
Drew McManus's user avatar
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I’m encountering difficulties installing ETAP on my Mac using Wine. The installation process fails when attempting to set up the SQL Local DB server

I need to run ETAP on my Mac for college, but since there’s no native Mac version, I tried using Whisky (Wine) for the installation. The setup process goes smoothly until the very end, where I ...
Anuj Kishan's user avatar
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How to update yt-dlp to nightly with Homebrew?

I used Homebrew to install yt-dlp. Now I need to update it to nightly. When I use the command: yt-dlp --update-to nightly I get following message: Unable to write to /usr/local/bin/yt-dlp; try ...
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How do I prevent a specific external device (e.g. keyboard) on Mac from controlling the volume?

The volume control wheel on my keyboard seems to be broken. It randomly keeps changing the volume on its own. Is there a way I can prevent the keyboard from adjusting the volume while maintaining ...
Shakil's user avatar
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How do I disable system sleep on macbook

I know how to disable sleep by doing sudo pmset disablesleep 1 And this prevents the system from sleeping when i close the lid. But this also prevents my macbook from asking password when I close my ...
nobody's user avatar
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Macbook keeps restarting when in sleep mode

When I leave my macbook pro 2019 16-inch in sleep mode for a period of time it restarts without any interaction with the computer. I hear the startup noise when I'm away from the computer. It has been ...
Paul Mason's user avatar
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How can I start MiniKube as a service on OSX?

I've installed minikube using brew. brew install minikube and it works great ❯ minikube start 😄 minikube v1.33.1 on Darwin 12.0.1 ✨ Using the hyperkit driver based on existing profile 👍 Starting ...
nycynik's user avatar
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How to identify the source of a popup prompting user to select account on macOS?

At seemingly random times, we have a user that sees a popup window appear on their Mac prompting them to select an account. The only account they're presented with is one labeled work. I'm having ...
Hoggie1790's user avatar
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How do I disable repeating keys on Windows 11?

So I'm using AnyDesk to remotely access a Macbook from my Windows device. I'm using my Mac to make music. Unfortunately, my MIDI keyboard isn't being recognized as a device (which is an entirely ...
2ple's user avatar
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How to perform PHY loopback test on linux

I have a Linux host with sparx5 network controller and Marvell AQR113C PHY connected to the network controller. I what to check SGMII connection between MAC and PHY. To to do so I'm putting PHY into ...
Kamil Zaripov's user avatar
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Mac cmd + tab doesn't work with external keyboard, but cmd works and tab works

Scenario: External keyboard (cherry keys mx2.0s wireless, if it matters) Plugged into macbook Mapping changed in system preferences, so "alt" (right next to space) is mapped to "cmd&...
Tiago's user avatar
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restore closed Finder window (after Mac restart)

I have multiple Finder windows opened, one of them having a set of important tabs/locations opened. By mistake, I closed that window. How can I restore it? I noticed some applescripts, but I don't ...
radui's user avatar
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Where does System Preferences read the device's MAC address?

If you go into MacOS System Preferences > Network > Advanced > Hardware: You will see the device's mac address. Great! Now, how is system preferences seeing that address? It the mac address ...
jack kelly's user avatar
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Why can't I delete a file named '.' on external NAS with macOS?

I have a Western Digital My Cloud EX2 Ultra and somehow ended up with a . file inside an empty directory. I tried: Deleting it with Finder: Delete it from Terminal: rm -rf ./* zsh: sure you want to ...
tonymontana's user avatar
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Inkscape text not saving

I create Text in a circle using the command TEXT TO PATH in Inkscape and save as STL file. I load into Snapmaker Luban and the text appears briefly and the disappears, leaving a circle ( which isn't ...
Davo's user avatar
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Can't run command after pip install in Mac OS and zshrc

I'm trying to configure a new MacBook Pro from scratch. I've installed Xcode, iTerm2, Oh My Zsh and Tmux, just to inform. I've also set aliases for pip and python from pip3 and python3. which python ...
P. Solar's user avatar
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How to record screen with FFmpeg in macOS without getting this error: "Selected framerate is not supported by the device."

