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Questions tagged [alacritty]

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How to spawn an Alacritty terminal from another Alacritty terminal that was spawn by Waybar

I'm using a Waybar module in an Arch Linux Hyprland setup, where my .config/waybar/modules.json is set as follows: "custom/clusterteleport": { "format": " Cluster ...
Dyin's user avatar
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numpad enter remapped in new macOS updates for alacritty

I have been having annoying problems with my terminal Alacritty. In macOS after recent updates my numpad enter is not giving me what I would expect when I press it. Normal Keyboard enter. ❯ whoami ...
nelaaro's user avatar
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Alacritty: YAML config is deprecated, please migrate to TOML using `alacritty migrate`

Everytime I start alacritty I get the following error messages: [0.000620404s] [WARN ] [alacritty] YAML config "/home/l540/.config/bspwm/alacritty/alacritty.yml" is deprecated, please ...
TechNoob's user avatar
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When should TERM be set to alacritty-direct

I am using alacritty 0.11.0 (8dbaa0bb) on Arch. the default TERM type is alacritty, which works well (truecolors etc) for everything except terminal emacs. In a terminal emacs does not show truecolors....
sw1nn's user avatar
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Locale Setting Issues on Arch Linux

I am running Arch Linux. My locale appears to be incorrectly set, but I don't know how to fix it. When I run locale, my system outputs the following: locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: ...
apad's user avatar
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Ctrl + up/down arrow produce an output in my terminal (alacritty). Any ideas where it is coming from?

I'm running the garuda/sway distro and I get the following output in the alacritty 0.10.1 terminal when pressing: Ctrl + UP Arrow => [1;5A] Ctrl + DOWN Arrow => [1;5B] One other odd little ...
SwiftD's user avatar
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How to copy a large terminal history from Alacritty to the system clipboard - the Alacritty clipboard seems to get cut

I installed Alacritty that uses vim to show files but embeds text in the terminal text so that I can copy whatever text from even ssh servers or terminals that do not have a system clipboard, and the ...
questionto42's user avatar
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