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2 answers

Look in data cluster in a row and fetch the first cell value of the row

I have a sheet where the first column has the names of people, next 4 columns have various dates. I want a function to check the cluster of dates and fetch the list of people allocated for a ...
Karthikeyan B's user avatar
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Lookup in excel from a range and returning the match

I am trying to work on this for quite a few days for now. I want to take out the middle names from last name. I have possible list of middle names and a list of last names. I am trying to look up the ...
Novice's user avatar
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Need to look up individual names on a list

I'm trying to find a formula that will let me verify the frequency of names on a list on a second list without having to go one by one inserting the text in between "". I'm currently using =...
Lorena's user avatar
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Is there a formula I can use to show the top 10 values with criteria?

I am looking for a formula that will give me the top 10 $ amount from a column, however it must match a category from another column. I have attached an example of what I need. In this example I am ...
Connie's user avatar
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Populate rows (year listing) based on drop down selection MS Excel

I have a challenge presented to me. I have searched quite a bit, but I cannot find a solution that exactly works. I have a drop down listing that represents the number of years (1-50). I need to ...
W Teater's user avatar
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Overlapping administrative units - excel associations

In excel, I have a list of administrative units and need to find the overlapping relationship between the tax districts that comprise the administrative units. In column A I have the administrative ...
AMcKinney's user avatar
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How to display Excel table (data validation list) based on the value in previous cell- multiple tables

I have multiple tables with various data that is related to each other in Excel (example here: Tables in Excel) I have named all the tables (example here: Tables' names) And I have created lists from ...
Norbs's user avatar
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Auto Update list output in Excel

I have an Excel sheet which uses a drop down list. When I update an item of this list (so I'm not adding anything, I'm just changing the name of the item that was already in the list) the old value ...
Joop's user avatar
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1 answer

How to do multiple matches on Excel?

I have two different lists but I need to match certain values (not similar). For example, suppose I have the following table, I need to know if I have "DD" in List A and JJ in List B on the ...
attavip's user avatar
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Fill a cell with text & find match of a reference cell from previous entries, then automatically fill the respective "semi-adjacent" cells with a word

I am doing a daily task list excel sheet containing columns titled Month, Day, Task, Status, and Update. Cells under Status have a dropdown list choice of either "done" or "missed",...
swiftrobber's user avatar
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2 answers

Formula to get comma-delimited list of unique values from table column

User1974's user avatar
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Force selection on previous cell with same dropdown list?

My sheet has multiple cells with the same dropdown list. The data for the dropdown list is also on this sheet (in a hidden column (H)). So the dropdowns source =$H$1:$H$6 A B C D H (data for dropdown)...
meekz89's user avatar
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EXCEL - How to group multiple rows ("children") into columns linked to same "parent"?

I'm trying to build a mail listing for our school parents, and I am not sure how to do the formula in Excel. I have a long list of children (name and class) and for each of them their parent (name and ...
Thierry's user avatar
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Choosing specified cells in a column range and show in dependent excel drop-down list

I want to create a data table (Table3) that col [Member] will fill members name by a drop-down list from the Table1[Mem No] and I want to fill the [book] column of Table3 from the column Table2[books] ...
M.Rafi Biglari's user avatar
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How do you I keep information stored next to dynamic list?

I have a list in my excel sheet that is dynamically changing as it gets updates from another sheet. I want to manually add notes in the columnn next to it, but every time the list gets updated, the ...
Katie's user avatar
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How to do Real time auto extraction of information into excel from outlook emails with attachments?

How does one extract into an excel spreadsheet a ordered list in real time for emails containing attachments the file name and type, the date, and email subject? Is there some kind of software that ...
user avatar
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Fastest way to format a list of numbers in excel?

I have a list of order #s w/ several line items; each line item needs to be listed w/a unique # but include original #; like 1234-1, 1234-2, 1234-3 then 2345-1, 2345-2. Easiest way to do this?
Melissa Jackson's user avatar
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Convert List into Grid

I want to convert a List similar to the following into a grid (as below) so that I can generate pivot tables... Is there an easy way to do this with VBA? List: Date Name Assignments 6/1/...
user1191513's user avatar
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Auto populate list answer

I have a list that is quite long as to what can go in cell B6. Is there a way that when you type the first 3 letters, a word from the list will auto-populate?
user avatar
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Excel: How to create a list of values in one cell for curent and previous values?

I have data that corresponds to "usage" of a product. I can manually update the value as it increases and save the previous values somewhere else. However, I would like to have the previous value ...
Newbael Scrubolous's user avatar
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Excel insert selected range

I have a cell A1 with list (GROUP 1, GROUP 2, GROUP 3) and 3 groups of names (E1:G7). I would like to select for example GROUP 3 and it would then printout all names in that group in cells C2:C7. ...
Uroš Šček's user avatar
-1 votes
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Office 365 Excel - Turn cell matrix into list without blanks

I am trying to take a matrix of 2500x2500 cells (95% of the cells are blank) and create a list without any blanks.
Alfred Abercrombie's user avatar
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Make a list with multiple matching criteria

Hello, I need help extracting information if the criteria are matched. So I need to extract a list for (level) MAG4 if a student received fewer than 8 points or get below 80%, and I need to extract a ...
Steve's user avatar
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2 answers

Excel - extract values from multiple cells and list them

Let's say I'm a tutor. Each one of my students wrote the list of days in which they're avaliable. They wrote the days in a single cell next to their names in a table. I'm looking for a formula, which ...
Richard Bartoníček's user avatar
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Use Drop Down Menu to change cells next to the drop down list

I am very new at vba and am interested in creating a program that does the following. When a item is selected from a drop down menu it will paste certain text into the cells that are next to the drop ...
Crystal Sparkman's user avatar
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How to filter a list and pick randomly one of the resulting records in Excel?

