Possible duplicate of scp to remote server with sudo

I'm facing the following issue:

  • A folder (with sub-folders) with files belonging to usr1:usr1
  • I login with another user usr2
  • usr2 can do sudo -u usr1
  • How can I copy the whole folder to another Linux box over ssh?

I tried the following with no success:

sudo -u usr1 tar cf - * |  ssh  usr2@host 'cd /tmp/dump;  sudo -u usr1 tar xf -'

Any help would be appreciated

  • I have answered on another posting how you can customize scp do the sudo for you directly. This is similar to what WinSCP does.
    – YoYo
    Commented Sep 2, 2016 at 22:58

2 Answers 2


You can do this using scp as mentioned in the link you provided, but with the -r flag added to the command. The -r means recursive, so it repeats the scp command for every file and/or folder it finds in that particular folder.

scp -r yourfolder name@host:targetfolder

  • it won't work because of permission. virtually -1 to you )
    – ravnur
    Commented May 24, 2013 at 15:09

On the host containing the folder to be copied, run this:

sudo -u usr1 scp -r folder-to-copy usr2@host:/tmp/dump/.

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