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2 answers

Can multiple reminders be set as default in Thunderbird?

Is it possible to set Thunderbird so that when a new calendar item is added, multiple reminders can be created, by default? For example, the first reminder might be for two days in advance, to prepare ...
DrMoishe Pippik's user avatar
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Change default reminder times available in Gnome Calendar on Linux

Does anyone know how to change the default reminder times available in Gnome Calendar? The possible selections are: 5 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour 1 day 2 days 3 days 1 week I'd like to add: ...
Feakster's user avatar
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Outlook - Get Daily Reminder of upcoming Event

In Outlook 2016 I want to have a daily reminder for an event which tells me the days left until the date of the event is reached. Does someone found a solution for this specific need?
qwerty's user avatar
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Disable Outlook Reminders Per Calendar?

Is it possible to disable reminders for individual calendars in Outlook? I am happy to retain my default settings for my "base" Calendar, but for my custom Calendar, I want to suppress all reminders.
PeterX's user avatar
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How do I set two or more reminders in Office365 Outlook Calendar?

Where I work, we use Office-365 Outlook for email and scheduling. I would like to have a reminder two hours before, and again ten minutes before, a weekly meeting. I see a drop-down list to set one ...
DarenW's user avatar
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How to determine the calendar from which an Outlook Appointment Reminder is from

I'm currently using Outlook 2010 and am owner, obviously, for my personal calendar but also have a couple public calendars associated with my account. All appointment reminders show up in the same ...
user374892's user avatar
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Outlook appointment default open in series for reminders

I use outlook appointments to keep brief notes on my classes, I have a reminder on the classes when it is scheduled to start. When I double click on the reminder it opens the single instance of the ...
Ben's user avatar
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REM function in remind for timed reminders over a specific interval

I am trying to write a linux remind script that has reminders for things I have to review on a certain time interval. Let's say this is: 1 month, 3 months, 1 year, 3 years. The trick is that I need ...
svh160's user avatar
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Set specific date and time as reminder in Outlook for an appointment

How to set a specific reminder time, say Oct 21 2013 11:33 AM, for an appointment in MS Outlook 2010, which is scheduled for some different / arbitrary date? Certainly, I could just schedule the ...
alex's user avatar
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sending events with reminders through Outlook

There is no end to the uselessness of Microsoft Office. Is there any way, at all, to send an event with reminders to others using Microsoft Outlook 2007? I have tried creating a shared calender ...
Clinton J's user avatar
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How to set up a reminder like every fourth Wednesday?

How to set up a reminder like every fourth Wednesday? Preferably in Outlook or Google Calendar?
Tony_Henrich's user avatar
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Outlook 2010 reminders keep popping up even if closed

Today when I got to work and started my computers I got a event reminder for my last events last friday. I closed the reminder, but perhaps 10 minutes later it pops up again, and another 10 minutes ...
LapplandsCohan's user avatar
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Lotus Notes: For accepted meetings, automatically set alarm notification that accounts for availability

This morning I was late to an interview that was scheduled to start in the morning at 8:30 AM, which is before I usually arrive at work: 9:00 AM. Meetings like these are particularly important, but ...
Garen's user avatar
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How to make Outlook Calendar reminders stay on top in Windows 7

I'm just starting to use Windows 7 and I want to know how to make my Outlook reminders pop up and show themselves prominently. They keep opening discreetly, as just another window in the Outlook ...
thursdaysgeek's user avatar