Sunday, August 9, 2009
Un jour.
Although I have contemplated a blogging site for over twelve months, today seemed to be the day to start. My dear husband, has been following along as I wallowed through the instructions. . We both have been on a learning curve this afternoon.
I need to be more disciplined with my 'Sublime Pastimes' in order to share some of my sleeping beauties/WIP & completions, in this medium.
I am currently working on a small cross stitch piece, a Shepherd's Bush scissors fob, "Snow" a quilt which has been in and out of packing since 2001 and a large Roman blind for our family room window.
Today is our DD#1's birthday. We had a lovely luncheon at a restaurant, overlooking the harbour. It was a beautiful warm winter's day to celebrate with family.
My " Memories" quilt is a particular favourite and was completed a few years ago. I gave it that title, as woven within the stitching of the quilt are memories and events surrounding three very special folk, who shared and enriched my lifes' journey, during its' construction. The quilt was started in 2000, when I enrolled in a class, just so I could have the pattern I had long admired. Around that time, our DD#1 announced her engagement to a New Zealander. I also invited a very dear friend to join me in the quilt class and, my dear Mother gave support & inspiration as I planned & stitched the quilt. My friend Marg, was new to patchwork, keen to learn, certainly captured by this inspirational pastime and recently had moved to Sydney from Adelaide. The class was not really for beginners however, I was more than happy to help and encourage my friend to complete the task. As you can see by the variety of small blocks there was much work involved, and then, the quilting. We shared many stitching hours together working on our quilts. My friend managed to finish her quilt, long before mine was anywhere near ready for completion. We had a trip to New Zealand near the end of the class. It included a relaxing week in the Marlborough Sounds, along with a tad of stitching time. I planned to stitch many of those blocks while on holiday. Before we left I cut out each four inch block while my dear Mother packaged each one in separately labelled bags, along with the pattern and my stitching notes. One of the blocks was a small horse shoe. I adapted the block to be two entwined horseshoes, to commemorate our daughter's engagement and forthcoming marriage. Another member of the class generously shared her horseshoe fabric with me. Yet another block, was an American flag. Naturally, I changed that block to be our very own, spectacular & beautiful, Australian Flag.
Since then, I have lost my wonderful Mother. We had a special relationship, I am an only child, and she was not only my Mother but also, my very best friend. She & my maternal Grandmother, played a major role in my passion for needle & thread. I am so grateful to them both, for the wisdom they imparted.
I also lost my very dear friend, to breast cancer. She had a marvelous sense of humour, making quirky comments along the way. I remember her with great fondness and, also great sadness. Hug a friend or loved one, whenever you can &, whatever you do, never hesitate to see them anytime you can, even if you have to jump on a plane and travel to another state or country. On several occasions, I have hesitated too long.
I understand why another name for a quilt is 'a comforter'. There is nothing quite like wrapping yourself in a quilt for a nostalgic interlude.