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Find command in IBM AIX

I would verify that files in the location listed may not have both the other-write and any execute permissions set. This requirement to be applied recursively to files contained within subdirectories. ...
medisamm's user avatar
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list out owned file/directories and change its permissions

Can anyone please tell how can I change files/directories owned by me only. below is the command that list out files/directories owned by me find . -user <username>
Ahmad's user avatar
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666 permission even after making umask= 0000

I made my umask = 0000. However when I am creating a file it has 666 permission. Although directories get 777 , that's alright. Also my aim is to create file/dir with permissions 774, I guess umask ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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Defaulting file permissions for any file being kept in a specific folder

I'm Using AIX. I have a folder owned by me. Permissions for the folder are 777. That means anyone can keep their files in this folder. But I want the files to be kept only with 777 permissions. But ...
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