Papers by Weihan Huang
IJSHRE, 2024
Can we imagine a world without lights? Is the world without lights a total darkness? Do we still ... more Can we imagine a world without lights? Is the world without lights a total darkness? Do we still need eyes to see if there are no lights? In this paper, I propose a possible world without lights, a new world that instead has a new physical law : a law of projection.

A New Model of Our Universe's Origin, 2024
If A is generated by B, then the following problem is that how B is generated? i.e. What is the c... more If A is generated by B, then the following problem is that how B is generated? i.e. What is the cause of B? Then we must assume that B is generated by C. As a result the same problem is that how is C generated? What is the cause of C? Therefore we will go into the infinite regression problem if we don't stop at some point. So the final problem is that if there is a first cause, then what is the cause of the first cause? The same problem applies to our universe. Does our universe have an origin? What generates our universe? Is there a first cause of the being of our universe? If so, what is the cause of the first cause? Our sensible universe apparently contains or is constructed by space, time and materials. We may wonder that is it possible space, time and materials are all generated from the first cause? Are they generated independently or cross-related? These problems give rise to my new model of our universe's origin..

The paper "From the Least Effort Point of View" provides the answers to the questions of "What is... more The paper "From the Least Effort Point of View" provides the answers to the questions of "What is language?" and "Why do we need language?" However, these philosophical answers do not give us a formally defined language for this philosophy of language. In this paper, firstly I give the formal language of the mechanism of "Least Effort Point of View". We will see that this actually gives the first glance of a General Memory Model (GMM) without type specification. Also in the introduction, I give some examples of GMM in programming language, natural language, association memory and logic. Then an interface and 3 implementations of GMM are proposed. It is especially noted that the Artificial Neural Network(ANN) implementation of GMM shares the same "simple", "small", and "uniform" representation on both sides. And then I compare this model with 3 famous memory models : Structured Query Language(SQL), Object Oriented Programming(OOP), Semantic Networks Processing System(SNePS). Next I build Cognitive Models of Consciousness, Short term memory, and Long Term Memory by GMM. Lastly, I invent a High Level Vision Description Language(HLVDL) and its conversion to the GMM. Thus we will have a general memory model for computer vision with small, simple, and uniform memory elements. Therefore, the GMM can not only do with Language as it is firstly inspired from, but also it can deal with Vision!

International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering (IJSHRE), 2022
Russell's paradox shows that the set of all sets does not exist, which gives an example of set th... more Russell's paradox shows that the set of all sets does not exist, which gives an example of set theoretical paradox. To resolve a version of this paradox, Russell proposed a theory of types, and then the type hierarchy to infinity appeared in the resolution of the paradox. Victor gave a solution to remove the infinite type hierarchy by proposing his Duality Principle, which not only can solve Russell's paradox, but also can solve the Liar's paradox. In this paper, I contend the completeness of meanings in Duality Principle. Firstly, in solving the Russell's paradox, I assert that the complete meaning of a set should contain Miscellaneous Sets such as A={a,{b}}, in addition to Pure Sets {a,b,c} and Set of Sets {{a},{{b},c}}. And this will require solution of Russel's paradox by Duality principle change its disjunction condition to have 3 conditions. i.e A set is either a Pure Set, or a Set of Sets, or a Miscellaneous Set. Then his original solution can not follow these new conditions of the Duality Principle. Secondly, in resolving the Liar's paradox by Victor's Duality Principle, I argue that the completeness of meaning of a statement, in addition to {a statement, a statement about statements}, there should be also { a statement about (statement about statements) }. It means that the original meaning of a statement is incomplete, there are more meanings of a statement such that it is a complete set of meanings. However, this will push us to Russell's infinite type hierarchy which Victor tried to avoid. Therefore, I myself would like to give the meaning of a statement in Liar's paradox as a Boolean function, which in turn renders the Dialetheism.
Firstly my research methodology of Artificial Intelligence is given by introducing the Script and... more Firstly my research methodology of Artificial Intelligence is given by introducing the Script and the Embodied Cognition. Before we start the script writing and listing of embodied cognition functions, a Perfect World Principle is proposed for building the world and the cognitive models. Then a script of happy birthday party is written to serve as behavioral or phenomenal level descriptions. Next I start to talk about the topics of the implementation of cognitive models. The list of topics is "Free Will", "an Architecture of Changing Minds", "Mental Representations of Persons", "Sensation and Emotion in AI", "Machine Learning", "Natural Language Understanding". Lastly, I suggest the next script in the future will be on teaching the robot to do programming so that he can change and create things in the world he is living in.
International Journal of Social Relevance and Concern(IJSRC), 2022
Naming : Language. What is language? And why do we need language? This paper tries to answer thes... more Naming : Language. What is language? And why do we need language? This paper tries to answer these two questions from the least effort point of view. The mechanism of the least effort way is firstly given to answer the question of what language is. Then I show 5 major types of using language in the least effort way to carry information : 1. Function Call which carries information of function definition, 2. Referential Use which carries information of properties and functions, 3. Interpretations which carry more than one interpretation, 4.
IJSHRE, 2022
Firstly I give introductions to complex number and Natural Language Programming syntax, and I sho... more Firstly I give introductions to complex number and Natural Language Programming syntax, and I show that the expressive power of Natural Language Programming includes the complex number syntax inside. And next I show how enNLP(Natural Language Programming in English) which combines natural language programming and Object Oriented Programming implements complex number as a class in Object Oriented Programming. Then I give the code and the tests of the code. Lastly I compare enNLP with other programming languages I know so far and show that Natural Language Programming Language is the unique programming language that can let users implement complex number both semantically and syntactically.
IJSRC, 2022
Firstly, I give the definition of Real Pluralism. Then I give 10 examples of the realizations of ... more Firstly, I give the definition of Real Pluralism. Then I give 10 examples of the realizations of Real Pluralism. And in section 3, I show the difficulties encountered in the realizations of Real Pluralism. Following the difficulties, I try some possible savers to save us from the difficulties. Lastly, I give a metric to measure different Ontologies.
Newton's law of universal gravitation F=-GMm/ has a problem, i.e. when r=0, the force goes to inf... more Newton's law of universal gravitation F=-GMm/ has a problem, i.e. when r=0, the force goes to infinity. A new gravitation law is proposed to solve this problem. And I show that this new gravitation law meets 4 criteria of observed phenomena.
In contrast with the mathematical syntax of functions, a natural language syntax is proposed for ... more In contrast with the mathematical syntax of functions, a natural language syntax is proposed for the programming statements. For Object Oriented Programming, I create new-instance statements and data of objects in natural language programming. New structures of Throw-Variable and For-Each loop statement are also provided. Lastly, I compare this work with other four natural language programmings.
Unlike the traditional non-life data, life data in a computer should be treated cautiously in ord... more Unlike the traditional non-life data, life data in a computer should be treated cautiously in order to prevent duplicates or deletions of lives. In this paper, firstly I introduce how a life comes up inside a computer, and then I give the representation of lives inside a computer. In the second part, I review the abilities and operations of a software system. And lastly, in part 3, I give discussions of security issues for lives inside a computer.
This paper investigates how philosophy can achieve meta-ability. The relationship of languages an... more This paper investigates how philosophy can achieve meta-ability. The relationship of languages and thoughts is given. Then we define the order of terms in logic language, and show that all objects to be investigated are treated as first order terms, even for non-existence object or predicates in higher order logic are all rigidified as first order terms. By this rigidification and the naming mechanism of natural languages, meta-ability is achieved. And hence that philosophy is the meta-theory of branches of knowledge is shown. Lastly, I list 6 theories of philosophy of science to demonstrate the revision of philosophical theories of their naming, "Science".
Firstly I give an introduction of lives living inside a machine. Then I give awakening and dreami... more Firstly I give an introduction of lives living inside a machine. Then I give awakening and dreaming in a virtual reality. Secondly, I show 3 examples of situations : eating steaks, playing games, approaching to death, and show that some of them require awakening, while some of them forbid awakening. Thirdly, two proposed : halting problem, infinite loop. I discuss the ability of detecting them, and make the corresponding awakening choices. Lastly I list points of how to prevent the bugs before running virtual reality.

