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Multiple criteria unique values, and list

I have two issues that I am looking for help with. The first is to create a dynamic list of unique ID numbers for items matching "Horse" in column J on Sheet 2!, "Ball" in column I on Sheet 2!, and ...
Victoria G's user avatar
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Excel formula to build a list based on multiple "OR" criteria

I have a formula that can build a list of product codes based on a set of item names ("ITEM1" and "ITEM2" in the example below). How can I do this using a cell range instead of listing each item name ...
jkg's user avatar
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Excel Formula that autofill an array with a list, based on an array

I'm trying to do a formula that within a range makes a list based on info on a specific array. What I need is an array that aufills this list based on the following conditions: 1)It has to be the ...
Vicente Gre's user avatar