I've got an rsync
job which I have been using over the course of several years.
I'm a windows user and use Delta Copy Client.
This job has become so messy that it errors out all the time and I've recently discovered that it is not even copying certain new files (it probably bombs out after the errors and retries).
In a nutshell, I want to start with a clean slate.
Is it possible to?:
- delete the target bak folder on my NAS
- start the job anew
My concern is that I don't want to accidentally delete source files in the event that it does some kind of mirroring thing.
2nd question - one of the things which seems to cause me grief is the recycle bin ($RECYCLE.BIN). Is this something I can exclude with --exclude
The command which the client runs is:
rsync.exe -v -rlt -z --chmod=a=rw,Da+x --delete --exclude="CollegeBAK/" --exclude="Microsoft.Cpp/" --exclude="MSOCache/" --exclude="NaturallySpeaking/" --exclude="Documents/Dave/Onedrive/" --exclude="OneDriveTemp/" --exclude="Profile Files/" --exclude="Program Files/" --exclude="Program Files (x86)/" --exclude="ProgramData/" --exclude="Programmer Books" --exclude="Temp/" --exclude="Users/" --exclude="Windows/" --exclude="zz/Docos/" --exclude="node_modules*" --exclude=".vs/" --exclude="bin/Debug/" --exclude="bin/Release/" --exclude="obj/" --exclude="/Sql Server Logs/MALT_1.ldf" --exclude="**/Microsoft.Data.Services.Client.5.6.0/" --exclude="**/NewRelic.Azure.WebSites.x64." --exclude="**/Microsoft.Diagnostics.Instrumentation.Extensions.Intercept.0.13.0-build22724/" --exclude="**/$RDKCLHB.Docs-master/" --exclude="**/My Music/FromJames/" --exclude="**/aspnetcore/fundamentals/host/" --exclude="**/BankWebinars/packages/" --exclude="**/CUMailer/CUWebinars.Azure.AdhocNotifier/" --exclude="**/TTSWebJobs/CUWebinars.Azure.EmailParser/" --exclude="Documents/Dave/dwhelper/Tax/" "/cygdrive/E//" "[email protected]::EBakII/EDrive//"