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Questions tagged [cd]

`cd` is the command-line command for navigating the directory tree. It stands for C(hange) D(irectory). For the optical disc, please use [compact-disc]

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How to specify new current directory in shell script started by systemd?

I start /home/bernard/p1meter/ script from terminald that crash on first cd command script (line 3 in script) ! #!/bin/sh pwd cd /home/bernard/p1meter I added pwd linux command to know ...
schlebe's user avatar
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2 answers

Why can't I CD into directory in Windows 10?

I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but when I go into Command Prompt (either elvated or not), and type: cd H: I am met with the following output: Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.4894] (c) ...
Kalamalka Kid's user avatar
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Why does an external USB DVD rewriter play DVDs, but can't access data or music CDs?

I have two DVD rewritable drives, one external USB and one internal: LG Electronics External Super Multi DVD Rewriter (model #GSA-E60L) (Drive F:) Internal DVD rewritable drive (Drive E:) In Windows ...
Ted Jackson's user avatar
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OhMyZsh causes cd to push to dirs stack. How can I revert it to original state?

I am using oh-my-zsh. With it enabled: source $ZSH/ the cd command acts like pushd on everything: ~ ➜ dirsv 0 ~ ~ ➜ cd Projects ~/Projects ➜ dirsv 0 ~/Projects 1 ~ ~/Projects ...
ekr990011's user avatar
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Do CDs have any unique ID?

I have a PC game CD twice here. The ISO images on the disks are matching exactly. Is there any unique ID on the disks which make it possible to distinguish between them? Somewhere in the meta data? ...
javanerd's user avatar
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2 answers

Is the cd command temporary?

Attempting to change my working directory. In the command prompt, my input was: > cd F: :: Command prompt returned: > F:\ Then another line appeared, reverting my working directory back to: C:\...
cadenpolen's user avatar
-2 votes
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How Does Duplicating Files To Reduce Read Time On Disks Work?

i recently looked into game files of a Sega Dreamcast game called "Tokyo Bus Guide", and i found a odd thing, there were tons of duplicate files! when i researched on it and an Quora Comment ...
Aditya's user avatar
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2 answers

Does accidentally putting in a dvd damage a cd player?

There was a bonus disc with my cd which I assumed to be another cd, writing was very faint. After putting it in realized it was a dvd and now the cd player rarely works, was mostly working before. It’...
Jess's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a linux “cd” (change directory) command that can “cd” folders in grep style?

In Linux is there a way to cd folders in grep style? For example you have directory named: a__french_music___ I would like to write to terminal cdgrep fre and using Tab for autocompletion --> ...
Estatistics's user avatar
-1 votes
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CD Image to USB bootable flash drive

I have this CD image that I want to burn onto a USB flash drive, but I keep failing because the "readable part" of the image contains nothing to boot from. I'm thinking that the image itself ...
fpp's user avatar
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Mount CD/DVD as external harddrive

I'm trying to use CDs and DVDs with Steam to play games off them. The only issue is that when you eject the CD, the list of installed games does not update like it would with a normal external drive. ...
JebloJenkins's user avatar
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Unable to re-rip CDs in Windows Media Player

Using Windows Media Player to rip my CD collection I had noise issues with MP3 even at highest quality. I have a few dozen ripped this way. I started using WAV format and all is great. I have plenty ...
Ron Draper's user avatar
5 votes
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Does any other booting system exist for ISO 9660, except El Torito?

17th sector of ISO 9660 file system may contain so called Boot Record. It is a special Volume Descriptor with type = 0x00. The only Boot Record I know is Boot Record for El Torito and it contains LBA ...
Art Spasky's user avatar
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Where does `abcde` output files?

I ran abcde on an audio CD, when in the working directory $HOME. Now I can't find the outputed files in my home directory. Where do they go by default? I'm using the default abcde installation on ...
GPWR's user avatar
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Why did Teracopy show 100% progress so early?

