Papers by Britt Klinteberg
Personality and Individual Differences, Oct 1, 2016
Personality and Individual Differences, 2014
On the psychobiology of impulsivity : On the psychobiology of personality: Essays in honor of Mar... more On the psychobiology of impulsivity : On the psychobiology of personality: Essays in honor of Marvin Zuckerman
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 2008
The objective of the present study was to identify personality characteristics associated with re... more The objective of the present study was to identify personality characteristics associated with reconviction and reimprisonment in severely criminal male subjects. A further objective was to assess whether personality traits are useful for identifying those offenders who cease versus continue a criminal career. Using KSP, EPQ-I and SSS inventories, self-reported personality traits were investigated in 100 incarcerated male recidivists (age

PsycEXTRA Dataset, 2011
The objective was to investigate to which extent two groups of women with substance abuse problem... more The objective was to investigate to which extent two groups of women with substance abuse problems were exposed to male violence; women with a residence (WR, n= 35) and homeless women (HW, n= 44). The sample thus included 79 women (mean age: 47.8 years), of which 91% had experienced different kinds of male violence: from former partners, male friends or acquaintances, and 71% reported “Countless occasions of violent events”. Almost half of the women (46%) met criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and HW displayed the higher risk (RR 3.78) as compared to WR. Furthermore, one-third of the abused women (26 out of 72) had been forced to commit criminal acts. Compared to the abused women without this experience, they were more likely: to be homeless, to be illicit drug addicts, to have reported parental alcohol and/or drug problems, to have witnessed domestic violence in childhood, and to have been victims of sexual abuse. Finally, the two groups significantly differed concerning ever having received treatment for mental problems, in that more WR women had received such treatment (74 % as compared to 46 %). In conclusion, it is suggested that experiences of male violence are to be considered in all different forms of treatment facilities for women with substance abuse problems.

Neuropsychobiology, 2002
The subjects were 130 male prisoners in Swedish jails were examined by SCID and the diagnoses giv... more The subjects were 130 male prisoners in Swedish jails were examined by SCID and the diagnoses given in terms of DSM-IV. The most common mental disorder was drug abuse. On Axis II several personality disorders were diagnosed. Personality assessments were made by KSP. High scores were mainly found for e.g. impulsiveness, sensation seeking, aggression and low scores in socialisation.MAO assays were performed in 99 male criminal offenders and in 60 non-criminal volunteers. Offenders had lower MAO activity than controls also with the confounding factor smoking under control. It is proposed that platelet MAO is linked to personality traits, which can predispose for criminality. For testing the existence of combinations of vulnerability factors, a configuration frequency analysis (CFA) was used. The criteria which formed the basis for the subgrouping were; MAO activity below or above –0.5 SD of the mean (L and H), the presence or absence of an Axis I disorder (= drug abuse) (Y/N), the presence or absence of an Axis II disorder (Y/N), or the presence or absence of an Axis I and II disorder (Y/N). In this way eight subgroups were formed. Two significant "types" were found among the criminals: One was characterised by low platelet MAO activity, Cluster B personality diagnosis as well as Drug Abuse Disorder diagnosis (LYY); and the other by a pattern of normal platelet MAO activity, no Cluster B personality disorder, and no Drug Disorder diagnosis (HNN). Also two "antitypes", occurring less frequent than expected, were identified; LYN and LNY. Thus, the aggregation of certain risk factors in the same individual has been shown to contribute to the development of criminal behaviour.The subgroups HNN, LYN, LNY and LYY were then analysed for a variety of criminological factors. There was a difference in mean age between the subgroups, the HNN being lowest. Economical crimes were more common at an early criminal debut and crimes involving violence at an adult debut. The HNN subgroup had a lower number of crimes and times spent in jail than the other subgroups. More than 50% of the clients in all groups had previously been sentenced to Reformatory.
Missbruk, kriminalitet och vald - Vad doljer sig bakom rubrikerna? Om vad forskningen visar

A new scale to assess pro-bullying attitudes, the Pro-Bullying Attitude Scale (PAS) was evaluated... more A new scale to assess pro-bullying attitudes, the Pro-Bullying Attitude Scale (PAS) was evaluated in 259 voluntarily recruited male juvenile delinquents in Russia. Exploratory factor analysis gave a two-factor solution: Callous Dominance (CD) and Manipulativeness/ Impulsiveness (MI). The subjects were divided into three groups (low, intermediate, high) according to their scores on PAS and its two factors. Low and high group Ss were compared and results indicated higher delinquent and aggressive behavior among high group Ss as assessed by the Youth Self Report (YSR) and violent behavior as assessed by the Antisocial Behavior Checklist (ABC), as well as higher scores on the personality trait Novelty seeking and lower on Cooperativeness as assessed by the Temperament and Character Inventory (Cloninger et al., 1994). High PAS and CD groups displayed significantly higher scores on psychopathy traits as assessed by the Childhood Psychopathy Scale (Lynam, 1997) significantly related to registered violent crime. Probullying attitudes are discussed as a link between personality and psychopathy on the one hand and antisocial and violent behavior on the other. The PAS is also discussed in terms of usefulness in identifying high-risk individuals for violent behavior among incarcerated delinquents and in preventing violence and bullying tendencies in juvenile forensic institutions.

