I have one workbook, with two separate worksheets. I want to know if the values that appear in worksheet B also appear in worksheet A, if so, I want to return a "YES". If not, I want to return a "NO". Based on columns A and B.
In worksheet A, I have the following data set:
1 Bob Builder 1/1/2001
2 Patrik Str 2/2/2001
3 Thunder Ct 3/3/2001
4 peter Grif 4/4/2001
In worksheet B, I have the following data set:
1 Bob Builder 1/1/2001
2 Patrik Str 2/2/2001
3 Thunder Ct 3/3/2001
4 peter Grif 4/4/2001
5 Bob Builder 8/8/2011
6 Patrik Str 2/25/2001
I have tried =IFERROR(IF(MATCH(A1,Sheet1!$A:$A,0),"yes",),"no")
but it is only looking for column A not B. This works fine only because it looks at column A but there are also other students that have the same name but different DOB.
Can vlookup or match function in excel be used by comparing column name header like name and DOB instead of A, B.