I am trying to copy data from CD to my pen drive using Teracopy (software). Even with data still left to copy, it started showing 100%. Why so?
Ahmed J's user avatar
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Recover Data from a Re-writable CD/DVD

I have a re-writable CD/DVD that had a priceless (to me) document on it. When I went to copy the document it was not there. Instead there were three photos of my brother. I am guessing that due to the ...
Vaccano's user avatar
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Copy CD to ISO including bad sectors

I am currently trying to copy a Sims2 Game CD to ISO as most CD Disk-trays are now retired and aren't common on newer machines. I've tried multiple disk tools but this disk has a purpose bad sector on ...
Geoff's user avatar
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CD Reader is producing corrupt files

I have a few CDs and DVDs with music on them that I want to transfer and store on my Windows computer. Some of the disks are being read fine however some of them are being read with the audio files ...
user17361867's user avatar
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CD DVD BD - Does it spin left or right?

So, how do those discs spin? Clockwise or counterclockwise? I cannot find any information on the topic.
ArekBulski's user avatar
-1 votes
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Burning music on to cd that already has a photo

I have a couple of questions. If a cd already had music or photos saved on it then would it ask you to name the cd or does this option only come up if the cd is blank? If a cd already has a photo ...
Computer Novice 45's user avatar
-1 votes
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Having issues attempting to backup some old CD Roms [closed]

I've been trying to find a way to back up some of my CD Roms by copying their files onto my computer, but that doesn't actually let me use them when I remove the CD, as it seems to check whether the ...
WinterKidd's user avatar
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Is there a way to reach iCloud's Pages folder via the Terminal?

You can get to iCloud drive from the Terminal using cd ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/, but that doesn't show you all the same folders you see when you click the iCloud Drive link in ...
jamesnotjim's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

How do I cd into a network share?

I need to connect to a network share with path \\\04_Top_Image and need to use cmd to cd into it, but I don't know how to cd into it. I know how to go from C: to D:, but it doesn't work ...
ToMakPo's user avatar
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Count non-fatal read errors on optical disks

Optical disks use Reed-Solomon codes to deal with limited amount of bit flips and hide them from user. Is there a way under Linux or Windows to count these bit-flips? Essentially I want to find out ...
Ghostrider's user avatar
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How to refresh terminal after function call

I've written a simple function to search the current folder when I press ctrl+f with exa and peco, after I choose a directory I want to cd into it. (ll is modified version of ls) pecofunc() { ll | ...
MikiS's user avatar
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BD-RE eject only with disc on it

My BD-RE Drive on pc eject normally only if it have disc on it If there no disc i eject it only by using needle on the hole Why? I opened it and clean it but didn't fix
SSSSAK's user avatar
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How to cd in Windows from internal drive to a connected USB drive without using the drive letter?

I am trying to change the directory in PowerShell from my pc to my usb drive. I want to automate this with a script but when I run the script on a different computer the drive letter of the USB device ...
Omer's user avatar
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Convert a Live Windows ISO to a Non-Read Only Boot Image

I have a tiny windows boot ISO whos contents is not like a typical windows or windows CD file layout. The ISO boots fine in a VM however I obvioustly cannot customize the OS because the ISO is read ...
TechnicTechnician's user avatar
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Computer freezes during POST with new CD drive

I work with older computers and received a Compaq Presario 2275 with a non-working CD drive. After cleaning up the computer and testing it (it works fine), I swapped the original 32x CD drive with a ...
jacobtohahn's user avatar
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How do I change directory to a path containing spaces in cmder on Windows 10?

I am working with both Docker Quickstart Terminal (Bash) and Cmder on Windows10. On Bash, to change directory to a path where some folder contains spaces, I usually do: cd "D:\my files\etc\etc&...
Tms91's user avatar
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1 answer

autocd if and only if the path is a collection of `../`

I'm using zsh & I've aliased .. to cd ... I want zsh to cd to a path if and only if the typed out path is a repetition of .. or ../. The following should auto-cd: .. ../ ../../../../ ../../.. ...
ChocolateOverflow's user avatar
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Is it possible to use it as a laptop external CD player through USB or AV in AV out?

I have a Sylvania DVD/CD player that has a small screen, you can play movies, music from any CD/DVD and SD card/USB on it. Is there any way for me to connect it to a laptop, with the USB male to ...
user1302333's user avatar
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Is there a way I can use a Virtual Machine (alternately Windows itself) to use an .iso file as a writable medium?

