I'm a newbie to excel and csv files.
I have a excel file with the following structure … http://cl.ly/Rdkp
user_login user_email user_pass first_name last_name display_name role
Some Name [email protected] Some Name subscriber
You can see the real structure on the screenshot posted above.
However I need to export this data as a .csv file with the following structure …
"johndoe","[email protected]",,"John","Doe","John Doe","administrator"
So this means I need to wrap all my data in my excel tables inside quotes ""
and separate them by comma.
I'm on a mac and currently using numbers, where I can't find an option to export comma-separated only with ;
as separator. I'd also be able to use Excel.
Any idea how to do what I need. In the first place I wonder how I can wrap every cell inside quotes so it matches my desired output format.
Thank you in advance, Matt