It looks like it is being produced by some component of the HP software for your printer/scanner/multi-function device. (All launchd
jobs are identified by a label, which is generally a reverse-DNS formatted string of the developer (see CFBundleIdentifier for more info). In this case, it's
Okay, after a google search of that bundle identifier, I came across this PhotoSmart C4280 repeating error messages in system.log thread in HP's forums.
Basically, the reason for the issue is whoever wrote the HP software not really understanding how to implement a launchd
LaunchAgent properly.
I wrote an AppleScript script to help automate the process of unloading the old launchd job, updating the plist file, and loading the new job:
HP (.zip file, ~29 KB)
Here's the code if you're interested:
if existsFile("") then
set plistFileContentsString to (do shell script "/bin/cat /Library/LaunchAgents/")
if (plistFileContentsString contains "LaunchOnlyOnce") then
display alert "It looks like your \"\"
has already been helped." buttons "Quit" default button "Quit"
set ourPlistPath to POSIX path of (path to resource "")
do shell script "/bin/launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/;
/bin/rm -f /Library/LaunchAgents/;
/usr/bin/ditto --noqtn " &
quoted form of ourPlistPath &
" /Library/LaunchAgents/;
/usr/sbin/chown 0:0 /Library/LaunchAgents/;
/bin/launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/"
with administrator privileges
end if
display alert "Sorry, you don't appear to have the applicable
HP software installed." buttons "Quit" default button "Quit"
end if
You should be able to run that AppleScript to alleviate the issue.
, which is the part of OS X that handles launch agent and launch daemon services.launchd
is a public API Apple provides in Mac OS X to implement on-demand services: millions of developers can and do use it to implement services in their applications. The cause of all the error messages logged to console on behalf of alaunchd
job are going to be specific to the product that is using the API, not to the API itself. In this case, it's HP software.osx
, andlauncd
), then please refrain from making a judgement about how "unclear" this question might be. It's perfectly clear to me. Every single word in that quoted error message is full of information.