I'm trying to record the screen using FFmpeg on macOS. First I run this command: ffmpeg -f avfoundation -list_devices true -i '' The output is: [AVFoundation indev @ 0x12ff058a0] AVFoundation video ...
jsx97's user avatar
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Why can't I connect to Samba server from a Mac?

My main computer (Mac) won't let me connect to my Samba share on my Debian home server. I have followed this YouTube video. My testparm output: # Global parameters [global] map to guest = Bad User ...
koala ._.'s user avatar
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Why doesn’t my Mac Chrome match Windows 10 Chrome?

I installed Mac Chrome on my Mac desktop running OS 10 and logged in using the same login as I do on my Windows 10 Chrome and for some reason the two Chrome applications don't look the same. I was ...
Julio Rosario's user avatar
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Can't copy certain files to Linux share from Windows

I am having trouble copying file created by a specific machine to my Linux share from any of my Windows computer. I have a Linux machine that I have setup with some hot folders monitored by incron. ...
Parangtha's user avatar
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Resizing retina screenshots for web

As far as I know, web browsers display images at 96 PPI. And at least on my Mac, the screenshots created using the Screen Capture app are 144 PPI. So, if I created a screenshot on my Mac and I want to ...
jsx97's user avatar
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How can I fix the frozen terminal during installation?

I'm trying to install Gforth from this page I tried both installing from GitHub and from tarball. In both cases just before the last step, e.g. after entering ./configure on the tarball install, after ...
zeynel's user avatar
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FFMPEG not compiling into a proper video The youtube video above summarizes my problem, as it would be rather tricky to convey the issue over a post. Any help is much appreciated on this, thank you!...
Dimitri Chrysafis's user avatar
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How can I prevent mac os from detecting when a monitor has been disconnected or changed

I have a switch box that supports EDID, and yet my Macbook still seems to detect when I switch the monitor to another computer as if I had disconnected it. Is there a way to disable this directly in ...
Justin Ohms's user avatar
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Macbook doesn't sleep and keeps restarting itself with error

I have this macbook pro 13 with M1 and it currently runs sonoma 14.5, since before updating I have been experiencing restart issues while it was asleep, I will open the laptop and it shows laptop has ...
Nura's user avatar
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Network between Ubuntu(22.04) and macOs (14.5) over Thunderbolt

my first experience with IP over Thunderbolt comes from connecting two laptops with Ubuntu 22.04, usbc-usbc bridge. It was autoconfigured, I used at that time one program client-server to measure ...
Adam Mierzwiak's user avatar
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Root user issue in data recovery program

I am trying to get to run data recovery apps PhotoRec and TestDisc on my Mac mini / M2 with Ventura 13.3 but I keep getting the error message YOU MUST BE ROOT TO USE THIS PROGRAM despite the fact that ...
manelalvarez's user avatar
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I mistakenly erased Macintosh HD and am now stuck at macOS Utilities screen. How to fix?

I mistakenly erased Macintosh HD and now both the Recovery disk and Macintosh HD are combined. Unable to reinstall the macOS as it doesn’t find any core volume: Can you help me with the commands to ...
user2085407's user avatar
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What do I enter in the DNS/Proxy fields when connecting an Epson printer to a Macbook?

I am trying to connect my Epson L3250 printer to my Macbook for printing. I downloaded Epson Connect Printer Setup for Mac OS X and started the setup procedure, but I get stuck on the "DNS/Proxy ...
Chalcosoma's user avatar
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3 answers

How to Mount a Bootable Debian SD Card on macOS and Windows? [closed]

I'm having trouble mounting a bootable Debian OS on SD Card (32GB) on macOS and Windows. The drive mounts and functions perfectly on my Linux machine, allowing read/write access. However, neither ...
Ponmani Chinnaswamy's user avatar
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Debian 12.5 Samba share not preserving modification time accessed from MacOS

I've created a Samba share on Debian 12.5. The client is macOS Sonoma 14.5. Files copied to the shared drive are not consistently preserving modification time. I copy files over, some copy with the ...
David's user avatar
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