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Is it possible to make .iso from Linux Disk?

I want to make a .iso file from my modified Feren OS so that I can share this with my Friend and put it on my Laptop. Is there a way to do it?
ClaasCode's user avatar
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DISM capture and apply WIN10 image failure. Need guidance

I've hit quite a snag here. I booted from WINPE5.1 and ran DISM and captured a Windows 10 golden instance image and the UEFI System Partition (what I traditionally knew as system partition) saved to ...
user1330287's user avatar
1 vote
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Is it possible to restore an image from Acronis into a single partition, instead of the whole disk?

I haven't worked with Acronis yet (or any other OS cloning software), but as far as I know, it has to be restored on a blank HDD instead of a single partition (out of 2 or more). So, is that possible ...
K0media's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How to clone Windows HDD to a smaller SSD with Windows built in tool

I would like to move my OEM Windows from a big HDD to a smaller SSD. Windows 7 + SP1 has a built in toool. My problem is that it could not find a way for it to make an image file only of the used ...
user1054310's user avatar
-1 votes
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What's the simplest way to capture an image of an OS and apply it to another drive? [duplicate]

I have a 1 TB hard drive with OS installed (Windows Server 2012 R2), several partitions, dynamic disk. All I want to do is back everything up so I can basically clone it to a bigger drive. However, ...
Christopher Bruce's user avatar
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How can I copy my Windows installation to a smaller HDD?

I'm almost certain my "new" hard drive I bought last August is the cause of constant BSODs. I've re installed Windows and they keep happening, so... I have a smaller hard drive (320gb vs the "new" ...
robot85's user avatar
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Cloning/Imaging a drive

What software is best to clone and image a drive and then copy it to another drive? How hard is it to do? Are there any steps I need to do to make it easier to do? Example: copy a desktop setup to a ...
Tiffany Walker's user avatar
2 votes
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Low level imaging of a HDD

I have a HDD with several partitions, each with a different Operating System. If possible, I would like to make one image of the entire hdd so that it can be restored at a later date. The other ...
Sonny Ordell's user avatar
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