Her kan I se alle vores fine gamle møbler, som vi lige akkurat fik hjem i onsdags.
Der er mange, rigtig gode ting imellem, og jeg har da også allerede udvalgt mig et par favoritmøbler, jeg gerne vil have hjem til os selv.
Det er bla. en skøn cremefarvet skænk med 3 låger og skuffer,den har en smart udtræksplade som er sådan en ekstra udvidende foranstaltning.
Derud over er der en skøn lang hylde, i 2 etager, som skal hænge over vores nye sofa, som jeg snart håber vi får købt, men først skal der males og høvles gulv i stuen.
You can see at the fotos, all the old furniture, who just arrive few days ago.
There is a lot of wonderfull pieces. I hope that I can have one or two of the furniture in my own living room.
I specially love, it's a kind of chest, it have 3 doors and 3 drawers, it have a very nice ofwite old colour, and it is very original.
I have also found af shelf in the same colour, who will be very nice, to hang over my sofa.
I think I will have my french mirror, on the top of the chest ( I have not get a new sofa yet) We need to paint the living room before we will furnish.
We have found a nice sofa in IKEA, the smart thing with that sofa is, that you can buy a new skirt very cheap, if the old one no longer is clean and nice. When you have 3 dogs as us, everything get dirty very fast!
Have a nice weekend :-)