My SSD (Samsung 870 Evo Plus) reaches maximum speeds of 1700 MB/s instead of the 3200 advertised. I checked with hwinfo and it says PCI-E 3.0, max Width 4x current link w. 4x, max speed 8GT/s

So my drive is running at 4x, also I tried to reposition it physically.

What else could it be (My pc is an HP 15ck018nl)?

enter image description here

NOTE: SSD-SMART temperature is reported to be 42 °C

EDIT: Can't open it (again) but this is HP's service manual (dropbox link because I'm not able to find the site again)

According to the label the PC is:
Laptop model: 15-ck018nl
Product Id: 3DK73EA#ABZ

Motherboard ID: 841C 64.14 (from HP assistant)

  • What is your motherboard and what have you connected to it and in which slots?
    – harrymc
    Commented Sep 13, 2021 at 14:32
  • @harrymc I think the motherboard is HP841C which is also the name of a printer. superuser.com/questions/1667269/…
    – user1482432
    Commented Sep 13, 2021 at 14:47
  • Curious... NVMEs tend to plug into a connector that's soldered on the board and be screwed on from tail end to boot, so how does one go about physically repositioning one? If I'm not badly mistaken, PCI-e 3 4x max 8GT/s translates to bus speed 4GB/s, unidirectional (wiser persons will correct me). Can't find a diagram, maybe that SATA drive sits in the same PCI-e bus. How exactly are you measuring the transfer rate? Commented Sep 13, 2021 at 15:21
  • As far as I can see there is no such motherboard. If you can, open the computer and take a good photo, and tell us what the label says.
    – harrymc
    Commented Sep 13, 2021 at 15:34
  • @harrymc it is a laptop. Taking a good photo of a laptop motherboard is gonna be rather difficult.
    – user1482432
    Commented Sep 13, 2021 at 16:08


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