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The lack of quality career guidance in African high schools, caused by shortage of human and time resources that the process demands, has led to the choice of unsuitable careers resulting in widespread poor performance at the workplace.... more
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If the growth of communication systems’ energy consumption continues at the present pace, it will endanger ambitious plans to reduce CO2 emissions and tackle climate change. Increasing the energy efficiency of such systems is thus clearly... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsSoftware ArchitectureSystem Dynamics ModelingGreen Technology
There has been a growing need of handyman services in most countries around the world which is attributed to several contributing factors which include, local demand, market influence, having second homes, commercial property maintenance... more
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    • Systems Integration
The last several years have witnessed a surge of activity in lightweight cryptographic design. Many lightweight block ciphers have been proposed, targeted mostly at hardware applications. Typically software performance has not been a... more
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Gradual patterns allow for retrieval of correlations between attributes through rules such as "the more the exercise, the less the stress". However, it may be the case that there is a lag between changes in some attributes and their... more
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Gradual pattern mining allows for extraction of attribute correlations through gradual rules such as:"the more X, the more Y". Such correlations are useful in identifying and isolating relationships among the attributes that may... more
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Existing approaches for extracting gradual patterns become inefficient in terms of memory usage when applied on data sets with huge numbers of objects. This inefficiency is caused by the contiguous nature of loading binary matrices into... more
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HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
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    • Computer Science
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mobile Telecommunication and Innovation
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      EngineeringEbola Virus
Swarm intelligence is a discipline that studies the collective behavior that is produced by local interactions of a group of individuals with each other and with their environment. In Computer Science domain, numerous swarm intelligence... more
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      Computer ScienceSwarm IntelligenceMetaheuristicHeuristic
We present EpidBioBERT, a biosurveillance epidemiological document tagger for disease surveillance over PADI-Web system. Our model is trained on PADI-Web corpus which contains news articles on Animal Diseases Outbreak extracted from the... more
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    • Computer Science
Mobile payments support a range of services in many less developed countries including everyday payments, migrant remittances, credit, tax collection, and welfare benefits. These services depend entirely on the mobile phone network as... more
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    • Computer Science
Resumo: Vários algoritmos de agrupamentos foram propostos na literatura. O uso de diferentes algoritmos de agrupamento, ou até mesmo de um único algoritmo, pode obter diferentes resultados quando aplicados em um mesmo conjunto de dados. A... more
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    • Business
An abnormal human gait has been identified as one of the key behavioral indicators used by CCTV operators to detect concealed firearm carrying. Gait has however been found to be significantly different in male and female more so that it... more
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Crimes involving the use of firearms have been on the increase in the past few years. One of the measures adopted to prevent these crimes is the use of CCTV operators at video surveillance centers to detect persons carrying concealed... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceComputer VisionHuman Gait Analysis
There has been an increase in crimes involving illegal firearms in the last couple of years. Previous studies have found that most illegal firearms are carried in a concealed manner. The detection therefore of persons carrying concealed... more
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    • Computer Science
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      Computer ScienceComputer SecurityCryptographyVoting