Neuropsychobiology, 2002
Background: A Swedish male criminal population was grouped into personality disorder subgroups an... more Background: A Swedish male criminal population was grouped into personality disorder subgroups and investigated with regard to personality traits and platelet monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity. The main aim of the study was to examine the possibility of a risk factor combination by having low platelet MAO activity as well as belonging to a certain diagnostic DSM-IV axis I (drug abuse in the present series) and/or II subgroup. Methods: Personality disorders were grouped into clusters according to the cluster system used in DSM-IV axis II. The prisoners were grouped into five subgroups and each subject completed the Karolinska Scales of Personality selfreport questionnaire. The comparison group for the personality data comprised 51 non-criminal males from a longitudinal Swedish project. Platelet MAO activity was assessed for the criminals as well as for a control group including 60 non-criminal healthy male Caucasians. For testing the existence of syndromes, a configuration frequency analysis (CFA) was used. Results: The results showed low scores on the socialisation and high scores on the sensation seeking-related traits impulsiveness and monotony avoidance, and the somatic anxiety-related muscular tension in the criminals with any DSM-IV mental disorder, however most markedly in cluster AB and cluster B subjects. In addition, cluster AB subjects had significantly lower platelet MAO activity than controls. Two significant 'types' were found among the criminals: one was characterised by low platelet MAO activity, cluster B personality diagnosis as well as drug abuse disorder diagnosis; and the other by a pattern of normal platelet MAO activity, no cluster B personality disorder and no drug abuse disorder diagnosis. Conclusion: The aggregation of certain risk factors in the same individual has been shown to contribute to the development of criminal behaviour.
Psychiatric Genetics, Feb 1, 2010
Objective-Variation in the catechol-O-methyltransferase gene (COMT) has been associated with anti... more Objective-Variation in the catechol-O-methyltransferase gene (COMT) has been associated with antisocial behavior in ADHD populations. The present study examined whether COMT would predict antisocial behavior in a sample with high levels of behavior problems, not necessarily ADHD. Additionally, because previous research suggests that COMT may be associated with ADHD in males, association between COMT and ADHD symptoms was examined. Method-The current study tested whether variation in three polymorphisms of the COMT gene was predictive of symptoms of conduct disorder and ADHD, in a sample of 174 incarcerated Russian adolescent male delinquents. Results-The Val allele of the Val 158 Met polymorphism was significantly associated with conduct disorder diagnosis and symptoms, whereas the Met allele was associated with ADHD symptoms.
Aterfallsforbrytare - vilka var de? Nagra bakgrundsfaktorers inverkan pa aterfall i brott : Forsk... more Aterfallsforbrytare - vilka var de? Nagra bakgrundsfaktorers inverkan pa aterfall i brott : Forskningskommittens rapportserie
Aterfallsforbrytare - vilka var de? Nagra bakgrundsfaktorers inverkan pa aterfall i brott : Forsk... more Aterfallsforbrytare - vilka var de? Nagra bakgrundsfaktorers inverkan pa aterfall i brott : Forskningskommittens rapportserie
Autoantibodies against alfa-MSH, ACTH and LHRH in anorexia and bulimia nervosa patients : Proceed... more Autoantibodies against alfa-MSH, ACTH and LHRH in anorexia and bulimia nervosa patients : Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA

The subjects were 130 male prisoners in Swedish jails were examined by SCID and the diagnoses giv... more The subjects were 130 male prisoners in Swedish jails were examined by SCID and the diagnoses given in terms of DSM-IV. The most common mental disorder was drug abuse. On Axis II several personality disorders were diagnosed. Personality assessments were made by KSP. High scores were mainly found for e.g. impulsiveness, sensation seeking, aggression and low scores in socialisation.MAO assays were performed in 99 male criminal offenders and in 60 non-criminal volunteers. Offenders had lower MAO activity than controls also with the confounding factor smoking under control. It is proposed that platelet MAO is linked to personality traits, which can predispose for criminality. For testing the existence of combinations of vulnerability factors, a configuration frequency analysis (CFA) was used. The criteria which formed the basis for the subgrouping were; MAO activity below or above –0.5 SD of the mean (L and H), the presence or absence of an Axis I disorder (= drug abuse) (Y/N), the presence or absence of an Axis II disorder (Y/N), or the presence or absence of an Axis I and II disorder (Y/N). In this way eight subgroups were formed. Two significant "types" were found among the criminals: One was characterised by low platelet MAO activity, Cluster B personality diagnosis as well as Drug Abuse Disorder diagnosis (LYY); and the other by a pattern of normal platelet MAO activity, no Cluster B personality disorder, and no Drug Disorder diagnosis (HNN). Also two "antitypes", occurring less frequent than expected, were identified; LYN and LNY. Thus, the aggregation of certain risk factors in the same individual has been shown to contribute to the development of criminal behaviour.The subgroups HNN, LYN, LNY and LYY were then analysed for a variety of criminological factors. There was a difference in mean age between the subgroups, the HNN being lowest. Economical crimes were more common at an early criminal debut and crimes involving violence at an adult debut. The HNN subgroup had a lower number of crimes and times spent in jail than the other subgroups. More than 50% of the clients in all groups had previously been sentenced to Reformatory.
Papers by Britt Klinteberg