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ALSA setting microphone levels

I have an USB handset that I am trying to record from and depending on settings I want to mute the device. The only controls that amixer provides is: amixer -D hw:1 Simple mixer control 'PCM',0 ...
Tony's user avatar
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audio not working on virtual machine

I am implementing a virtual agent using java. My agent works fine on my local machine. But when i deploy to Virtual machine agent is not able to speak due to lack of audio mixers on virtual machine. ...
user1457957's user avatar
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Default bluetooth device not allow to record from another device

I have already set the bluetooth device as default device for recording the audio. But I have add the another usb audio device for recording, the bluetooth device not allow the usb device to record ...
Prakash H's user avatar
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37 votes
6 answers

linux arecord: capture sound card output rather than microphone input

I am trying to capture sound card output and encode it in Vorbis ogg format using the following command: arecord -f cd -t raw | oggenc - -r -o file.ogg However, the computer's microphone input is ...
user001's user avatar
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Recording using arecord creates thousands of files

I was trying to use arecord to record a wav file, but instead of recording to one file, it created tens of thousands of files (around 60000). This happened after I had installed the alsaequal package. ...
lopsided98's user avatar
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anyway to take a 'snapshot' of alsamixer?

my audio card has some issues under ubuntu. everytime i fiddle with the volume, it messes up microphone. i can't set the microphone at all under ubuntu GUI. it tries to assume things from the ...
gcb's user avatar
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Recording sound from TV tuner card thorough Alsa driver on Ubuntu

I have a TV tuner card with its output connected to the CD in of an integrated sound card. Video is OK, and the sound also gets thorough (to the line out) when running xawtv, for example. However, I ...
Latanius's user avatar
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-1 votes
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arecord not working in ubuntu 9.10 [closed]

arecord not working in ubuntu 9.10, but Sound Recorder of ubuntu is working.
SunnyShah's user avatar
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