I want to randomly pick a name that matches specific criteria. See for example the image: How can I filter a list, each one with associated data in other columns, using provided criteria, then pick ...
FarO's user avatar
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Multiple criteria unique values, and list

I have two issues that I am looking for help with. The first is to create a dynamic list of unique ID numbers for items matching "Horse" in column J on Sheet 2!, "Ball" in column I on Sheet 2!, and ...
Victoria G's user avatar
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I'd like to generate a list based on selections made by students [closed]

I have several students who have selected what classes they want to be in on the first sheet. On the second sheet, I would like to generate a list for each class with the names of the students in that ...
Erica Engelby's user avatar
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Conditional defalt on data validation list

EDIT No. 2 *Ok, my previous articulations of my problem were, as pointed out, pretty rubbish. This edit, rephrases the question in a more straightforward manner, summarises the context and provides ...
SeánMcK's user avatar
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Trying to sort my movie list by negative and positive

i hope this is not too off topic. Tried thinking of sites to help me with this but i hope this is ok. I have a list with 553 movies, a notepad .txt file with titles formatted just like this: Shutter ...
Avaris's user avatar
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2 answers

How to display text in contains in certain cell number at different sheet in Excel?

I have a list of number in Sheet A and I want to call and display the list of text (ENTIRE ROW) that represent by the same list of number in sheet B. HELP!
Shahriz Abd Razak's user avatar
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Pivot table filter pane is not sorted. Why?

In my pivot table filter, the column containing numeric values is not sorted, while the corresponding column in my data table is nicely sorted. Why? Data: Original pivot: I recreated the same table ...
ZygD's user avatar
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Excel how to deactivate "Most Recently used function" suggestion from drop down list

I am currently using Office 365 on Mac. For the "Drop-down Function-suggestion list", Excel have started suggesting the "most recently used" function, as opposed to JUST suggesting it in alphabetical ...
Erik Boersheim's user avatar
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Excel: Data validation list enable option for all values

I am using a data validation list to dictate the outcome of a SUMIF formula. I'd like the user to be able to select a specific geographical location in the drop down list or to return the sum for all ...
user13641's user avatar
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Data Validation From 2 Lists EXCEL 2010

I have two sets of dynamic lists, List1 & List2 Lists are created using OFFSET and COUNTA, so new entries are contained within the list etc. In Cell A1 i want to use the data validation list ...
PeterH's user avatar
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Excel lookup / compare values

I need some help to sort out an old, bulky, crappy file. So here is my problem. I have an excel file like this: and i need to sort it like this: Keep in mind that the food type changes for each ...
Mozie1's user avatar
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Excel formula to build a list based on multiple "OR" criteria

I have a formula that can build a list of product codes based on a set of item names ("ITEM1" and "ITEM2" in the example below). How can I do this using a cell range instead of listing each item name ...
jkg's user avatar
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3 answers

Why does the dropdown button in Excel data validation disappear?

I am creating a dashboard in Excel in which I want to restrict the input to a specific list. I used data validation to do so which works perfectly fine. However, normally the little drop-down button ...
Robin Kramer-ten Have's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Return list of all values that match criteria

I am trying to help my boss set up an Excel sheet but I am not too familiar. I am looking to list all values of a cell that match a criteria. Sheet 1 A B 1 Adam 4 2 Dave 4 3 Steve 3 4 ...
29560's user avatar
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Convert table items into single list

What should be the best approach in Excel to get records like these: consolidated into a table like this: Thx!
R. Inomata's user avatar
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How to output "Find" result or cell location in array or searchable area in Excel

I'm hoping someone has an idea of how I can list the cell location of a COLOR# in my example with a function instead of using CTRL+F to find the cells that have the value I'm searching for and then ...
Jared's user avatar
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Excel Formula that autofill an array with a list, based on an array

I'm trying to do a formula that within a range makes a list based on info on a specific array. What I need is an array that aufills this list based on the following conditions: 1)It has to be the ...
Vicente Gre's user avatar
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Excel help generating product codes

Good Day, I need help generating different product codes for a range of values. I want the product codes to be: SKU0000 to SKU9999 and I also need the subproducts for each of the main products such ...
OmagaIII's user avatar
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excel:how to convert name-value list of repeating record structure to table/crosstab?

'text to columns' and pivot table are not the solutions! source data myval: value1 mydate: 11:11:2001 myname: bob diamond mynum: 5648 endmarker myval: value2 mydate: 10:10:2008 myname: jimmy knapp ...
adolf garlic's user avatar
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