My SSD (Samsung 870 Evo Plus) reaches maximum speeds of 1700 MB/s instead of the 3200 advertised. I checked with hwinfo and it says PCI-E 3.0, max Width 4x current link w. 4x, max speed 8GT/s
So my drive is running at 4x, also I tried to reposition it physically.
What else could it be (My pc is an HP 15ck018nl)?
NOTE: SSD-SMART temperature is reported to be 42 °C
EDIT: Can't open it (again) but this is HP's service manual (dropbox link because I'm not able to find the site again)
According to the label the PC is:
Laptop model: 15-ck018nl
Product Id: 3DK73EA#ABZ
Motherboard ID: 841C 64.14 (from HP assistant)