I have a very specific need. I will have an exam in a couple months and I have absolutely no training in how to burn disks. I had a PC that could do this several years ago but that one's long gone, ...
RobTheBot's user avatar
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On testing compatibility of a new OS with laptop/computer using Live CD

Is testing compatibility of a (new/different) OS with one's computer best done using a Live CD? So, if after booting up from a Live CD, things check out as 'OK', is it fair to assume that a full ...
user1284757's user avatar
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Good one-off throwaway medium/method for offline data delivery instead of CD/DVDs?

I need to deliver a few large-ish data archives (5-20 GB each) to other people in the nearby area, but my internet connection is painfully slow, especially the upload. It takes about 3-6 hours for ...
Matjaž's user avatar
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How do you get bash to cd to your previous session directory on login?

I would like to on ssh login, change directory to my previous one. (I'm the only user on my machine).
Quang's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Window 8 cd . Product key prompt not appearing [closed]

I bought windows 8 cd . After that When I put in my laptop the screen come with select language and time after that . Window say the product key does not match but I haven't enter the product key the ...
Lonely's user avatar
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4 answers

Redirect batch output to cd command

I have a batch file that outputs a path. How can I use the batch file in Windows cmd to change the current directory? What have I tried: F:\>cd my-path.bat The system cannot find the path specified....
Daniil Palii's user avatar
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CD past a folder with unknown name but with a fixed format

I want to CD past a folder with a variable but fixed syntax name. The syntax is number.number.number.number I tried to cd to *.*.*.* (I don't know how to format this) but that doesn't seem to work, is ...
Mathias Maes's user avatar
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How to change into a directory with a space in its name

I have this directory in CS50 IDE called "cs50 web" and want to cd into it. Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out how... ~/ $ cd cs50 web bash: cd: too many arguments ~/ $ cd cs50-web ...
user avatar
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batch file: copy the contents of one file to another file in different directories

I want to create a batch file to combine the contents of two text files: c:\folder1\1.txt with c:\folder2\2.text and then, append it to another file c:\folder3\combine.txt Where the batch file (copy....
Mahsa Shafaei's user avatar
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External CD drive fail

How to get rid of a malfunction, caused by a external CD-R/RW drive. The drive worked pretty fine before. It’s the same error at different divces and 'Operating Systems'. Check the attachment at this ...
xcv.1's user avatar
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With a Gigabyte motherboard where I have flashed the BIOS, if I reset the CMOS will it also reset the BIOS to default?

I have a GIGABYTE GA-Z77X-DH3 motherboard. In March 2020 I flashed the BIOS in order to make it compatible with a Windforce graphics card. This caused Windows 7 to think my computer was new and it ...
Phillip Hamilton's user avatar
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How to insert Guest Additions CD image when receiving the below error message?

When I try to insert Guest Additions CD image I get the following in a dialog box: unable to insert the virtual optical disk C:/Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxGuestAdditions.iso It’s followed by “...
Vrobles's user avatar
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Error Using “cd /Desktop , ~cd /Desktop” Commands in Ubuntu Console

I downloaded Ubuntu from Windows Store. I made necessary adjustments but I can't use "cd" and "~cd"commands to reach my desktop it gives error.It says"No such file or directory". How can I fix this?
Berk 's user avatar
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Newbie trying to use sources

I am trying to have a simple file which changes the directory where the user currently is. If I run the file using . ./Genesis then the source files works fine. But I want to just use ./Genesis and ...
Ktate's user avatar
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Can I use a DVD-R to burn a regular audio CD?

I want to burn a regular audio disk (similar to the pre-recorded audio disks) that can be played in any player, not just a computer, using a DVD-R. Would this work? And, if so, is it safe to assume ...
Harry S. Anchan's user avatar
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Windows 10 "does not see" a file on CD burned on Ubuntu

Ubuntu 16.06: I burn a data file to a regular CD by Basero Disc burner. I can see and copy the file if I insert the CD in Win-7, but in Win-10 the CD is empty!
Yakov's user avatar
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Simulate slow burn progress

I'm working on a "Burn Service" feature for a bigger application and find myself needing to burn a lot for testing. Problem is, mounting drives results in lightning fast burning and that's bad for ...
Olin Kirkland's user avatar
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Converting IDE optical drives to SATA with an adapter - not recognised in BIOS or OS

My wife's 10 year old desktop computer failed some months ago, which necessitated the purchase of a more modern motherboard. The original motherboard had both IDE and SATA ports and the computer has ...
Mikeinnc's user avatar