Papers in Physics
This paper introduces a nonlinear, magnetically charged, singularity-free black hole model. The R... more This paper introduces a nonlinear, magnetically charged, singularity-free black hole model. The Ricci scalar, Kretschmann scalar, horizon, energy conditions, and Hawking radiation corresponding to the singularity-free metric are presented, and the asymptotic behavior and quantum correction of the model are examined. The model was constructed by coupling a mass function with the regular black hole solution under nonlinear electrodynamics in general relativity. Aside from resolving the problem of singularities in Einstein’s theory of general relativity, the model asymptotically meets the quantum correction under an effective field theory. This obviates the need for additional correction terms; in this regard, the model outperforms the black hole models developed by Bardeen and Hayward. Regarding the nonlinear magnetic monopole source of the gravitational field of the black hole, the energy–momentum tensors fulfill weak energy conditions. The model constitutes a novel, spherically symm...
International Journal of Social Relevance & Concern, 2021
A concept "Fuzzy Characteristics" is introduced firstly, with a problem of vegetarian in applied ... more A concept "Fuzzy Characteristics" is introduced firstly, with a problem of vegetarian in applied ethics proposed, and its solution is given later in this paper. Secondly I provide some assumptions for creating a perfect life and a perfect world, which requires the full understanding of human brain functions. Lastly, in the third part, I give the motives of moving lives from biology to machine, then I test and discuss 3 algorithms of the move, which in turn meets the problem of Fuzzy Characteristics
International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering
Natural Language Programming(NLP) is good for programming codes maintenance and understandability... more Natural Language Programming(NLP) is good for programming codes maintenance and understandability, however it cannot automatically summarize paragraphs of codes. Summary of paragraphs of codes can increase the code understandability a lot. Therefore in this article, a new Summary Construct is proposed, and then we compare it with two classical ways of summary expression. Next an idea of multiple level viewers is given, and this can hide details in multiple levels of program codes. Lastly, I write an algorithm of a multiple level viewer using the new Summary Construct.
The concept "Interface" in Java is firstly introduced. And then I show that the use of ... more The concept "Interface" in Java is firstly introduced. And then I show that the use of Interface can solve the problem of invalid function call error by the example of finding the maximum value of a list. Next I propose a new way "Presumed Function" for the same task : finding the maximum value of a list. And lastly I list the advantages of Presumed Function over Interface.
From the Least Effor Point of View by Weihan Huang
Papers by Weihan Huang
From the Least Effor Point of View by Weihan Huang