I have two openldap servers replicating cn=config with syncrepl in a provider-consumer relationship. There are a few attributes that I would like to exclude from replication.

I see that syncrepl has an exattrs=<attr list> option, but I cannot find any documentation as to how to set it. For example,

  • Are the attributes comma-delimited, or colon-delimited, or something else?
  • Are wildcards allowed, or do I have to list all of the attributes by hand? As it turns out, all of the attributes I want to exclude begin with olcTLS . Can I set exattrs=olcTLS* ?

1 Answer 1


They are comma-separated. About that I am sure, look the following snipet from a production server:

 olcSyncrepl: {0}rid=006 provider=ldap://ldap.example.org bindmethod=sasl sa
 slmech=EXTERNAL searchbase="ou=people,dc=example,dc=org" type=refreshOnly  int
 erval=00:00:05:00 retry="5 5 30 +" timeout=1 scope=sub schemachecking=on star
 ttls=yes tls_cert=/etc/ssl/certs/client.example.org.pem tls_key=/etc/ssl/pri
 vate/client.example.org.key tls_cacert=/etc/ssl/certs/DigiCertCA.crt exattrs

About wilcards, I would guess no, it's not possible. I tried naively as you suggested and slapd refused to start.

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