I'm a Linux Mint (Lisa) and Tor Bundle user trying to use wget over Tor. After following the directions I found here, all I get when running wget is an output file saying, "514 Authentication required."
Here's what I did: I downloaded the latest version of Tor Bundle (Version 2.2.35-9) for Linux and extracted it. I ran ./start-tor-browser. Then in Vidalia I went into Setting -> Advanced, and uncheck "Configure ControlPort automatically." (Later I also tried changing "Authentication" to "None" but this still didn't work.) The IP address is set to localhost and the port is 9051.
From the terminal I said:
export http_proxy=""
wget -proxy=on www.whatismyip.com
This gave me an output file saying, "514 Authentication required" instead of www.whatismyip.com. Any ideas?