Is there a way to make firefox open tab as a pin tab by default?
I often work with multiple tabs. My "home page" alone is 7 tabs already. I pin them all, still it'll be better for me to open all tabs as pin tabs.
Possible solution
A possible solution to open a url as a pin tab with, say, Ctrl-Click or open a selected url with from a keyboard.
As to a second approach -- there's a function :pintab
in pentadactyl. One can pin a tab from keyboard with:
map x :pintab<CR>
When the focus is on the url -- Ctrl-Shift-Return
opens the url in a new tab. I tried to combine the two things:
map x <C-S-CR>:pintab<CR>
but it doesn't work. Probably <C-S-CR>
is illigal.
(actually a proper way to pin tab is map -g user <C-S-p> -ex pintab!
-- this way one gets toggler)